"Ding dong dong dong~~"

"It is now ten o'clock in the morning. From now on, the first day of the Suzuki Cup Ogu Lake Competition officially begins. All contestants please bring the five fish you have caught to the square in front of the conference before four o'clock in the afternoon to assemble! Ding dong dong dong~~"

A woman's voice sounded from the speaker, reminding the contestants.

Moto Kojima said with high spirits:"Okay! I must catch five fish, everyone, come on!"


Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya and Ayumi Yoshida both clenched their fists and raised their hands.

The four Conan people said they would find a fishing place by themselves, be prepared, and leave after bringing their lunch boxes.

After they left, Shinichi Takada spoke up Said:"Should we go fishing now or later?"

"My sister said she was going too, so I went to see if she was ready."Suzuki Sonoko said and ran away.

Mao Lilan smiled and said:"I hope you are lucky today and can catch fish."

Xiao Benxiajiang looked at Takada Zhen and said:"Takada, are you good at fishing?"

"so so."

Takada Shinichi shook his head. He didn't need superpowers or the energy he had cultivated through the Heart Sutra. He hadn't actually fished much, so naturally he couldn't match his ability. Although he said he was participating in a fishing competition, fishing with a few girls was actually just a fishing trip. It's just a relaxing activity. He didn't mean to cheat. It's best if you can catch fish. It doesn't matter if you can't catch fish.

Hearing this, Xia Jiang said with a smile:"So, everyone is almost a novice. Let’s compare it then and see who of us caught the most and heaviest fish."


Mao Lilan responded aloud. She was not very determined to win the competition. The reason why she agreed to the competition was to let Natsue Enmoto be more relaxed and not be immersed in the sadness of the death of 'Takehiko Caicheng'. She hoped that Natsae Enmoto would Can get over the 'sadness' faster.

Within a few minutes, Suzuki Ayako and Suzuki Sonoko came over with tools.

Suzuki Sonoko said:"My mother said she would go to our fishing place later. When she went By the way, bring our lunch with you."

"Then let's go."

Takada Shinichi raised his hand and walked towards Lake Ogu. The four girls, Maori Ran, Suzuki Sonoko, Subamoto Natsue, and Suzuki Ayako, left. The four of them took their own fishing tackle and at the same time each carried a water bottle to hold the fish.

Many people participated. The contestants of the fishing competition directly took a boat to fish in the lake. One or five people did not take a boat to fish in the lake. Instead, they found a deserted place and sat in the lake.

Fishing requires concentration and quietness, but Maori The four girls, Ran, Sonoko Suzuki, Natsue Subamoto, and Ayako Suzuki, started chatting after putting down the bait. They didn't care at all whether any fish took the bait. Shinichi Takada didn't say anything when he saw this, but instead happily chatted with them.

At half past eleven, Suzuki Tomoko called and asked Suzuki Ayako where the others were, and then came over with fishing gear and sushi for six people. She herself had not eaten yet, so she came here to dine with Takada Shinichi and others.

But in about an hour or so, Takada Shinichi and others only caught one fish. Fortunately, it was Suzuki Ayako who caught the fish. At that time, Suzuki Sonoko noticed that the fish bit the hook, otherwise she would not have been able to catch it. This fish.

When Tomoko Suzuki met Natsue Tsutomoto, her first thought was that this woman was also the woman of Shinichi Takada. After her daughter Sonoko Suzuki privately introduced Natsue Tsutomoto's situation, she realized that she had thought wrong. However, when she discovered that Shinichi Takada was talking and laughing with Natsae Tsutomoto from time to time, she knew that Shinichi Takada probably wanted to pursue Natsae Subamoto. She also believed that Shinichi Takada would definitely pursue Natsae Subaru in the future. After all, Shinichi Takada dared to do that to her before. , she didn’t believe that Takada Shinichi would ignore such a beautiful woman like Natsue Tsutomoto.

Time passed, although there was an additional Suzuki Tomoko, the so-called fishing by Takada Shinichi and others did not change, it was just that there was one more person to chat with. It was around

3:30 After a while, Takada Shinichi and others packed up and went back. At this time, the six of them had caught less than six fish in total, only five in total. Among them, Takada Shinichi was lucky enough to catch two. He did not use any abilities. It was pure luck; Mao Lilan was lucky enough to catch one, and Xia Jiang Enmoto also caught one. Including the one caught by Suzuki Ayako in the morning, there were five fish in total.

A few minutes later, the four Conan people came back dejectedly. They were even worse, He didn't catch a single fish, so he was laughed at by Suzuki Sonoko. However, when Mota Kojima learned that Suzuki Sonoko hadn't caught a fish either, he laughed back, which made Suzuki Sonoko very annoyed and vowed to catch a fish tomorrow.

"Ding dong dong dong~~"

"Dear contestants, the results of our first day of competition are now announced. The first place was Miss Nimagawa who caught 13524 grams!"

The results of the first day of the competition were announced after four o'clock. The one who caught the most fish today was Saori Natikawa, last year's winner.

This woman named Saori Nimagawa, Shinichi Takada finally saw it this time When it comes to her appearance, she is in her mid-twenties, with a single ponytail and a purple coat. Shinichi Takada can give her a score of 87, which is already very beautiful. As long as she is rated 85 or higher in his own opinion Takada Shinichi will not let go of any of the above women, and of course the woman Nagawa Saori is no exception. However, he has no intention of falling in love with Nagawa Saori. He plans to directly capture Nagawa Saori and then deal with this woman. The woman used the skill of true love.

After dinner, everyone went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Shinichi Takada came to the resting area of ​​the hotel for guests, and found that besides Saori Nimagawa, there was also a young man, who was exactly The winner of the previous year was Takuya Urugi. Ran Maori and other girls were still taking a bath. Shinichi Takada was not surprised. Although they went to the bathhouse at the same time, it was normal for women to take longer to take a bath.

Takuya Uruyu and Saori Nagawa was chatting, and Shinichi Takada intervened in the chat without being familiar with it. He just nodded and said hello to the two of them, then took a magazine and sat on the sofa to read.

A few minutes later, the young detective The three members of the group arrived except Ayumi Yoshida. The three of them had obviously just taken a shower.

About ten minutes later, Mao Lilan and Natsue Tsutomoto came over together with Ayumi Yoshida. Shinichi Takada only found out after asking. The Suzuki mother and daughter said they had something to do, but Mao Lilan and Subomoto Natsue didn't ask about what they were going to do. At this time, Takada Shinichi had the idea of ​​leaving, whether it was to find one of the Suzuki mother and daughter. Any of them will do._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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