This meaningful sentence has the biggest effect for Conan fans and audiences, making the organizational plan and purpose more confusing.

But when Noriko Amamiya is using it now, it makes Sister Bei feel that her purpose and origin are more confusing.

The aura that Belmod exuded after listening to it was different. Even though she was still disguised as a silver-haired murderer, she stood there with her deep eyes staring at the woman in front of her through the disguise.

Belmod's voice also turned from the surface hoarseness to Ning Ning: "Who, exactly, are you?"


Amamiya Noriko raised her hand and raised her hat, and smiled politely: "Is it your favorite wine?"

"Maybe the degree is a bit low."

Belmod clutched the rib that was hit and smiled at the woman in black.

Amamiya Noriko said with concern as if she had just found out that she had been shot: "Are you okay? Would you like to come to my house to sleep? My bed is very big."

"No, it's not good if you can't hold on."

With her silver-haired murderer appearance, Belmod looked at Amamiya Noriko in black knee socks and grinned.

"It makes sense, then please come here."

Amamiya Noriko nodded and stretched out her hand to signal her to go this alley.

"There is an abandoned building, you can hide in it, I will lead the FBI away, then, it is a pleasure to meet for the first time, and I am very much looking forward to seeing you next time. Good luck."

Politely took off her hat and bowed slightly to salute, Amamiya Noriko turned and walked to the side, disappearing into the alley next to her.

Belmod, who maintained the appearance of a silver-haired murderer, withdrew his gaze from the alley where she disappeared, paused for a moment, and walked into the alley pointed by Amamiya Noriko.

Baileys, she was sure there was no one with this code name in the organization.

For the time being, she still wants to find a way to escape the FBI's pursuit. As for whether Bailey really went back to divert the FBI, she couldn't be sure.

Belmod walked into the alley with a stern face for a while, and really saw an abandoned building with the door still open. There were stairs outside the building, which looked very old.

It's still raining outside, it's really not suitable to continue running with the wound, let's treat the wound first.

Belmod walked into the dark abandoned building while covering the bleeding wound.

Not long after, a taxi suddenly stopped downstairs, and Belmod leaned against the wall vigilantly when he heard the sound of the car.

Kudo Shinichi and Xiao Ran got off the taxi and found the handkerchief that Sharon gave to Amemiya Noriko, and the handkerchief that Noriko left for Xiao Ran was hanging on the outer stairs of the building, and was accidentally blown up while taking the taxi. .

Xiaolan wanted to get the handkerchief back, but Kudo Shinichi offered to go up and get it, and asked Xiaolan to wait for him below.

Then he came and walked into the alley and faced him. The Japanese with long black hair had almost the same appearance as the recently rumored road demon in New York.

And Xiaolan also noticed the gun handle sticking out of the pocket of the other party's trench coat.

"It's a gun..."

The taxi driver stuck his head out and shouted, "Miss! Get on the bus! He must be the serial killer!!"

After shouting, he saw Akai Shuichi's sharp eyes looking at him, and he was frightened when he saw it, and he kicked the accelerator and ran first.

Akai Shuichi looked at the appearance of the girl in front of him and said in Japanese, "Are you Japanese?"

Xiaolan was a little overwhelmed: "Yes..."

Akai Hideyoshi continued: "Have you seen a suspicious man? It's a Japanese with a beard dyed his long hair silver."

Xiaolan didn't know why: "No, I didn't see this person."

A car drove behind Akai Shuichi, and the man in the car got out and said, "Have you found him? Sir?"

"No, there is only one tourist. He probably didn't come to this street. The beast that I fought against will not let her prey go."

Xiaolan: "..."

Akai Shuichi wanted to take Xiaolan out of this dangerous situation, but Xiaolan had to wait for Kudo Shinichi, so she refused. From the current point of view, it seems that the current Japanese man with long black hair is a good person, and seems to be from the FBI .

Because the person who got in and out of the car was wearing a jacket with the FBI printed on the back, Xiao Lan still recognized it.

Since Xiaolan didn't want to leave, Akai Shuichi warned her again, and then took someone to leave. You can rest assured that the neighborhood is blocked by the FBI. Since she didn't see the silver-haired murderer, she shouldn't be there. here.

