Conan’s Devil Child Comes To the World

Chapter 191 The King and the Loser (Second Update, Ask for Tickets)

To a certain extent, the danger of elixir is far greater than that of nuclear weapons.

Of course!

If the APTX4869 drug is really perfected, then ordinary people are definitely not eligible to take this drug.

After all, no matter what kind of society, it is inseparable from the bottom workers, and it is definitely impossible for the upper-level people to take the initiative to give up the cake.

So the most likely scenario is that powerful people can live forever.

And ordinary people can only work to death as before, and then give birth to a bunch of children, and continue to repeat this kind of life.

The end result is that the class is completely solidified, and the possibility that ordinary people want to turn over is infinitely close to zero.

As for ordinary people who still want to work together to overthrow the tyrant's rule like the ancient dynasties, it can only be realized by dreaming.

When those powerful and powerful elites have unlimited lifespans, they can spend hundreds or even thousands of years to learn all kinds of knowledge.

Ordinary people want to use just a few decades to surpass the thousands of years of hard work by the elites at the top. Isn't that fantastic?

In fact, the boss of the black organization should also be able to understand this truth.

If the APTX4869 drug is really perfected, then there are only two outcomes waiting for the Black Organization.

Either the black-clothed organization was jointly annihilated by various countries, and then all relevant drug information was divided up.

Either the black-clothed organizations use these drug materials to trade with the top leaders of various countries, so as to be completely washed ashore at one time.

If that time comes, maybe gin and vodka can join the FBI.

That's so ironic!

But then again, this kind of thing is actually quite normal, and it has happened countless times in history.

As the so-called 'successful king defeats pirates', the founding king of each dynasty was actually the biggest rebel leader of the previous dynasty.

Compared to those founding monarchs who made their fortunes through rebellion, the white-washing and black-clothing organization can only be regarded as a trivial matter.

For those kings who want to pursue immortality, let alone a criminal organization like the Black Organization.

Even if they sacrificed the lives of millions of people in exchange for an elixir of life, they would think it would be worth it.

Suzuki Seimei is not alarming. Looking at the history of mankind, has there ever been a war that was not for profit?

In history, there are not a few wars in which millions of people died, and which of these wars is more valuable than the elixir of life?

Suzuki Seimei stared at Haiyuan for a while, then suddenly reached out to touch her hair and said, "It's really hard for you."

? ? ?

Facing Suzuki Seimei's sudden intimacy, Haibara Ai blinked in confusion.

What worked so hard? Where have I worked so hard?

Although Haibara Ai didn't understand Suzuki Seimei's meaning at all, she did not reject Suzuki Seimei's actions.

After all, he is his own little angel!

Suzuki Seimei didn't mean to explain to Haibara Ai. He patted his shoulder and said, "Xiao Ai, if you feel tired, you can lean on my shoulder~"


When Huiyuan heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Then please, I just happen to be a little sleepy."


Haibara Ai opened her mouth in cooperation, then put her head on Suzuki Seimei's shoulder and watched the movie intently.

"It's really interesting!"

"Gomera is really amazing!"

"Although the face is a bit scary and the body is a bit small, Gomera is still the most powerful."

Unconsciously, after another hour, Yuan Tai and the others left the screening room with excited faces, and began to discuss enthusiastically in the corridor of the cinema.

"Okay, then let's go to the detective movie next!"

Because Conan had seen the Gomera series of movies when he was a child, and he watched the first Gomera movie back and forth several times, so he didn't have much interest in Gomera movies at all.

"Conan, what are you talking about?"

Hearing Conan's words, Ayumi pointed to the playlist on the wall and said, "There are two more movies to watch next! We're going to watch Gomera this morning."

Nani? !

Conan looked in the direction of Ayumi's finger, only to realize that there were still two Gomera movies, plus the first movie I watched before, the total duration was as long as six hours.

The most pitiful thing is that he has already seen these three movies many times.

This six-hour luxury movie package is too heavy.

"Okay~ You should watch less detective movies. It's also good to watch special movies and relax, I'm good!"

Suzuki Seimei patted Conan on the shoulder, and comforted him with some playfulness: "Otherwise, if you use your brain too much, it's easy to become bald like Dr. Agasa!"

"No... no way..."

Conan's face changed greatly, and he subconsciously touched his hair.

Others may not know it, but Conan knows very well that Dr. Li is only in his fifties!

Dr. Li's hair loss is so severe, shouldn't it really be due to overuse of the brain?

Then you have to take it easy, Conan really can't imagine what he looked like when he was bald.

The picture is too beautiful, the spicy eyes hurt!


A burst of thunder suddenly sounded, and Yuan Tai felt a little embarrassed and said, "I seem to be a little hungry."

Suzuki Seimei suggested: "I remember that the movie store here seems to sell popcorn and drinks. How about we go buy something to eat? We will watch a four-hour movie later!"



Seeing that Suzuki Seimei had spoken out about the finances, Yuan Tai and the others naturally raised their hands in approval and walked over to the movie store.

"Come on! Here are your drinks, three cokes, three coffees, and six buckets of popcorn."

The beautiful employee in charge of selling popcorn smiled and handed Suzuki Seimei's order to them.

"Sister, we only ordered four servings of popcorn just now." Suzuki Seimei couldn't help reminding him when he saw the two extra buckets of popcorn in front of him.

Because the appetite of children is relatively small, four buckets of popcorn are enough to eat, but Suzuki Seimei did not directly buy six buckets of popcorn.

"It doesn't matter, the extra two buckets of popcorn, even if my sister invited you to eat it!"

The beautiful employee showed a gentle smile to Suzuki Seimei and the others, but there was a hint of unconcealed sadness in her tone. She forced a smile and said, "And you are also our cinema, the last group of guests, so it can be regarded as a souvenir!"

"Last guest?"

When Liu Xiaozhi heard the words, he showed a puzzled expression.

Thanks to Xiaoke xk for the reward of 100 starting coins, and thanks to the brothers in the book city for the reward and support.

Brothers who have votes in hand, please vote! Ask for collection, ask for subscription, ask for all support duck~

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