Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 954 The Miyano sisters reunite. Please vote for me

Chapter 954 The Miyano sisters reunite. Please vote for me (〃〃)

The black veil covering "Colonel Moran's" face was lifted up at some point. The edge of the tulle is loosely pinned to the dinner hat on the head, revealing a gentle and beautiful face underneath.

...Miyano Akemi's face.

Hui Yuan Ai was hit head-on by the giant hammer of happiness. For a moment, all that was left in his mind was disbelief and confusion. She paused for a long time like a stuck machine. After a while, her lips moved.

Before "Sister?!" blurted out, Miyano Akemi suddenly raised her hand and covered her mouth.

The two of them were surrounded by a wall on one side and a round table that blocked their sight.

In this blind spot where all the players and NPCs saw, under Haihara Ai's wide-eyed gaze with tears streaming down her face, Miyano Akemi leaned down and kissed her tenderly on the forehead.

"Good night." Miyano Akemi couldn't help but smile. She looked at the dumbfounded sister in front of her, reached out and pinched her nice face, and whispered, "See you again when you have the chance."

While speaking, Miyano Akemi took some time out of her busy schedule and touched Haihara Ai's head. She was so happy that she blossomed - although usually, when she was still a Q-version ghost, she often lay on her sister's head and messed around. But now that it has a physical body, it feels really different.

"..." I didn't expect that she would have the opportunity to use her own appearance to see her sister and experience the feel of her sister's head... Little Noah is awesome.

Of course, the psychic owner who picked up little Noah is even better.

According to what a melon-eating psychic who has deep knowledge and fame said, after doing what you want to do.

Miyano Akemi raised her hand emotionally and flicked Haihara Ai's forehead, knocking her completely stunned sister offline.

——Xiao Ai seems to have been greatly shocked. It is not suitable to continue playing games now. It is better to log off and take a rest.

Moreover, if you continue to let her stay... what if she takes the initiative to surrender to the enemy?

There are enough moles now. There is no need for younger sisters to compete for jobs.

In addition, in the current scene, "taking refuge with my sister" means "being hostile to the players" - Miyano Akemi thought worriedly. Xiao Ai finally made many new friends. If she is really faced with this kind of situation, It's a devilish multiple-choice question. No matter what the final result is, she will be tormented in her heart and feel uncomfortable no matter which side she chooses.

In this case, as a sister, she would help her sister circle option "C".

——Choose neither.

Soon, colorful bubble-like light spots spread over Hui Yuan Ai's body, rapidly expanding, and she turned into light dust and disappeared into this space.

In the small corner behind the round table, Miyano Akemi was suddenly the only one left.

Her slender fingers curled up silently, recalling the wonderful and real feeling just now. Then he raised his hand and brushed the black gauze on the side of his head, letting it hang down again, covering his face.

As the veil swayed, Miyano Akemi suddenly became the mysterious "Colonel Moran" again, and she was even more energetic than before.

Also dropped on the ground was the gun that "Hideki Morohoshi" brought from Holmes' house and "accidentally dropped" in the melee.

The bottom of the gun handle is engraved with the words S·H - Sherlock Holmes, which means that it belongs to Sherlock Holmes.

Miyano Akemi picked up the fallen gun, glanced at the bottom of the gun, and took a meaningful look.

Then she stood up from behind the round table and slowly scanned the room.

With the enthusiastic cooperation of the inner ghost, after a melee, the number of players in this dungeon was finally reduced to a normal level.

Unfortunately, the Young Detective Team was all wiped out, and one of Morohoshi Hideki's friends also "died". Now there are only two female high school students left in the hall, Conan, Hideki Morohoshi and the two children over there.

In the room, "Moriarty's lackeys" formed a small circle, blocking the player in the middle.

Miyano Akemi secretly glanced at the lines of "Colonel Moran".

Then he walked over with the gun he just picked up, raised his hand, and pointed the black muzzle at the player: "I originally planned to catch you and ask who your subordinates are... But now it seems that this is not necessary - —This gun belongs to Holmes. You are the 'Baker Street Guerrillas' he created..."

Before he finished speaking, Conan suddenly rushed out.

In the midst of Miyano Akemi's release, he slammed into the arms of a man with a mustache next to him, then pulled out the wine from the NPC's arms, jumped onto the table, and raised the bottle of wine in his hand high: "Don't even move!"

Just now, before Morohoshi Hideki jumped out to cause trouble and Conan was observing "Colonel Moran" intently, he discovered a problem.

——There is an empty seat at the top of the long table where Moran is sitting.

The other chairs, including the one where Colonel Moran sat, were just ordinary wooden chairs.

But the chair at the top is a gorgeous high-backed chair. Moreover, there was a bottle of unopened wine and a goblet placed on the table in that position. It looked like he was waiting for a guest more distinguished than "Colonel Moran".

At first, although Conan noticed this suspicion, he didn't have time to think too much about it.

But just now, when the melee started, he found that the accomplice next to Colonel Moran did nothing. Instead, he picked up the wine bottle and protected it in his arms, worrying that it would be broken. It seemed like this It's a very high priority matter.

This made Conan wonder.

——The "guest" in the top position who has not yet arrived is probably Moriarty.

So now, Conan thought, maybe he could use this bottle of Professor Moriarty's favorite wine as a temporary "wine quality"? After all, they had no other option for the moment...

With this thought in mind, Conan raised the bottle of wine in his hand, suppressed the anxiety and uneasiness in his heart, and tried his best to show a confident smile.

He looked at "Colonel Moran" without fear: "If you shoot me, this bottle of red wine will break immediately! - If it breaks, Mr. Moriarty will be very angry."

Miyano Akemi: "..." In fact, it is better to hold up a box of ghost mint. After all, if the broken thing is wine, Noah can work overtime to rub it...

But now, after all, he is playing a villain, and his task is to prepare for the appearance of the boss.

In the end, Miyano Akemi just pointed the gun at Conan, snorted lightly and said nothing, which was regarded as acquiescence to his speculation.

The atmosphere between the two sides was tense.

At this time, the side door was suddenly knocked several times by "Dudu".

"Wonderful reasoning." Someone stood in front of the collapsed club door and politely complimented Conan's speech just now. The man smiled and praised, "——You are worthy of being a disciple of Sherlock Holmes."

As this unfamiliar voice sounded, the frightened players in the living room were startled and turned their heads to look nervously.

Different from them, the foreign thug NPCs in the circle next to them all lowered their heads respectfully.

Among them was "Colonel Moran."

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