Conan’s Devil Child Comes To the World

Chapter 336 Brain-disabled judges come every year (first update, ask for votes)

Fei Yingli said with a smile, "Then let's cheer each other on!"

"Then I'll take my leave."

When Lingzi Jiujio finished speaking, she also took two long legs and turned and left in a dashing manner.

Feeling the battle between the two strong women without the smoke of gunpowder, Conan's mouth twitched slightly: "Two terrible women."

"Lishan, Xiaolan and the others will be handed over to you."

Looking at the back of Reiko Kujo leaving, Fei Yingli's smile gradually subsided, revealing a solemn expression.

Concubine Yingri and Kujo Reiko were in court. Although there were many confrontations, and each time they ended in victory, she also had to admit that Kujo Reiko was indeed a very difficult opponent.

The most important thing is that prosecutors and lawyers are different in nature!

As a prosecutor, Reiko Kujo, her loss to Fei Yingri in court, will not have much impact on her.

And if Feiyingli loses to Reiko Kujo, then her myth of invincibility will be broken, and it will be a big blow to her reputation.

"Lawyer, don't worry, I will take good care of Xiaolan and Conan."

Kuri Shanlu also knew that Reiko Kujo was Feiyingri's formidable enemy, and she was in charge of the trial this time. The two would have a battle in court, so she did not want to see Feiyingri distracted by other things.

After Fei Yingli left, Li Shanlu took Maorilan and Conan to a nearby restaurant.

Conan took a sip of the juice and asked curiously, "Sister Kuriyama, what kind of lawsuit is Aunt Yingri accepting this time?"

"About a month ago, someone found the body of a male at a construction site in Beihu Township."

Li Shanlu put down the coffee in his hand and said with a serious expression: "The deceased was an office worker named Ping Zegang. After verification, he was killed by an iron pipe at the scene that hit the brain to his death.

At the same time, police were still at the scene and found a car key that locked a suspect most likely to commit the crime.

That person is the concubine's lawyer. This time, Usami Shinji, who is in charge of defense. "

Conan asked with some doubts: "Why do the police think so? Does the deceased have any grudge against him?"

Ryu Kuriyama sighed and said, "As far as I know, Mr. Hirazawa was drunk one day three years ago and pushed Mr. Usami's five-year-old son down the stairs of the station, causing his head to suffer. Severely wounded and died on the spot."

"very pitiful."

Hearing this human tragedy, Mao Lilan's eyes flashed a trace of unbearable color.

"It's so weird!"

A somewhat familiar voice suddenly came from behind Kuriyama Green, followed by Suzuki Seimei, frowning and walking out.

Seeing the appearance of Suzuki Seimei and Haiyuan Ai, Mao Lilan was a little surprised: "Seimei, Xiao Ai, why are you here?"

Hai Yuanai shrugged and said, "We happened to pass by here just now, but when Seimei saw you guys in this restaurant, he forced me to come here too."

"Sister Kuriyama, you just said that the deceased killed Mr. Usami's son three years ago, so shouldn't he still be in prison? Why was he suddenly killed in Cupido Town?" Suzuki Seimeiichi face puzzled.

Even if the death penalty in the laws of the island country is almost a decoration, if you commit murder, you must be sentenced to at least five years in prison!

Facing Suzuki Seimei's question, Kuriyama Green shook his head and said, "Mr. Hirazawa was indeed convicted of manslaughter back then, but because he was seriously drunk at the time, the judge gave him a suspended sentence as appropriate."

"Damn it! Isn't that judge mentally retarded?"

When Suzuki Seimei heard this, he couldn't help but let out a foul language.

If the judge who sentenced the case wasn't out of his mind, he must have received a bribe from Ping Zegang. Otherwise, how could a normal person sentence him like this?

If the crime can be exempted by being drunk, then if the prisoner wants to kill in the future, doesn't he just need to get himself drunk first?

However, Suzuki Seimei has to admit that there is really no shortage of such brain-dead judges in this world.

For example, a well-meaning person helps an old man who was hit, but is sentenced by a judge.

Or a case where a thief ran into someone else's house to steal something, was accidentally bitten to death by a dog raised by someone else, and in turn made the dog owner lose money.

In the face of this kind of judge who does not distinguish between right and wrong, ordinary people can only hide at home and curse their ancestors for eighteen generations, except to admit that they are unlucky.

"Seimei, don't swear, it's too impolite."

Mao Lilan first educated Suzuki Seimei, and then sharply complained: "Maybe that judge just drank too much water that day and accidentally drank it into his head."

Not to mention Suzuki Seimei feels outrageous, even Mao Lilan feels that the judge has a sick mind. How could a normal person sentence him like that?

It's no wonder that the police will identify Usami Shinji as the murderer, and watch the murderer of his son go unpunished. Which father can bear this?

To some extent, Shinji Usami was able to endure for three years before committing murder, which is already regarded as his amazing perseverance.

"Sister Kuriyama, after that Mr. Usami was arrested by the police, what did he say?"

Although Conan is deeply sympathetic to the tragic experience of Usami Shinji, he is still more curious about the truth of the case.

"Mr. Usami said he was drunk at the time, so he doesn't remember anything."

Hai Yuanai curled his lips in disdain, and said in a mocking tone: "If that's the case, then let the judge give him a suspended sentence as he did three years ago."

Since Hirazawa killed the son of Shinji Usami drunk just three years ago, he didn't need to go to jail, so now he was killed by Shinji Usami who was drunk, doesn't it just happen that he doesn't need jail time.

Can such a law really uphold justice?

It's too funny!

"I'm afraid this won't work. The judge who gave Pingze a suspended sentence three years ago was arrested and brought to justice by the police two years ago because of corruption and bribery."

Feeling Haibara Ai's mockery of the law, Kuri Shanlu's expression changed slightly, and then she said helplessly: "Also, Reiko Kujo, who is in charge of this case, is also a famous ace prosecutor, she is absolutely impossible to allow it. The prisoner used the argument of being drunk to exonerate himself."

In fact, normal people know that there must be something wrong with the judge's decision in the case of Pyeongtaek's drunken murder three years ago.

It's just that there are many loopholes in the law that can be drilled.

For example, according to the laws of the island country, the general homicide is sentenced to death or life or fixed-term imprisonment of more than 5 years, and some special cases can be reduced to less than 5 years.

I would like to thank the beacon opera lords for my reward of 330 starting coins, and thanks to the brothers over there in the book city for the reward and support.

Brothers who have votes in hand, please vote! Ask for collection, ask for subscription, ask for all support duck~

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