Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 145: :gin:interesting

"Conan's Denial of Confession (

Amamiya Noriko waited in the car for a long time, and found that no one was coming to get the car.

I can't help but raise my eyebrows slightly, is it only those two people?

This possibility is very small, because she did not touch the car keys, otherwise there would be no need to pick the lock.

Turn the car on first.

Old-fashioned cars basically only need to pull out the wire under the ignition switch, then find the live wire, then connect the ignition wire and the live wire together, and finally hook the start wire to the live wire, the car can be started, and then take the wire It's over.

But, she can pry open the car door, not to mention this?

Insert the hairpin into the keyhole to explore and twist for a moment, the car starts, and the hairpin is locked, the commercial car that has been started is hers.

The sense of achievement is not very high. There are actually many luxury cars in Hawaii. Compared with those, this commercial car is not very good.

In a few months, maybe as they all become smartphones, the car will also become a password type, which will be more difficult, but the old car is still fine.

She suddenly felt a move in her heart. Could it be Master Qin who was staring at her from the building? Will Master Qin's Porsche 356A park in the parking lot of the building or nearby?

The idea is still a little dangerous, and maybe not.

I went back when I had time. There was still one person here who had yet to solve it. She had to wait for a long time, and she told the hotel directly. It stands to reason that the other party should have known that her companion in the bathroom was caught by the hotel or the police. Don't come for a run?

Pull the handbrake, put the gear on, step on the accelerator, and the commercial car rushed out.

"Brother, that woman drove away!"

Upon seeing this, vodka quickly reported to the elder brother.

Before Gin Jiu put down his binoculars, he watched the commercial vehicle speeding all the way, and came to stop at the bottom of their building. The woman who looked like a rich lady got out of the car and carried a suitcase, and casually refused the help of the parking attendant. He walked into the building in a hurry.

"Oh, interesting."

Gin put down the telescope, turned and walked back.

"Big brother?"

Gin calmly took out the sleeve from his pocket and put it on, put one hand in his pocket, and said with cold eyes, "Deal with this woman who brought me to your door."


Vodka quickly followed, and heard the elder brother say: "You look at the elevator."

He hurriedly leaned against the wall beside the elevator door. Seeing the elder brother standing at the entrance of the stairs, he felt that the atmosphere was suddenly very tense, and he couldn't help swallowing. As expected of the elder brother, full of confidence and decisiveness, that woman was dead. ..


The parking attendant at the door saw a silver-haired man wearing a black trench coat and top hat walking out, and he said aloud, "Sir, go slowly."

"Well, remember to stay away from that car."

The parking attendant listened to the other person's mindless words to himself with a puzzled look, and he couldn't understand what was going on.

The other party was obviously referring to the commercial car, driven by a very beautiful lady, but the other party declined when he wanted to help.

But let's be honest, it's not that there is a problem with the parking technology, it's that it shouldn't be parked there at all...

There was a car parked nearby, but he was attracted by the appearance of the other party, and he forgot to remind the other party that he had left and did not leave him the key.

"What does this gentleman mean by telling me to stay away from that car now? I don't remember he came with another tall man with sunglasses? And is he a little shorter than when he came..."

The parking attendant thought about it for a while, and then thought of the beautiful young lady. Suddenly, an explosion woke him up from his fantasy. He saw that the business car had quickly burned from the inside out! !

Only a few words appeared in his head, terrorist attack!

"Ah, come here soon!!!"

Jin Jiu, who was waiting on the roof, suddenly heard the familiar sound of an explosion, his face condensed, and he quickly walked to the window and looked down, just to see a car burning in the thick smoke of the fire.

It's the commercial car.

"What does she mean?!"

Vodka also felt bad: "Big brother?!"


Soon two people rushed to the downstairs hall of the building, and Jin Jiu was going to observe it. As long as he got closer, he could roughly analyze the cause of the explosion.

But the eyes of a parking boy kept staring at him, which made him very concerned.

Jin Jiu lowered the brim of his hat, stretched out his hand and pressed the opponent directly against the wall with great strength, and said coldly, "What have you seen?!"

"I-I saw someone just like you walking out..."

The parking attendant slammed into the wall behind his back, and understood the difference in strength between the two sides. He spoke nervously. He had already described the man's appearance to the security guards in the building. This guy could never run away, but he was a little dangerous. !

Jin Jiu let go of his hand and threw him to the ground, the other hand was about to stick out of his pocket, but saw a few security guards running out next to After seeing him, he pointed: "Terrorist!!! it's him!!"

"Big Brother!!"

Gin snorted coldly, turned around and ran out of the building with vodka, pulling a glass door in the hall halfway, and the shattered glass blocked the security guards who were chasing behind.

He and Vodka ran out and took a circle to the underground parking lot of the building. The Porsche 356A was still parked, and the monitoring of the building needed to be dealt with.

Gin walked quickly, and the condensed atmosphere around made Vodka dare not speak more.

been counted.

Gin's eyes were cold, and when he saw his car, he instantly remembered that when he left after Tropical Paradise last time, there was a woman riding a motorcycle to avoid other cars hitting him.

"Is it the same person? Your bodyguard is so funny, hehe."

Seeing the eldest brother's cold and cruel smile, Vodka straightened his back, just follow the eldest brother!

Not long after, inside the hotel.

Conan secretly stared at the suspicious hotel staff member, and the other party still revealed some strangeness everywhere. Although his eyes were concealed, they were definitely not the eyes or various reactions that a normal person should have.

Xiaolan looked down and touched his head in confusion: "Conan, what's wrong? Let's go to your sister Noriko."

"Ah, Sister Xiaolan, I want to go to the toilet a little bit, why don't we leave after a while."

Conan raised his head and simply said to Xiao Lan.

Compared with the situation that made him care about here, Amamiya Noriko must have done something bad, so he can take it easy with her.

Xiaolan heard the words and looked at the bathroom surrounded by police and hotel staff, nodded and said, "Then let's go to the next floor."

Conan was led by Xiaolan to take the elevator. When Conan saw the suspicious staff member following him, he wanted to take an elevator together?

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