When Takagi Wataru mentioned that the four deceased were reprimanded by Domoto for drinking and playing on stage at a concert a year ago, Mouri Kogoro asked a few questions after hearing this, and then said that he already knew the murderer. Who is it?

Shinichi Takada is very clear about Kogoro Mouri's unreliability. He simply does not believe that Kogoro Mouri really knows the truth. It is definitely nonsense, and Shinichi Takada does not want to be embarrassed along with him.

In view of this, Takada Shinichi immediately asked what the truth was, thinking that Kogoro Mouri would expose it after he told it.

However, Mouri Kogoro did not answer. He just said that he would know after going to Domoto's house, and then greeted Megure Thirteen to go to Domoto's house.

Because"Moori Kogoro" had solved the truth of the case many times in the past, Megure Thirteen still trusted Moori Kogoro, so he did not ask what the truth was and agreed to go to Domoto's house.

Takada Shinichi could only express his speechlessness and couldn't say anything else, so he could only give up and go with him. Mumu Thirteen and others are all going, and even Mao Lilan and Conan are going, so naturally he can't go.

"The murderer of those four dead people is you--Mr. Genya Domoto!"

After arriving at Domoto's house, the group expressed their intention to come and were greeted. Mouri Kogoro pointed at Domoto Gen and said that he was the murderer of the serial murder case.


Domoto Yiwa and Domoto Genya, father and son, were shocked. They originally thought that the police came just to tell them the truth of the case, but they did not expect that one of them was the murderer.

"Because you are a fan of Beethoven, and a super fan!"

When Mouri Kogoro told the reason, he was very proud, but others were shocked. They didn't expect that the reason he said would be this.

"I knew it."

Takada Shinichi complained speechlessly in his heart. He knew it would probably be like this. Fortunately, it was Mouri Kogoro who was embarrassed and not him.


Conan was also speechless. Before he came, he was as worried as Takada Shinichi, but he never thought that Mouri Kogoro's reason for accusing Domoto Genuru of being the murderer would be such nonsense.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Domoto Gen also stood up angrily, and at the same time he was very puzzled as to why the famous detective Mouri Kogoro thought he was the murderer.

"The reason why you killed those four people was because they played Beethoven's works drunkenly. This behavior was tantamount to blaspheming the great composer. The reason why you seriously injured Miss Riverside is because when you worked with her before, you had serious conflicts over the interpretation of the music. Miss Riverside has described this in detail in this collection of short essays."

Mouri Kogoro said, taking out a book he had prepared in advance, and then continued:"And the reason why you attacked Miss Qiu Ting was because she criticized Beethoven's Ninth during rehearsals...."

"Please wait a moment!"

Domoto Xian couldn't help but interrupt:"I really like Beethoven's music and respect him very much, but it's not to the point of fanaticism."

"No, this is not wrong. The proof is that you even made your hair look like Beethoven."

Moori Kogoro was very confident. He felt that this was evidence that Domoto Gen could not refute no matter what.


Domoto Gen also was startled when he heard this. He originally planned to argue no matter what Mouri Kogoro said, but after hearing the evidence given by Mouri Kogoro, he was stunned for a moment.


Megure Thirteen and others were also shocked. They did not expect that Mori Kogoro would give such evidence.


Conan couldn't help but slapped his forehead and sighed speechlessly. The whole evidence was as nonsense as ever.

"Everyone is drunk and I am sober. He is quite powerful."

Looking at the confident Mouri Kogoro, Takada Shinichi was speechless. At the same time, he felt that Moori Kogoro was also capable. At least he had a good attitude and would not collapse easily.

After Domoto Gen also reacted, he roared angrily:"Don't be kidding. Okay, okay, I was born with this hair style!"

"This is inherited from my deceased mother. If you don’t believe it, just look at the photo."

Domoto Genya said, he went to get a booklet from the shelf, spread it out and put it on the table. There were several photos on the booklet.

Takada Shinichi and others went over to look at it, and saw that among the four people in the photo, one of them A lady with a smile on her face, her hairstyle is exactly the same as that of Domoto Genya. Domoto Genya’s hairstyle is indeed inherited from his mother

"How about harming those four people and Miss Qiu Ting, the prerequisite is that I must be an avid Beethoven fan. Moreover, Ms. Riverside is a musician like me. Sometimes, it is inevitable that we will have fierce conflicts over the interpretation of music. But this is just because of the concept of performance. It would be extremely ridiculous to harm the other party just because of this reason.."

Domoto Gen also approached Mouri Kogoro. Because of his guilty conscience, Mouri Kogoro leaned back with a sneer on his face.

"Mr. Police Officer, is the purpose of your coming here so late to express such third-rate reasoning?"

Domoto, who had been silent on the chair beside him, waved his hand and expressed his dissatisfaction. Anyone whose son was accused of being a murderer for no reason would be dissatisfied.

"Besides, there is a very important concert tomorrow."

Mumu Shisan said:"Mr. Domoto, I know everything you said...."

"Anyway! Domoto stood up and interrupted:"

Please come back tonight. After the concert is over, whether you want to take notes or something, you can do whatever you want.""

The host Domoto said this with a wave of his hand, and did not hold Maori Kogoro accountable for his fault. It was natural that Megure Thirteen could not stay any longer, so he immediately said goodbye, and Takada Shinichi and others followed him.

After leaving Domoto's house, Mori Kogoro was still very confused and said that he must be right, but Megure Thirteen was too lazy to pay attention to him. If he had known better, he would not have wasted this time.

Takada Shinichi and Conan would not say anything, they It’s hard to say anything about his identity.

Megure Thirteen and others said goodbye to Takada Shinichi and others. Before leaving, they said that if Takada Shinichi and the others thought of any clues, they must contact them in time. Takada Shinichi and Mouri Kogoro should naturally Yes.

Takada Shinichi and others drove back to the office.

Late at night, Takada Shinichi teleported to Chigusa Lala.

Chigusa Lala was shocked by Takada Shinichi's arrival, but what would shock her even more would be what happened next what happened.

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