“Brother Māori, wake up, wake up!” Maori Kogoro, who was sleeping, suddenly heard the twilight voice of his old boss and broke away from his sleepy eyes.

“Here it is…” Because of the sudden sleep, Maori did not react at all

“How could I be here! Why is Xiaolan’s face so red! Is that… Twilight Police Department, how did I fall asleep. ”

Ignoring Maori Kogoro’s confused thoughts, he only heard Officer Twilight continue.

“After our tests, Chock next to the deceased did not detect the saliva of the deceased in the part that was bitten off.”

“What?” Everyone present expressed great surprise.

“In other words, the chocolate next to the deceased was not the piece given by Miss Watanabe.”

Hearing Twilight’s addition, Sekiya Ka was the first to react and said to Watanabe Yoshimi.

“Great, so beautiful, you are innocent.”

Correspondingly, Chiyoko’s face changed, her fists under the kimono were clenched tightly, and then she looked at the kimono on her body.

Because of Takato’s burning gaze before, Chiyoko remembered that the chocolate on her body was at risk of melting.

So in the toilet, Chiyoko not only hid the wastewater, but also threw the chocolate.

Thinking of this, Chiyoko let out a long breath.

Twilight did not pay attention to the change in the expressions of everyone present and continued.

“However, we also did not detect toxic ingredients in all the dishes we used.”

Hearing this, several people present were stunned, chocolate is not, coffee is not, so what exactly….

In the face of everyone’s strange gaze, Twilight didn’t seem to mean an answer, but coughed, and then Conan jumped out, still holding an unopened bag of chocolate.

“This is a Valentine’s Day special chocolate bought at the XXX store, sister Watanabe, you should have bought it there.”

In Japan, because of the popularity of giving chocolates on Valentine’s Day, each store will launch beautiful packaged chocolates to attract customers.

“Yes… I bought it there because the store is relatively close and the pattern is more unique. ”

Watanabe glanced at the chocolate in Conan’s hand, and although she didn’t know the meaning of the other party’s question, she answered truthfully.

“Really? That’s so weird! Obviously, the chocolate next to the deceased was not sent by Miss Watanabe, so why is the packaging exactly the same? ”

“Does that mean that this chocolate bar was also packed at that store?”

Conan raised his head and asked himself in a cute voice, and Twilight cooperated and picked up the information in his hand.

“Yes, at present, we also have found the fingerprints of the counter attendant of this store on the built-in plastic packaging seal, but only the fingerprint of this waiter.”

“It’s so powerful, prisoner, not only did not leave poison residue, but also did not leave fingerprints.”

Conan grew his mouth and looked surprised, then pushed his glasses and said in a calm voice.

“So, brother, can you recognize a few of the people present, who has been to your shop to buy chocolate?”

At this time, an ordinary looking little brother came out, scratched his head, looked at the few people present, looked confused, and suddenly, as if he had found something, pointed to Chiyoko and said loudly.

“Ah! It’s this aunt, I don’t remember anything else, but I remember this aunt very well, because usually young girls come to this store, and this aunt…”

“Can you confirm that?” Twilight asked again.

“Well, at that time, this aunt was very particular and did not buy the wrapping paper sold together in our store, but directly wrapped it with a handkerchief.”

The little brother thought about it seriously, nodded firmly, and was taken away from the scene by the police after speaking.

“So, Mrs. Chiyoko, may we ask, where is that chocolate now?”

Chiyoko’s expression at this time was already panicked.

How did she know that the chocolate that she was smart and wanted to blame others had become her life at this time.

Swallowed a few mouthfuls of spit. Chiyoko pretended to be calm and said word by word.

“Where is there any chocolate, it must be that the little brother recognized the wrong person, I am all an Obasan, how can I buy Valentine’s Day chocolate?”

“In other words, Mrs. Chiyoko does not admit to having been to that chocolate shop.” Twilight lowered his head and asked with a serious expression.

“Of course!” Chiyoko still refuses to admit it.

“In that case…” At this time, Takato Teru stood up and slowly approached Chiyoko.

“We can only let Mrs. Chiyoko go to the police station first to get her fingerprints.”

“At the same time, we will compare all the fingerprints that can be sampled at that store with the fingerprints of Mrs. Chiyoko.”

“What… So many fingerprints…” Chiyoko was a little incredulous, and everyone present widened their eyes.

Among them, Kogoro, who had worked in the police station, was particularly surprised, and looked straight at Twilight, but only received Twilight’s affirmative look.

“Mrs. Chiyoko, it is the mission of the police to solve the case and uphold justice, so don’t doubt the determination of the police to fulfill the mission, I’m asking again, Mrs. Chiyoko, where did the chocolate you bought go?”

“This… This…” Chiyoko was still a little hesitant, she didn’t know if what Takato Teru said was true.

“Oh, by the way, don’t just ask Mrs. Chiyoko, maybe he really forgot? Just trouble you to transfer two more teams, toilet, kitchen, inch by inch to find well, maybe find more than chocolate? ”

“I paid overtime, this should not be a waste of police resources.”

Takato’s words became the last straw that overwhelmed Chiyoko.

Originally, she was sure that the police would not waste police resources to carefully search the room, let alone be interested in some bottled “water”.

It is a pity that she underestimated the sense of responsibility that Takato Zhao’s knowledge of supervision brought to the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department.

Most importantly, she underestimated Gao Yuanzhao’s obsessive-compulsive determination to force her to death!

When the case is over, Officer Twilight escorts Mrs. Chiyoko to the police, accompanied by Conan and Kogoro.

These two people originally came specially because they were concerned about Xiaolan and Gao Yuanzhao, and the transcript of the explosion case was not completed at all.

“According to the old man… Haha, I didn’t expect you to be so rich, brother, I have a request, I don’t know…” Kogoro pulled down the window of the car, and Takato Yuanzhao put it on almost.

Gao Yuanzhao, on the other hand, looked at the straight path that slowly left, thinking that his thesis seemed to be able to continue writing under a different name, and he was in a good mood.

“What’s wrong, Maori…”

“It’s just, lately… Ahem, aren’t you coming? The cost of wine is a little…”

“Well, I didn’t want to drink anything… Forget that you are in a good mood today, take a good record, and wait until you return to the office to surprise your brother. ”

“Really? Haha, dude is interesting enough! ”

After Gao Yuanzhao finished speaking, Kogoro saw Xiaolan who said goodbye to Yuanzi and slowly walked over.

“Xiaolan! I forgot to tell you in the morning, remember to bring a rich man home! ”

“Dad!” Ran was a little angry at Kogoro’s gibberish.

And Gao Yuanzhao touched his nose, it seems that he is going to go back with Xiaolan later, what is Kogoro hinting at?

(The Valentine’s Day movie is over, the next is the moonlight film, An can tell that I am male and female, the plot is absolutely real.) )

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