Black Porsche 356A driving on the road

"Aipado Central Hospital, is that where the FBI jailed Kiel?"

There was a sneer on Gin's lips, and I have finally found you.

Kusuda Rikudou committed suicide. The black organization soon discovered that there was no news about Kusuda Rikudou, and knew that something had happened to Kusuda Rikudou, so they knew that Mizuna Reina was killed. The FBI is housed at Aipado Central Hospital.

"Yes. Vodka drove up the driveway:"But the partners who sneaked into that hospital have lost contact. If we let others sneak in to check, it would feel a bit procrastinating." Those guys will look down on the FBI who is lurking in the dark and watching us."

"snort. After the other party discovered it, more people were guarding it."

Ginjiu didn't take it too seriously. Now that he knew where Shui Wu Lina was, he had plenty of ways to solve the matter.

"You should thank me for this."

Belmod, who was sitting in the back row, smiled and said:"The information about which hospital Kil was seriously injured and which hospital he may have been sent to is the first one I got."

"If you say that, you should be more grateful to the person next to you."

Gin turned his head slightly and looked back:"If he hadn't rescued Kil and then sent him to the FBI, you wouldn't have been able to find out this information. Am I right, Du Kang?"

"You are right, Belmode, you want to thank me."

Takada Shinichi, who appeared as Du Kang, didn't pay attention to what Gin said. Instead, he smiled and looked at Belmod sitting next to him.

"Thank u? forget it."

Belmode looked at Takada Zhen and said:"Du Kang, although the boss has forgiven you, this is not something you can rely on unscrupulously."

"Don't make it sound like I didn't give anything."

Takada Shinichi raised his index finger and said:"Belmod, I have completed several tasks in a row and helped the organization get rid of several difficult people. I think it’s okay for a capable person to be a little more unscrupulous, what do you think?"

For the current Takada Shinichi, the black organization is nothing to him. It doesn't take much effort to get rid of it, but there is no need. The existence of the black organization means nothing to him. On the contrary, it is a spice in life


When Belmod heard this, he glanced at Takada Shinichi, said nothing more, and turned back to look ahead.

"Du Kang, I hope you will always be so useful to the organization, otherwise..."

Gin spoke with a threat. In his opinion, it would be better to eliminate the unstable factors like Du Kang. However, the gentleman valued Du Kang's ability very much, so he could only choose to accept it. Otherwise, regardless of Du Kang's outstanding ability, in his opinion, as long as he is willing to pay a certain price and devise a good plan, he can still get rid of him.

Takada Shinichi smiled and ignored Gin's words.

"By the way, how are we going to rescue Keir?"

Vodka interrupted:"From that hospital that has been surrounded by the FBI, if we act rashly, the existence of the organization may be exposed."

"Yes, the key is to snatch Gere away from the FBI as if nothing happened. The so-called snatching is..."

Gin couldn't help but laugh as he said it. It was too easy to 'rob' Kil. What was important was how he planned to rob people.

"What does this mean, brother?"

Vodka asked aloud, and he could tell that these words had another meaning.


Takada Shinichi suddenly said:"I don't care how you want to rescue Keir, and I won't interfere. However, if you have any intention of killing Keir and silencing him, I advise you to give it up. Otherwise, don’t blame me for intervening and disrupting your plan."

"Gin, you don’t really have such a plan, do you?"

Hearing this, Belmode couldn't help but frown and look at Gin. Thinking about Gin's character, it's really possible for him to do this.

"The gentleman has already said, if necessary, let me do whatever I want."

Although Gin didn't answer directly, the meaning of his words was clear enough.

"Keir's ability is pretty good. If she can be rescued safely, it would be better to rescue her."

Belmode said something aloud, but she didn't ask Gin to rescue Suiwu Reina safely. In fact, she was a little suspicious of Sui Wureina, but there was no evidence and no abnormal findings. It was just a It's just intuition.

Takada Shinichi said:"Gin, if you can't take Kil away safely, then leave this matter to me."Although it's a bit troublesome, for the sake of the life of Shui Wulian, a great beauty, it's better for him to do something."

"No, I can handle it."

Ginjiu refused aloud. He didn't want Du Kang to interfere.

"As long as the Kiel people are fine."

Takada Shinichi gave a warning and said nothing more.

Ten minutes later, the Porsche stopped by a street. Bermode got out of the car, and Takada Shinichi also got out of the car.

After the Porsche drove away, Bermode looked at Takada Shin said:"Dukang, what's the matter?"

Takada Shinichi asked with a smile:"Aren't you going to invite me to your place?"

"If you have anything to do, just say it."

Belmod has no idea of ​​flirting with Takada Shinichi. Now, no more than before, she is a woman with a man.

Takada Shinichi said:"I said that the ruler of wealth is my opponent, right? You seem to be very close to him"

"I don't understand you."

Belmod's expression remained unchanged, but she had murderous intentions towards 'Du Kang' in her heart. She didn't want her man to be harmed, even though her man looked very powerful.

"Belmode, you understand what I mean. I hope to get his whereabouts from you one day."

Takada Shinichi said with a smile. After teasing Bermod, he turned and left without waiting for Bermod's reply.

Bermod involuntarily put his hand on his right leg and touched the crotch under the hip-covering skirt. pistol, but she ultimately chose to remain motionless. Even if she wanted to kill Du Kang, now was not a good time.

"Du Kang, don’t force me to kill you."

After a while, Bermod murmured to himself and walked towards his residence.

Shinichi Takada, who left, turned into Hime Shinichi. He arrived at her place before Bermod and picked her up directly at the door. Belmode walked to the bedroom.

After a while, a mixture of high-pitched chirping and gasping sounded in the bedroom.

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