Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 966: This is my knife. Please vote for me.

Chapter 966 This knife of mine is... Please give me your monthly voteヽ(〃〃)~

The next second, it was as if he was echoing Kudo Yusaku's reasoning.

The door of the control room was pushed open with a click from the outside.

Officer Takagi ran in quickly: "Mr. Kudo, we did a simple photosensitive reaction and fingerprint investigation on the short knife you mentioned. There is indeed blood stain reaction on the knife, and it has the same blood type as the deceased - so it seems that copper The knife on the portrait is probably the murder weapon. The fingerprints on the knife are consistent with the fingerprints of President Sindora extracted from the microphone."

Sindora's heart tightened, and she glanced at Kudo Yusaku with murderous eyes.

However, after all, he is a hero who has experienced great storms. Sindora is very different from the prisoners who immediately knelt down and cried bitterly as soon as the physical evidence was pointed out.

He sneered calmly: "What can my fingerprints prove? - Those bronze statues were brought from my house to decorate this press conference. I often play with myself. The collection was probably stained at that time.

"As for the blood on the knife... it must have been taken away from the scene by the murderer and poured on the knife to frame me - when a person stands at a certain height, whether he likes it or not, he will always attract all kinds of enemies."

Having said this, he sighed and shook his head secretly: "It seems that the enemy this time is particularly thoughtful and wants to frame me as a murderer."

The Mumu Police Department was a little angry when they heard this sophistry.

Just as he was thinking about how to expose it, at this moment, Kudo Yusaku, standing next to him, nodded slightly towards Takagi Wataru like he was commanding his younger brother.

Officer Takagi obediently pulled out a laptop from behind his back.

He turned on the computer and showed everyone what was on the screen:

"This is the video from the banquet hall that we retrieved. There happened to be a surveillance camera pointed at those bronze statues. I heard from the staff that because this is the private collection of President Sindora, they were worried about damage or theft, so they specially Additional surveillance was installed. Unfortunately, these surveillance cameras did not have night vision capabilities and could not capture everything in the dark. But they captured some strong evidence—"

Sindora frowned and turned back, glancing at the monitoring time on the lower right.

He suddenly realized something, and his falcon-like pupils shrank slightly.

at this time.

Due to the delayed playback of the black AI behind the scenes, the screen in the control room was still showing the scene where the conductor gathered the passengers. And the other side. In the picture, Suzuki Sonoko is holding up her skirt and cautiously following Moriarty towards a nearby cafe.

But in fact, in the current game, Suzuki Sonoko has already begun to fall asleep at the table, and the plot of "Surrounding up Jack the Ripper" on the train has also progressed to the final scene.

Jack the Ripper's identity was revealed after he threw away the smoke bomb in the carriage. Except for Conan and "Hideki Morohoshi", everyone in the car disappeared.

"...where are the people?"

Conan looked around doubtfully and suddenly realized something.

He turned around and ran towards the front of the car, pushed open the door and reached the power room at the front.

In the stove, coals burned blazingly. The driver who was supposed to be here was missing.

Conan checked in the carriage and turned pale:

"The braking equipment was damaged in advance..."

This train is moving forward at a speed of nearly 100 kilometers per hour, and it is still accelerating. Jumping out of the car at this time is tantamount to committing suicide. But even if they don't jump, if they continue like this, in more than ten minutes at most, they will drive into the terminal at high speed with the train, crash into the station, and eventually all of them will die.

Noah probably wouldn't be kind enough to count "died together" as clearing the level.

And if no player clears the dungeon, the out-of-control AI will electrocute all fifty people.

Conan: "..." Now, after thinking about it, the only way to survive this mass destruction train is to disconnect the connection between the front end and the carriage, and let the front end of the car, which is the power source, accelerate and sprint by itself, while they Stay in the car and stop slowly.

But this matter was impossible to accomplish with just the strength of two primary school students.

Conan murmured in a low voice: "No wonder..."

...No wonder the cunning Noah wiped out all the passengers in the car.

"Hey, glasses boy, stop being dazed!"

The panicked voice of "Hideki Morohoshi" interrupted him: "Don't you act like it's not a big problem? What should we do now! Where did 'Jack the Ripper' go??"

Conan glanced at the child and sighed inwardly, feeling that he could not let the despair spread among the few remaining people and affect their already bad situation.

So he avoided the topic of trains and focused on the solution: "Jack the Ripper will not disappear out of thin air. Sister Xiaolan is a player like us, and there is no reason to disappear suddenly - we have to find her first."

Speaking of this, Conan suddenly remembered something and glanced at the iron ladder outside the carriage.

Then he ran over quickly, braved the strong wind, and climbed along it to the roof of the car.

On the carriage, a young man stood facing the wind, holding a long rope in his hand. The other end of the rope was connected to Mao Lilan who fell to the ground.

——Mao Lilan, who disappeared with "Jack the Ripper", was now tied into a rice dumpling and lying firmly on the roof of the train.

Realizing that someone else was on the roof of the car, Matsuda Jinpei turned around and looked at Conan and "Hideki Morohoshi".

His hand holding the rope tightened slightly, and his mood was a bit complicated.

——According to the script given by Noah, now "Jack the Ripper" should laugh wildly, and then arrogantly threaten the two first-grade children and say, "I connected her to me with a rope! If I fall off the car , she will also fall off, you should think carefully before taking action!"

"..." However, Matsuda Jinpei's desire to survive told him that this "cunning plan" would, on the other hand, mean that if Mao Lilan fell, he would also fall.

But then I thought about it, it seems that ghosts don’t need a desire to live. And the psychic master is urging me. My current opponent is just a kid with glasses, but also a cute kid who always encounters cases and murderous intentions...

Just put some water in it.

Thinking of this, Matsuda Jinpei gave up thinking. He raised his hand and tied the other end of the rope firmly around his waist.

Then he squatted down, held the short knife and turned it around, pressed the blade down, and touched the side of Mao Lilan's neck, showing a little sneer:

"You have been able to trace this all the way. It seems that you are not ordinary people. But no matter what means you have, I suggest you not to act rashly - your companion and I are now firmly connected by a rope. If I fall The car will kill her too."

Conan didn't expect that "Jack the Ripper" could really subdue Xiaolan in an instant.

He remembered what he was worried about just now, and looked at the short knife hanging next to Mao Lilan, which seemed to be able to cut off her neck with just one force, and tried to persuade him: "You have already killed the person you want to kill, there is no need to keep insisting on killing. Got it!"

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