Inside the police station, Kogoro is interrogating Tomosari with Twilight, who has just sobered up, but gets a shocking news.

“You said you were led to where you were!”

“Yes! Some time ago, people often called me and said that they wanted to tell me the truth about my father’s death, but every time I went, there would be accidents, and I felt that someone wanted to frame me, so I took a knife to defend myself. ”

“Did someone frame you?” Twilight is more attentive to the case, so he will be suspicious

But Kogoro’s heart was on his daughter, and he immediately heard another message contained in Tosunari’s true words.

“You said that the murderer calls every time to tell you the location of the murder to frame you, that is to say, this time in Tropical Paradise, there will really be a murderer!”

Kogoro couldn’t sit still at this time, and Twilight also understood Kogoro’s meaning, and the two directly dropped Yu Chengzhen, who still wanted to continue to explain, and prepared to go to Tropical Paradise to rescue.

As soon as I left the door of the interrogation room, I bumped into Miwako, who was pressing on her hand, and a person who was unconscious was also considered a person.

“Sato, this is… Doctor Kazato! Kogoro recognized the person in Miwako’s hand at a glance and was a little surprised.

“This is, the prisoner who has killed the police in a row these days, the murderer of Dr. Ninnoho, and the suspect in the Tropical Paradise shooting that just happened.”

“Wait!” Kogoro was a little confused, “Doctor Kazato, isn’t he a doctor?” How could it be…”

“That’s right!” Miwako explained all the information she had previously investigated and Takashi’s predictions.

“And just now, this dangerous prisoner was still in Tropical Park, chasing His Excellency Policeman with a gun, and handed over to me after being knocked down, and the surveillance video of Tropical Park will also be sent later.”

“In this way, did you just happen to be hit by Zhaojun? No wonder you haven’t woken up yet! With a wave of his hand, two criminal police officers took the fainted Kyosuke Kazato away.

“By the way, Officer Sato, Teru-kun handed over the person to you, so what about the others, have they already taken Xiaoran back to the office?”

“No, Your Excellency seems to be taking Xiaolan to find a place to treat amnesia, by the way, let me tell you, I will give you a healthy Xiaolan tomorrow!” And said you definitely won’t find him now,”

“Ming… Tomorrow! When Kogoro heard this, he didn’t understand the meaning of Gao Yuanzhao, and his hands trembled with anger.

“Abominable!” Kogoro gritted his teeth and walked angrily towards the door of the Metropolitan Police Department.

“Mr. Mori, do you know where Teru-kun is?”

“I don’t know, I’m going back to the office to drink, otherwise I won’t be able to stay up tonight!”

However, he paralyzes himself with alcohol, and Kogoro is still very skilled at this.

At this time, a small car stopped in front of the Metropolitan Police Department, and Shiratori came out of it.

“Mr. Māori, are you going back?”

“What’s wrong, Officer Shiratori!”

“It’s just…” Officer Shiratori gave way and revealed Conan and the others in the car.

“Conan-kun and his friends have just cracked a prohibited item trade, and I would like to ask you, the guardian, to sit down next to the record.”

Conan is Conan in the end, the east does not light up and the west shines.

What happened in the Metropolitan Police Department, Gao Yuanzhao could probably guess, so he didn’t care at all, he just wanted to look at the woman in front of him forever forever.

“Don’t look at me like that, so shy… Teru-kun! ”

At this time, Xiaolan was wearing a white wedding dress, which was the one she saw on the float that displayed the wedding dress before.

“Hehe, Xiaolan has recovered her memory, and she really isn’t so attached to me!”

“What a thing!” Xiaolan shook her head shyly, and suddenly reacted.

“When did Teru-kun find out.”

“When kissing, after all, if you have amnesia, with the degree of attachment to me at that time, you will definitely not refuse me to stick out your tongue…”

“Yay!” Xiaolan screamed shyly and covered Gao Yuanzhao’s mouth.

“Too shy, don’t say!”

“Good, good, don’t say it! In other words, Xiaolan, you are so shy, what should you do if you marry me in the future, you won’t faint! ”

Gao Yuanzhao raised his hand to “surrender”, but the ridicule on his mouth did not stop.

“Total… You will always get used to it, Zhaojun you are so bad! Xiaolan muttered and complained.

“I’m bad, do you know how long I’ve been preparing for today’s gift!” Gao Yuanzhao’s face is full of “grievances”, whether he has amnesia or not, Gao Yuanzhao always has a way to deal with Xiaolan.


Xiaolan blushed and gently kissed Gao Yuanzhao’s cheek.

“Don’t say you’re bad, it’s just that you always tease me, so…” Before Xiaolan finished speaking, she caught a glimpse of Gao Yuanzhao’s smug look, and immediately knew that she had just been tricked.

Relieved, I also played the coquettish side that I usually didn’t show.

“Gift, I want to see it, show me!”

Such a cute Xiaolan, how could Gao Yuanzhao refuse, snapped his fingers, and the lights in the room went out instantly.

At present, they are on the top floor of a well-known large hotel, Gao Yuanzhao has covered an entire floor, and the room has been simply remodeled, and any possibility of voyeurism has been excluded.

As the lights went out, a tray slowly rose in the center of the living room, and on the tray was a white Russian egg.

“At this time, what I learned to do last time was good, and it was called ‘Our Memories’.”

Takato put his hands behind his back and introduced.

“Our… Recall! Xiao Lan whispered softly, suddenly remembering that the Easter egg at that time, when it met the light, would…

A beam of light passed through the egg, printing the picture burned inside the egg on the wall.

The scene is full of Gao Yuanzhao and Xiaolan’s past.

There is the “PK” that Taka Yuanzhao first saw;

There is Takato taking chocolate for Valentine’s Day;

There is Takato taking care of Xiaolan and does not look at the corpse…

There are also “detonating skyscrapers”, “the fourteenth goal”, “magicians at the end of the century”.

Of course, it is all the picture of Gao Yuanzhao’s final rescue.

The last picture is the picture of Gao Yuanzhao proposing to Xiaolan in a suit.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan covered her mouth and looked incredible.

And Gao Yuanzhao also took out the wedding ring at this time and handed it to Xiaolan.

“Will you marry me? Xiaolan! ”

Gao Yuanzhao can’t withstand Xiaolan’s innocence and cuteness, how can Xiaolan withstand Gao Yuanzhao’s comics? And they all officially confessed before.

“Hmm!” Xiaolan nodded, stretched out her left hand, and asked Gao Yuanzhao to bring a wedding ring for him.

Four “theatrical versions”, step by step, Gao Yuanzhao finally completely raided Xiaolan.

Although I didn’t get a license, I was married!

Gao Yuanzhao looked at Xiaolan with a happy face, smiled wickedly, picked him up, and walked to the bedroom.

Xiao Lan also had a premonition of what was going to happen, but did not resist but closed her eyes, with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth.

That’s good, Gao Yuanzhao breathed a sigh of relief.

I spent five or six hours, with the most accurate measurement, the perfect symmetry pasted, the super red double happiness, and finally it was not in vain.

Enter the cave room!

(The picture is of the P station, id=**)

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