Xiaolan looked at the way they were leaving, and obviously she had to go to the nearby area to search, she couldn't help thinking: "The road demon is nearby, I have to tell Xinyi to leave here quickly..."

Thinking to herself, someone suddenly patted her on the shoulder, which startled Xiaolan, and when she looked back, it was Empress Kiko, who was greatly relieved: "Really, why is Kiko here, it scared me to death. ."

Amamiya Noriko blinked, "I'm really sorry for scaring Xiaolan when I passed by."

"No matter what, let's call Shang Xinyi to get out of here quickly. The highway demon seems to be nearby. I saw the FBI with a gun searching the neighborhood."

Xiaolan took Amamiya Noriko's hand and walked into the abandoned building to find her intention to go upstairs to get a handkerchief.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw red dots on the ground, and she couldn't help worrying that it was Shinichi's wounded blood. She quickly pulled Noriko up the stairs. While worrying about Shinichi, she blamed Shinichi for picking up a handkerchief for herself. It was possible that he was injured, and the case happened because he saved the murderer in the theater. All this made Xiaolan feel very complicated and blamed herself.

Amamiya Noriko had already seen Xiaolan's frown, and she pulled her so that she didn't have to run so fast: "It's alright, Shinichi he's definitely alright, and Xiaolan doesn't have to worry too much, I was the one who saved her in the theater. Man, I also gave you the handkerchief, and it has nothing to do with Xiaolan."

"Noriko...Thank you, but let's find Shinichi and get out of here."

Xiaolan stopped in her footsteps, smiled at Noriko, who was comforting her, and then squeezed her hand even tighter.

Amamiya Noriko said that I was really a comfort pioneer, and then I handed it over to that guy Kudo Shinichi. Xiaolan was too anxious and only had a high fever after she caught a little cold. It would be best to relieve it.

Walking up the stairs outside, suddenly footsteps came from the door in front. Xiao Lan thought it was Xin Yi hurriedly walking a few steps, but she saw a man with silver hair holding a gun, and his clothes were stained red with blood. The door came out.

Xiaolan's pupils shrank instantly, silver hair, blood, road demon? !

She subconsciously pulled Noriko behind her, and a hurried cry from Kudo Shinichi came from the upper floors: "Xiao Ran, run away!! He is the road demon!!"

Belmod turned his head to see Maurilan, and after seeing Noriko Amamiya behind her, he paused, then put on a comfortable posture, leaning on the guardrail with one hand, and pointed a pistol at Maurilan .

"He's right, miss, I thought I was hiding well, but I didn't expect to be discovered by that kid. If you want to hate, then hate why God arranged such a tragic end for you—"

Belmod said grimly, and at the same time took out a silencer from his pocket and installed it on the muzzle...

Then the old and inferior guardrail he was leaning on broke, and Belmod, who suddenly lost his support point, couldn't react at all.


The broken railing and her silencer fell to the ground.

Belmod stared blankly at Maurilan and Amamiya Noriko, who were desperately holding on to their clothes.

Xiaolan shouted with difficulty: "What are you doing! If you don't hurry up and grab my hand, I won't be able to grab it if you don't hurry up!!"

The complete release of water just ensured that Belmod wouldn't fall, Amamiya Noriko said, "It's terrible to fall."

"Damn, it will really cause trouble for people."

Kudo Shinichi jumped down from the stairs and joined the team that pulled the silver-haired murderer up.

He dragged the silver-haired murderer all at once, Kudo Shinichi didn't know he had such strength... His eyes turned to Amamiya Noriko next to him, it was you.

Amamiya Noriko said that she did nothing.

The silver-haired murderer stood up slowly, clutching the wound, and said excitedly: "Why, why do you want to save me, why exactly..."

Kudo Shin smiled and looked confidently as always: "Why do you need a reason for this, one person may have a motive to kill another person, but saving someone in a desperate situation won't take that much into consideration, right? "

Kudo Shinichi's words went into Sister Bei's heart, which made Xiaolan finally relieved. She, who had been trying to save the murderer and caused the case, finally understood that there was no need to save a person...

