Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 964 Moriarty’s Hobbies

After hearing this, "Hideki Morohoshi" clapped his hands as if he suddenly understood:

"'Jack the Ripper' is actually related to the victim. Did he kill for revenge? But besides Honey Charlest, there are many women who have nothing to do with him. Those people also..."

"It was indeed for revenge at the beginning." Conan sighed, "But the elite education of 'Professor Moriarty' turned Jack the Ripper into a perverted murderer - he couldn't stop the car."

Speaking of this, Conan's tone became solemn: "If a person wears a ring since childhood, his finger will become extremely slender as he grows up.

"In other words, the disguised Jack the Ripper is you!"

Following these words, Conan raised his hand and waved it down with great force, pointing to the end of the carriage.

There was a woman sitting there, with a long skirt that reached the floor, her hair tied back, sitting dignifiedly at the end of the seat, very beautiful.

Mao Lilan was about to rush over.

However, at this time, following Conan's direction and seeing the "Jack the Ripper" clearly, she was suddenly startled.

She blurted out: "But...but she is a woman! Jack the Ripper is obviously a man..."

As soon as she finished speaking, Mao Lilan suddenly remembered something and slowly covered her mouth.

"..." Actually, if you think about it carefully, Jack the Ripper was completely wrapped in a black robe, and his body shape could not be seen at all.

And "Jack the Ripper was a man" is just a long-standing stereotype. In this London copy, the vicious and cunning "Colonel Moran" can be transformed into a beautiful and elegant woman. That Jack the Ripper was a woman, it seems...

Also very reasonable?

Mao Lilan: "..." Maybe the "Professor Moriarty" here just likes young and beautiful female subordinates.

Um? Wait, talking about this...

Mao Lilan was suddenly shocked - after Yuanzi fell out of the car just now, she was caught by Professor Moriarty... Yuanzi was also a young and beautiful woman!

Thinking of this, her heart trembled, and she briefly felt vigilant and distressed that "my friend is about to be dragged into the darkness by the criminal mentor!"

But after thinking about what Sonoko said and did just now...

Mao Lilan: "..."

Perhaps it would be fair to worry about Professor Moriarty as well.

He looks really young, and judging from his dress and behavior, he is a conservative and polite gentleman. If Sonoko feels that "this is just a game anyway" and therefore lets herself go in the world of holographic games and makes some indescribable actions... hiss.

In addition, even if Sonoko really didn't resist the temptation and was taken under Professor Moriarty's command, then this is just a game after all, and judging from the current rhythm, it will be over soon... It's not a big problem, it's not a problem big.

Excessive tension and excessive new information caused a large number of thoughts to flash through Mao Lilan's mind in an instant. Her face was even redder than before, as if an overloaded computer.

Opposite Mao Lilan.

Matsuda Jinpei originally thought that after finding "Jack the Ripper", this high school girl who was very capable of fighting would rush over immediately. And he was ready to face it.

Unexpectedly, after Mao Lilan said "Jack the Ripper turned out to be a woman!", she stood there blankly, looking shocked.

Matsuda Jinpei: "..."

…It’s not okay to go on like this. The master of the psychic medium just said that we need to speed up the progress.

Thinking of this, he silently grasped the collar, pulled open the skirt on his body, revealing the ninja-like tights underneath, and used his actions to show the players that this thing was just a disguise put on by Noah without authorization. But on the inside, he is still him - a serious man from the inside out... or a male ghost.

As the skirt that was torn in half fell to the ground miserably, Mao Lilan finally turned around from her sluggishness.

She looked at "Jack the Ripper", looked at it carefully for a long time, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he finally came to his senses, kicked the ground suddenly, and shot Jack the Ripper like an arrow. Now, the reasoning about the truth of the murder case has been completed. As long as he catches the final boss on the train like a secret room, and survives In the end, everything will be over!

"Jack the Ripper" seemed to have expected her attack.

The moment Mao Lilan rushed over, Matsuda Jinpei took out two smoke bombs and threw them heavily to the ground.

Thick smoke exploded instantly, filling half of the carriage. Mao Lilan had no time to stop and ran headlong into the smoke.

Conan and Noah can't run as fast as Mao Lilan.

When they rushed to the edge of the smoke, they heard a clear "click" sound.

Soon, a violent gust of wind rushed in from the side.

——The window at the end of the carriage was broken from the inside, and the wind poured in from there, quickly purifying the air inside the carriage.

Without the smoke blocking his vision, Conan immediately saw the surrounding scene clearly, and his heart sank.

——A few seconds ago, the carriage was full.

But now, with the smoke blocking the view, in the blink of an eye, the train conductor, passengers, "Jack the Ripper", Mao Lilan... all disappeared.

He and "Hideki Morohoshi" were the only ones left in the car.

Two children stood alone in the carriage, observing the surroundings with vigilance and confusion.

On the other side, near Charlie Close station.

In an all-day coffee shop.

Suzuki Sonoko crossed her legs and sat demurely at the coffee table.

She held the warm cup in her hand and took a sip from time to time. At the same time, she looked shyly at the young man opposite. She was not at all as unrestrained as Mao Lilan imagined.

"..." It is undeniable that Suzuki Sonoko did have some similar ideas.

But now, sitting face to face. The Professor Moriarty in front of him looked like a real person no matter how he looked. It is really difficult for Suzuki Sonoko to treat him as a simple paper person.

In addition, after all, there was a large crowd here, and there might be a camera pointed at her, and her performance at this time was simultaneously broadcast to the outside world.

Today, there are celebrities outside. Those who can enter the game hall to watch the game are celebrities among celebrities... The second young lady of the Suzuki family also wants to save face and cannot do strange things to innocent paper figures in full view of the public.

In short, Suzuki Sonoko secretly thought: We must be steady. At least get through today.

Afterwards, I took the game cabin home, locked the door and played a single game. Whatever you want to do then...hey.

She held her face, a reserved blush appearing on her face.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..." However, to say "in the future"... it has to be after clearing this game.

Otherwise, they will be electrocuted to death by the hateful AI kidnappers in this game, and will no longer be able to enjoy a happy life.

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