One day, Takada Shinichi was asked by Suzuki Sonoko to treat her uncle Suzuki Jikichiro. Naturally, he would not refuse. But after the diagnosis, he found that Suzuki Jikichiro was in good health and had no problems at all. What he had was a heart disease.

Jikichiro Suzuki often dreams about Kaitou Kidd at night. He wants to catch Kaitou Kidd so much that he sighs and forgets about food and drinks.

Originally at the request of Suzuki Sonoko, Takada Shinichi agreed to come up with a plan for Suzuki Jikichiro to capture Kaitou Kid, but Suzuki Jikichiro refused. According to Jikichiro Suzuki, he, Shinichi Takada, is the nemesis of the Kaitou Thief, and relying on Shinichi Takada's plan to capture Kaitou Kid, this is not considered his ability at all, and he has no shame to accept this honor.

Suzuki Jikichiro had a tough attitude and wanted to rely on his own team to come up with a plan to capture Kaitou Kid. Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko had no choice but to let him go.

Fortunately, Suzuki Sonoko knew from Takada Shinichi that there was nothing wrong with Suzuki Jikichiro's health, so she was not worried.

However, a few days after this incident, Shinichi Takada learned from Suzuki Sonoko that Suzuki Jikichiro had thought of a plan to capture Kaitou Kidd, and invited him to go see it with him.

The moon is at the zenith.

In the center of Ginza, a commercial center, there was a small booth with a pair of green sandals on it, inlaid with two huge, shiny purple gems, each weighing a hundred grams. These are the legendary gemstone sandals and purple nails, a fantastic item that Maria Tredia, the monarch of the Holy Roman Empire, was also deeply attracted to. It was a bait specially found by Jikichiro Suzuki to lure Kaito Kid into being deceived.

There were four bodyguards standing next to the booth with their backs to the booth. In addition, all the people attracted were blocked a few meters away, and there was no one in the gap in the middle.

"Yuanzi, is there really no problem with this? This is simply asking the thief to come and get it."

Nakamori Aoko asked Suzuki Sonoko. She came to see how Kaitou Kidd was caught. Although Kaitou Kidd was not caught every time, she was a little disappointed.

"There should be no problem."

Suzuki Sonoko knew that Nakamori Aoko hated Kaitou Kid, so she did not show her admiration for Kaitou Kid. Instead, she looked at Suzuki Jikichiro who was not far away and said:"But this time, Uncle Jikichiro seems to have some special plan."

"Let's just watch."

Takada Shinichi looked towards the booth and said:"Although there seems to be no protection this time, it is difficult to steal the treasure because of this. I would like to see what kind of methods Kaitou Kidd will use this time."

"We must catch that nasty thief this time."

Nakamori Aoko clenched her fists and expressed that she must not let Kaitou Kid go.

At this time, Nakamori Ginzo, who was with Suzuki Jikichiro, expressed his dissatisfaction with the security work. After all, there were only four bodyguards beside the booth, which in his opinion It's too easy for things to go wrong. Kaito Kidd can easily steal treasures.

Jikichiro Suzuki asked:"Then what do you think we should do?""

"How to do? This is it..."

Nakamori Ginsan held his chin and said:"It's like putting it at the highest point of the building where it's difficult to get to it...."

"That's it! That's such a stupid idea!"

Suzuki Jirokichi immediately interrupted:"I always feel that you policemen are always being fooled around by Kaitou Kidd without knowing it. If you want to fight against that Kaitou boy with white wings, watch it on the high-altitude stage. It seemed cool, but time and time again, he used those white wings to escape."


Nakamori Ginzo reacted immediately:"Is this display on the ground for..."

"That's right, it's just to limit Kaitou Kid's wings."

Jiyoshi Suzuki nodded and said:"Kaitou Boy is not a bird. Once it flies to the ground, it will be impossible to escape using a hang glider."


Nakamori Ginzo looked at the fans who kept calling Kidd's name and said:"If he blends into these people,..."

"Then just investigate carefully one by one."

Suzuki Jiroji said aloud, with a smile on his face. This time he will definitely be able to catch Kaitou Kidd.

"If you had received a warning letter from Kaitou Kidd, we would have already led a mobile unit to search the area and set up a protective net."

Ginzo Nakamori said angrily. This time it was not Kaitou Kidd who sent a warning letter to take away the treasure, but Suzuki Jikichiro who sent a challenge letter to Kaitou Kidd through the newspaper this morning. So far Kaitou Kidd has not A clear response. No one was sure whether Kaitou Kidd would come. Naturally, Nakamori Ginzo had no way to carry out search and protection work in advance.

After chatting for a few more words, Suzuki Jikichiro said that he had to explain something to the staff. Then he walked towards the broadcast truck parked nearby.

"Ah!!"Look, it's Lord Kidd!""Kidd!" Kidd!"...

After a while, white gliders flew from a distance, and Kaitou Kid appeared in the sky. His fans immediately cheered loudly when they saw this.

The helicopter arranged nearby by Nakamori Ginzo immediately flew over after Kaito Kidd appeared, shining its light on Kaito Kidd so that people on the ground could see it more clearly.

What's different from the past is that this time, Kaito Kidd's hang glider has an extra propeller at the end.

Suddenly, the Phantom Thief Kidd in the air revealed smoke, and then exploded. Pieces of smoke filled the air, covering the surrounding area.

At this moment, no one except Takada Shinichi could see clearly.

But the smoke disappeared just as quickly as it came, and just when the smoke disappeared, Kaitou Kid landed on the stand. In the eyes of others, this was Kaitou Kid falling from the air to the booth, but Shinichi Takada clearly saw Kaitou Kid running from the crowd to the booth and jumping on it.

Conan, who was also in the crowd, although he did not see Kaitou Kid jump onto the stand with his own eyes, he could guess the method used by Kaitou Kid, so he also knew how Kaitou Kid got up.

"Kidd! Kidd!"

The fans of Kaitou Kidd were very happy when they saw Kaitou Kidd landed on the booth. After cheering, they kept calling Kaitou Kidd's name.

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