Conan’s Devil Child Comes To the World

Chapter 104: The Boys' White Gives the Troupe Online

sunny saturday

Dr. A Li's house

"What? Are you going to a movie with Xiaolan tonight?"

When Dr. A Li heard Conan's words, he looked at him subconsciously, and said speechlessly, "But how do you want to date Xiao Lan when you look like this?"

ε=(ο`*))) Alas...

"What can I do? As soon as I see Xiaolan counting the calendar every day and looking forward to it, there is no way I can refuse her~"

Conan sighed, then said expectantly, "Doctor, why don't you just help me make a robot that is very similar to me, and let it go on a date with Xiaolan instead of me."


Hearing the words, Dr. Li spurted out the coffee in his mouth instantly, and said angrily, "If I could make this kind of robot, I would already be a billionaire!"

"makes sense."

Conan fell on the sofa helplessly. Even if he tried his best to use his smart steamed egg head, he didn't know how to deal with tonight's date?

There's really no other way, then the only option is to miss the appointment.

It's just that Conan couldn't help shivering when he thought of how Maurilan looked when he was angry.


"According to reliable information, a large amount of gunpowder containing ammonium nitrate was stolen from the Toyo Gunpowder Warehouse the day before yesterday. At present, the police have dispatched hundreds of manpower to carry out related searches..."

Watching the newly broadcast news on TV, Dr. A Li said with a serious face: "Isn't the gunpowder containing ammonium nitrate the raw material for making plastic bombs? If this matter is not good, there will be a major incident."

"Yes, if these gunpowder falls into the hands of some dangerous person, it may cause a big mess at any time."

"Ding ding ding..."

Hearing the sudden ringing of the landline, Conan quickly lowered the volume of the TV with the remote control.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Is Kudo Shinichi here?"

As soon as Dr. A Li finished speaking, a hoarse voice came from the microphone.

"Wait a mininute."

Dr. Li covered the microphone, turned to Conan and said, "Shinichi, I'm looking for your call."

Because Conan didn't live at home, the phone line at home was also transferred to Dr. Agasa's house, and Dr. Agasa helped answer the call.

"Looking for me?"

Although Conan was a little curious, he still stepped on his slippers, walked to Dr. A Li, and asked with a voice changer, "Hello, I'm Kudo Shinichi, what's the matter?"

"I was the one who stole the explosives from the Toyo Gunpowder Depot!"


Conan's face changed suddenly.

"Shinichi Kudo, I'm going to play a game with you next. In order to ensure that you can receive my instructions as soon as possible, please tell me your mobile phone number first~"

"I'm not interested in playing games with people like you, and I'm not obliged to give you my phone number!"

On the other side, Emperor Sengu, disguised as a sloppy man, heard the words, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said in a playful tone: "Really? Since you refuse, then I can only randomly detonate the bomb, will it happen then? Injuring innocent people? I don't know."


In the face of this kind of threat from Chi Guoguo, Conan scolded inwardly, but he could only choose to compromise and tell the other party his mobile phone number.

"Very good, I'll ask you to bring your mobile phone to Dixiangjinchuan Greenland Park. I have a gift for you. If you arrive late, those little devils will die." , hung up the phone directly.

"Greenland Park? What is it, hey hey hey..."

Hearing the blind voice on the phone, Conan's expression became very ugly. He turned his head and said to Dr. A Li, "Doctor, please contact Police Officer Mumu, I'll go meet that guy first."

"Xinyi, you must be careful!"

"I see."

After leaving Dr. A Li's house, Conan stepped on the solar skateboard and rushed towards the Greenland Park at the fastest speed.

At the same time, Suzuki Seimei and Ayumi are flying a cartoon kite in the shape of an elf in Greenland Park.

"Seimei, your fire-breathing dragon is flying so high!"

Suzuki Seimei explained to the three little ones while flying the kite: "When you fly the kite, don't pull the kite string too tightly. If you feel that the kite's pulling force has increased, you can properly fly the kite string. That way you can fly the kite high."

"Really! My water arrow turtle is also starting to fly high."

"Then my Bibi Bird can't fall behind!"

"My six tails too."

Under the demonstration and explanation of Suzuki Seimei, the three little ones quickly mastered the skills of kite flying, and successfully lifted the elf kite to a height of tens of meters.

"Seimei, why are they here?"

Conan, who hurried to Greenland Park, immediately noticed the four little kites flying kites, and hurried towards them.

After Ayumi saw Conan, she smiled and waved: "Conan, you came just in time. Would you like to fly a kite with us? Seimei specially prepared a fairy kite for us!"

"Sorry, I don't have time to fly a kite with you right now." Conan shook his head and asked anxiously, "Have you seen anything strange here, or a strange person?"

? ? ?

When San Xiaozhi heard Conan's words, he blinked his eyes in confusion. How could there be strange people or things in the park?

Suzuki Seimei thought for a while and said, "I haven't seen any strange people, but if you're talking about strange things, I think it's that toy remote-controlled airplane, right?"

Looking in the direction of Suzuki Seimei's finger, everyone discovered that at an altitude of tens of meters, a toy plane was hovering in the air.

Mrs. Yuan stared at the toy plane for a while, and asked in confusion, "What's so strange about this, isn't it a remote control plane?"

"It's not surprising to have a toy plane, but didn't you realize that there is no such thing as a remote control in this park at all?"

Hearing what Suzuki Seimei said, Conan and the others hurriedly looked around, but they didn't find anyone who was controlling this toy plane.


After confirming that there was something wrong with the toy plane, Conan didn't hesitate at all. He kicked a bottle of unopened canned beverage into the air, turned it into a missile and shot towards the toy plane.

"Conan, what are you doing..."

When Mrs. Yuan saw Conan suddenly kicking her own drink, she was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help grabbing his collar.


Before Yuan Tai could finish her question, the toy plane in the sky exploded instantly, turning into a huge flame.

bang bang bang...

The shock wave caused by the explosion directly blew the nearby tourists to the ground, and Suzuki Seimei and the others were also blown back again and again.

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