Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 19: : 2 prisoners

lunch time.

Amamiya Noriko was eating the bento that she brought home. Naturally, she made it herself. In addition to being beautiful, her mother left her with better genes, so it was useless.

She is much better at acting cute and acting like a spoiled child. She occasionally thinks about who is the mother?

Kudo Shinichi didn't know what to do, and seemed to be keen to find the owner of the two love letters she received.

I saw that he was diligently taking notes in class, planning and classifying clues and the like.

The old detective.

Suzuki Sonoko took a small piece of chicken from Noriko Amamiya's lunch box and lined up, "Kiko really likes meat."

Xiaolan reminded: "It's okay to eat it when I was a child, now it's easy to gain weight if I eat it now."

"I'm the type with a high basal metabolic rate. Generally speaking, I can't gain weight even if I want to gain weight. Besides, I have fitness." No fear, Yumiya Noriko took out a small pot of cumin powder and asked Sonoko, "Do you want it?"

Sonoko shook his head, wondering what the basal metabolic rate is?

Xiaolan explained: "It is the minimum energy necessary to maintain basic activities of life. The more muscles, the higher the energy, right?"

Sonoko was curious: "Then why does Noriko keep getting colds and fevers?"

Amamiya Noriko had to say qualitatively, "Two things!"

Otherwise, the pictures of muscular men who have a cold and fever every day and are tender and tender will emerge.

By the way, Xiaolan is in the karate club and is on the verge of breaking out in combat. Sonoko is in the school tennis club. With sufficient training, they will naturally maintain a good figure.

Sonoko wanted to drink a drink, but he ate a lot of Amamiya Noriko's meat and didn't want to leave, so he decided to guess who should buy it.

Amamiya Noriko was defeated simply and neatly. With bad luck, she was defeated by Xiaolan and Sonoko in one round.

There is no way to lose to Xiaolan. The number of times Xiaolan has won the lottery and won the trip is a number worth counting.

There are also small tricks for guessing boxing to increase the winning rate, but she is not so boring.

"I want Coke!"

"Juice is good."


Amamiya Noriko wrote it down and went to buy it. The vending machine was at the end of the corridor, but when she passed by, she found Kudo Shinichi leaning against the wall and drinking canned coffee while looking at the small notebook in his hand.

"Why are you hiding here?"

Kudo Shin didn't look up: "Solve the mystery!"

"Oh..." Amamiya Noriko nodded. Could it be that this mystery is not the difficulty of Dr. Agsa, but the difficulty of Xiaoai? Nor should it.

"Is this coffee good?"

After buying juice and coke, Amamiya Noriko asked by the way.

"Black coffee, it's very bitter." Kudo Shin put the notebook back in his pocket, and was a little surprised when he saw it: "You help Xiaolan and Yuanzi buy drinks?"

"Are you so surprised? It's not because of your wife's luck."

Amamiya Noriko rolled her eyes.


Kudo Shinichi said that when talking to Noriko Amamiya, there were landmines everywhere, so why did he end up with a wife? What a shame.

Seeing that the famous detective blushed and did not admit or completely deny it, Amamiya Noriko shook her head, professional, and 99% of her IQ was used in solving cases.

She just came to water the little love flower occasionally, and then asked him how his investigation was going?

Shin Kudo's eyes lit up at a moment's notice.

I analyzed the material of the two envelopes and the time they put them in her shoe cabinet. Using this as a clue, I first locked the envelope this morning. According to his investigation, there are three sources of this envelope in the school, one is the student council, the other It's an activity committee, and one is a letter agency.

He checked for a long time in the morning, and now he can be locked as the president of the letter agency for the time being.

In fact, it is a letter club, composed of a group of people who love letters. He found that the student union has no record of using envelopes recently, so he ruled it out. The activity committee was busy with the Tianchang Festival recently and did not help him check this kind of thing, but he found that the activity committee’s The vice president and the president of the letter club are the same person, and he is responsible for purchasing the envelopes of this style.

The most important thing is that I saw the handwriting of the other party from the activity committee and the letter agency. After repeated comparisons, the confirmation was completed, and the other party came very early recently because of the activity committee, and had time to commit the crime. UU Reading

Kudo Shinichi's reasoning after investigation may be very exciting, but Amamiya Noriko scratched her head and finally chose milk.

"Can you listen to other people's reasoning?"

Amamiya Noriko held three bottles of drinks: "I want to say it's very exciting, but this person is not really important, anyway, I will refuse it in the afternoon."

Kudo Shinichi frowned. Damn it, he was looking for trouble.

He put on a face. Anyway, the process of solving the puzzle was very easy and did not look like a challenge. He returned the letter to Amamiya Noriko: "The other party is a very rigorous but idealistic person. You can do it yourself in the afternoon, you Don't you want coffee?"

"Yes." Amamiya Noriko nodded, then rolled her eyes at him: "Can a sweet girl like me drink coffee?"


I don't know why, it's more annoying than not listening to his reasoning carefully.

Amamiya Noriko went back with three bottles of drinks and a love letter mixed in with it. On the way, a classmate said kindly, "Do you need help?"

"Ah, thank you very much, but no need, it's just a few bottles of drinks. I think that classmate over there needs help more, thank you."

Amamiya Noriko smiled sweetly.

The kind-hearted classmate was ready to help out as if he had stepped on cotton, but he saw that it was his classmate who was holding a box of teaching materials.

"Da Tian-kun? Are you here to help me?!"

"No, I passed by."

Ota-san looked at Noriko Amamiya's retreating back, and let out a long sigh of relief. Although she didn't seem to have received the envelope from yesterday, she also talked to Amamiya-san today!

The female classmate holding a box of teaching materials stepped on his feet angrily,


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