Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 952 Miyano Akemi’s Card “Colonel Moran”

The three friends of "Hideki Morohoshi" were a little flustered by the current scene, and instinctively followed the large group without saying anything.

Noah then pretended to have no objection and watched Conan enter the poker club.

But at the same time, it secretly observed everyone's position, touched the heavy gun on its waist, and showed a happy and playful look in its eyes.

Conan knew nothing about the "ghost"'s plan.

He opened the door gently and, relying on his low presence, slipped into the poker club smoothly.

This club is quite famous in the local area, and it happens to be night time, which is the best time to gather people to play cards. There were small round tables in the hall, almost all of them full. People from all walks of life gather here, their rough or elegant faces illuminated by the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

In the corner farthest from the door, the warmest and most spacious, there is a long solid wood table.

——Regardless of the material, size or location, this seems to be the "VIP seat" in this poker club.

Four people sat around the long table, sitting in pairs. They were wearing high-end and neat clothes, and they had mountains of chips and yellow spirits on their hands.

Conan's eyes quickly stopped at this table.

Not only because of this VIP seat, it shows its difference in every aspect. What's more, there was a woman among those four people - she was probably the only woman in the entire chess and card club.

The woman was wearing a black dress, her long hair was tied behind her head, and a dinner hat was tilted on her head. The thick mist-like black veil hung gently, and her face was hidden in it, making it difficult to see clearly.

The woman in black holds five cards in her hand, as does the person opposite her, and the two are playing Souha. At present, almost all the chips are on the side of the woman in black. The person opposite is losing cards one after another, and her face is not good-looking.

Conan glanced at the woman in black.

This familiar outfit made a person's name immediately appear in his mind, "Miss Anonymous" - that magical woman who jumped over the railroad tracks and buildings, but was unscathed every time.

Conan: "..." However, this outfit is not uncommon in this era. And the anonymous lady wouldn't just wander into the game, right? This is a game hijacked by Noah...

He stared at the hazy black gauze in front of the woman in black, trying hard to peek, but it was difficult to see clearly for a while.

Conan sighed and gave up for the time being.

He hid in a hidden place, pricked up his ears, and listened secretly.

After listening for a while, Conan was suddenly shocked.

——The people playing cards together were actually calling the woman in black "Molan".

"..." Colonel Moran here is actually a woman? !

After a while, Conan calmed down and quickly accepted this setting.

Just now at Holmes's house, when he was looking around unceremoniously, he saw the photos on the shelf.

——The above is a photo of "Holmes" and "Watson".

Conan looked around excitedly with the feeling of admiring his idol, and then discovered that the images of Holmes and Watson in this copy were actually taken from his father and Dr. Ali...

"..." With this scene, and seeing the female version of Moran in front of me...

Conan suddenly felt that there seemed to be nothing surprising.

Speaking of which, Moran seems to be cheating... I wonder if he can take advantage of this and find a way to get the information he wants.

Conan fell into deep thought for a moment.

Just as he was thinking about it, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder from behind.

"!" Conan was startled and turned around quickly.

I thought it was him sneaking in, but the store clerk discovered it and the unfriendly NPC was about to drive him out.

However, when he looked back, Conan discovered that it was not the clerk but Hideki Morohoshi.

——This little leader of the second-generation bears sneaked in without obeying orders, and even brought a bold companion with him. He asked Conan arrogantly: "How is the situation?"

Conan's forehead twitched: "...What are you doing in here?"

"Hideki Morohoshi" smiled like "I've seen through you" and said, "Don't try to take all the credit, glasses guy - tell me your findings quickly."

"..." Conan didn't want to talk to this naughty kid.

But if he didn't say anything, he was worried that this person would act up on the spot.

So I had to throw out the known clues first to stabilize them:

"Nothing else has been discovered, except that Colonel Moran seems to be cheating. I am thinking about how to use this to achieve our goal——

"You see, there is a cat on the cabinet behind her opponent. The cat can see her opponent's cards. Every time the unlucky guy touches the cards, the cat will reveal the cards to Colonel Moran. Hearts, Spades Just use your right paw for diamonds, use your left paw for clubs, whatever the card is, just pull a few beans of the same color to the side..."

As he spoke, Conan was silent for a moment:

...Are cats so smart?

"..." But forget it, it is the setting in the game after all...

Speaking of which, this cat looks very familiar - it is completely black except for its claws.

Conan remembered that this coat color was exactly the same as that of the cat that came to Yoneka Town a while ago and liked to hang out randomly at the Mori Detective Agency, Dr. Agasa's house, Jiangxia's house, and other nearby neighbors' houses. There was even one time when Conan was distracted in class. When he turned around, he saw a familiar cat head on the window sill. The cat was staring at Teacher Xiaolin, as if he was also listening to the class... This cat actually wandered into the game. ?

Conan: "..." No, no, no, how is this possible?

Cats look similar to other cats. Although a cat with this kind of coat is rare, it is not unique. It may be another cat entirely.

And from the current point of view, this game contains a lot of the designer's private goods - maybe this cat was compiled by Dr. Ali based on the dark clouds and snow cat.

"..." In short, for Conan, in a world where Holmes is his father, Watson is his neighbor, and Colonel Moran is a beautiful woman... a mere cheating cat is really not worth making a fuss about.

I was thinking randomly.

At this time, someone suddenly walked by.

The uninhibited sneer of "Hideki Morohoshi" suddenly sounded in the hall: "Ha."

"??" Conan was startled and looked over quickly.

Then he saw "Hideki Morohoshi" no longer hiding, but walked into the hall openly.

He raised his hand and pointed at Colonel Moran, and said loudly to her poker opponent: "Don't you understand why you keep losing? Because the woman opposite you is actually cheating! The cat behind you has been helping her. !”

The cat's ears twitched when he pointed at it, and its paws, which were carefully picking beans, paused slightly.

After a moment, it nonchalantly pushed the beans back onto the plate, quickly destroying the evidence.

Then it gave an innocent "meow" sound, jumped in an arc in the air, and ran into the arms of the woman in black.

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