Then she became overwhelmed with fever and became more and more serious, her vision slowly blurred, and she lost consciousness.

Amamiya Noriko hugged Xiaolan, who fell behind, and looked at Shinichi and the silver-haired murderer.

Sister Bei may have a gentle place, and she is also a charming female star, but she is also a female killer who clears obstacles for the organization. Her mysterious identity and strange behavior often make her enemies shudder. At this time, her heart may be touched, but Subconsciously, he still slowly raised the muzzle.

The pitch-black muzzle was aimed at Kudo Shinichi.

Xin Yi's gaze towards the muzzle of the gun was very calm, and at the same time, his tone was quite calm and he said with certainty: "You better stop, you are injured now, it means that the pursuers are also near here, there is nothing on your gun. Put on the muffler and you can imagine the effect."

Kudo Shinichi confronts the silver-haired murderer.

He looked back at Xiao Lan, who had passed out in a coma. "It's just that I can arrest you now. I can let you go for the time being this time, and it won't be that simple when I meet you next time."

Saying that, Kudo Shinichi took Xiaolan who was in Noriko Amamiya's arms and hugged him, and while walking down the stairs slowly, without looking back, he declared: "Next time I will definitely match your guilt with the evidence, and let it be. If you don't have a chance to reverse the case, I don't believe that you can't be beaten to 18 layers of hell."

"It's very handsome, Xiaolan is fine, you can take a taxi when you take Xiaolan out of the alley and turn left. I have other things to do."

Amamiya Noriko said inaudibly in Kudo Shinichi's ear as she left.

"Be careful yourself."

Kudo Shin glanced at her, Amamiya Noriko with a cute and well-behaved smile, unable to see what she was going to do, but Amamiya Noriko, the silver-haired murderer who has been wounded by a gun should not be an opponent, right?

And he can be sure that Amamiya Noriko is definitely not trying to do something to the silver-haired murderer, otherwise he would not have saved the other party before.

Now worried that Xiaolan would not have the time to refute her, Kudo Shinichi took Xiaolan to the alley and went outside to take a taxi to the hospital.

Amemiya Noriko entered the abandoned building and changed her clothes.

Belmod, dressed as a silver-haired murderer, still stood on the spot with his eyes a little dazed, under the drizzling drizzle, and the feelings in his heart were a bit complicated, and even could not be described in words.

"Don't you need a reason to save someone?"

Belmod read it out softly, what a "coolguy", and a kind "Angel", and Noriko Amamiya...

After thinking about it first, her face condensed, and the sound of high heels stepping up the stairs came from her ears. Belmod walked to the stairs with a gun in hand and looked down.

If she guessed correctly, the person who came should be Baileys Bar?

Sure enough, the woman standing under the stairs was still the woman in a black trench coat. A black top hat completely covered her face, and she could only see her long smooth black hair blowing in the wind behind her.

"BAILEYS? Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Belmod spoke directly.

If this person knows the situation of the organization, or is also a member of the organization, it is not surprising to hide with her, even if there are many people with eccentric characters in the organization.

But if she is not a member of the organization, but knows the situation of the organization and has bad intentions, then she is an enemy.

She will not show mercy to her enemies.

Belmod thought to himself, and saw the woman chuckle and slowly put her hand on the top hat on her head, as if to take off the top hat to reveal her appearance.

That's Amamiya Noriko slowly took off her top hat, put it on her chest and smiled at Belmod, "Is the time interval between meeting again so short?"

Belmod looked at the other's face, and was quite sure that he had never seen the other. It was a very recognizable face, somewhat mixed-race, quite beautiful. If he had seen it, he would definitely be very easy to find.

It is quite easy to find. She has already memorized this face in her heart, and when she turns back, she is ready to use her strength to find this face. As long as she has seen it, she should not forget it.

Belmod said coldly, "What exactly do you mean?"

"Give you a bandage?"

Amamiya Noriko took out a bandage from the pocket of the windbreaker.

Then he continued: "The two children just now seemed very interesting. Do you know them? If not..."


Belmod directly raised the gun and pointed at the other party, his eyes were cold and ruthless.

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