"What these two recent murder cases have in common is that the first discoverer was someone close to the victim, and it is unknown why a dead centipede was placed next to the victim's body."

"What is even more curious is the case of Kai Gento, who died after falling from a cliff with his horse while practicing horseback shooting six years ago. But this should be just a normal accident and has nothing to do with these two serial murder cases."

Mouri Kogoro summed up aloud, pointing out the key clues.

"Um. Hattori

Heiji nodded in agreement:"There doesn't seem to be a dead centipede body next to the body, assuming the testimony of Ms. Yui Torada is true.""As he spoke, he looked at Ukahara Yui.


Uehara Yui said upon seeing this:"Although there are no centipedes next to the body, the fact that he refused to save him may be the same as the first case where my husband passed away."

"Do you want to die without saving anything? Didn't he die after falling off a cliff?"

Everyone was puzzled by Uehara Yui's words. They always thought that Kai Gento died when he fell from the cliff.

"As I said, it was an emaciated corpse."

Uehara Yui said in a low voice:"Perhaps when he fell from the cliff, his whole body hit trees and rocks, and his white Taoist uniform was stained with blood. Although they all turned black due to oxidation, the cause of death was starvation."

"Hungry...starved to death?"

"Yes, not only was my waist broken and I couldn’t stand, but the place I fell was directly under the cliff where no sunlight was seen all day long and no one usually passed by. Nearly a week had passed when I was found."

"A week's time?"

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but said:"Didn't I say that I have looked for it? Have you looked carefully?"

"Of course I searched carefully!"

Uehara Yui said loudly:"The police and the villagers were all dispatched, day and night, because the whole village admired the conduct of Patrolman Kai."

She told everyone that Gento Kai was the patrolman of this village. He was kind-hearted and full of justice. No one in the village had said anything bad about Gento Kai. Therefore, when something happened to Gento Kai, the whole village went out to look for him desperately.

Takada Shinichi asked aloud:"If that's the case, why haven't we found anyone after searching for a whole week?"

"That's because of fallen leaves. The person who answered loudly was Shigeji Torada:"Because it was unfortunately covered by fallen leaves, the body was buried until it was blown away by the wind." My brother Yoshiro's body fell on a rock with a better view, so it was easily discovered."

As the wife of Torada Yoshiro, Uehara Yui, there was no sadness on her face when she heard Torada Shigeji's words. She didn't have deep feelings for Torada Yoshiro, and the sadness she should have had had long been with Torada. Tian Yilang had already vented his anger when his body was found.

"Was the whole village looking for someone at once at that time? Conan asked aloud.

Shigeji Torada shook his head:"No, we started looking for people after dawn before my brother came back.""

"Start looking for someone? Uehara

Yui looked at Shigeji Torada in confusion:"Didn't you accidentally discover my husband's body on your way to the cave?""

"Okay...it looks like this."

Torada Shigeji's reaction seems a bit abnormal.

"What is that cave?"

Moori Kogoro looked at Torada Shigeji and asked

"It's just my personal hobby, it's just a simulated treasure hunt."

Torada Shigeji waved his hands hurriedly. He didn't want too many people to know about this matter.


At this moment, the door was opened, and it was Naotobu Torada and his wife who came:"What a hobby! If you never work hard and only indulge in unrealistic things, the Torada family will be embarrassed by you!"

"You have to be more upbeat, Fanci! The only heir to this family is you now, do you know?"

Tariei Torada made a similar noise. Both the couple were very dissatisfied with their son.

Shigeji Torada lowered his head and remained silent.

"So what did you find, Mr. Mori?"

Torada Naobu asked Mori Kogoro aloud, concerned about the progress of the case. There is not much progress at present. Mori Kogoro was cured and said with a stiff hair:"Well, the body of Mr. Ryuubi Koji's body is also like a righteous man. Like Mr. Lang, a dead centipede body was found nearby...."

"Speaking of Mr. Koji.

Uehara held his chin in his clothes and said,"Before my husband passed away, I would often have secret conversations with him, as if we were talking about whether to go or not.""

"I've heard about this too."

Torada Naobu said in a deep voice:"The two of them seem to have said that they will find a time to meet the one-eyed detective named Yamato in the near future. They also said that something big might happen, so you need to be mentally prepared.

Conan asked hurriedly:"Did you ask them what they were going to do?""

Torada Darong shook his head:"No, I just said that I can't disclose it for the time being."

Mouri Kogoro immediately said:"Then go to Ryuubi's house and ask, maybe you can know something."

At that moment, Mouri Kogoro and others decided to go to Tatsuo's house. Takada Shinichi was not ready to go, but Mouri Kogoro asked him to go together, so he had to follow. However, because it was about to rain, Takada Shinichi Let Mao Lilan, Toyama and Ye stay at Torada's house temporarily and follow Yui Hara.

When they arrived at Ryuubi's house, the sky was covered by dark clouds, thunder sounded from time to time, and it was clear at a glance that it was going to rain.

From Tatsuo Koji's father, Takada Shinichi and others did not know what Tatsuo Koji and Torada Yoshiro were going to do, but they learned that after Tatsuo Koji's death, Tatsuo Koji seemed very scared, so he Even while eating, he would mutter to himself, saying that it would be his turn next, that he would be killed, and that he would die under a curse. And the so-called curse was cast by the Torada family who had hated them for generations. Curse.

When Takada Shinichi and others curiously asked why the Ryuubi family and the Torada family hated each other, the Ryuubo family members were suddenly confused, and then said that they did not know why this was the case, but they had been treated like this since childhood. It was just for education.

The Takada Shinichi and others were speechless by the answer of the Tatsuo family, but the feud between the two families obviously had nothing to do with the case, so they didn't care.

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