"Miss Fei, this is for you."

Takada Shinichi handed his phone to Feili and said:"Please call Officer Megure and tell him our reasoning. I will go and take a look under the lightning notice board to see if there is anything. Discover. It would be bad if there was no bomb there, but they let Officer Megure and the others run over and waste time. Feili took the phone and nodded:"Go ahead. Although the bomb should be at the lightning notice board, your caution is correct. I will tell Mu Mu my reasoning.""

"That'll trouble you."

Takada Zhenyi nodded and ran away quickly.

Feili opened the cover of her phone and was about to press the button when she suddenly thought that if she contacted Megure Thirteen, then she and Takada Zhenyi would watch the game together. Wouldn’t it be known to others?

"What are you thinking? We are not dating. If we are known, we will be known. There is nothing to be afraid of."

Fei Miles secretly spat, stopped thinking, and pressed the button. She was originally going to find out the phone number of Mu Mu Shisan, but she suddenly found her daughter Mao Lilan's phone number. After thinking about it, she called directly.

In the Maori Office, the mobile phone in Mao Lilan's pocket suddenly rang, which seemed very abrupt in the quiet office.

Mao Lilan hurriedly took out the mobile phone, looked at the call and reminded:"It's Takada calling."

Mouri Kogoro said hurriedly:"It may be that he has unlocked the code, but not necessarily. Xiaolan, press the speakerphone. Mao

Lilan responded, picked up the phone and pressed the speakerphone:"Takada, have you unlocked the code?""

"Xiaolan, it’s me."Fei Miles' voice rang on the phone.

"Mom, how could it be you?

Mao Lilan was surprised and said in confusion:"This seems to be Takada's mobile phone, right?" Why are you using it?"

"Let's not talk about it now. Is Memu with you?"

Feili didn't want to explain. The time was urgent, and she didn't want to explain over the phone.

Mu Mu Shisan heard the words and said,"Miss Fei, I'm here."

Feilili said:"The secret code has been solved by Takada. The blue boy and the blue zebra refer to the mascots of Tokyo Soul and Gamba Osaka, and now here at the Toto Football Stadium, the two teams are competing."

"Dongdu Football Stadium?!"

"Damn it, why didn’t I think of that?"

Conan was secretly annoyed. He liked football very much. Logically speaking, he should have immediately thought that the blue boy and the blue zebra were the mascots of the two football teams. Unfortunately, he was thinking about that for a while and never thought of it.

Mumu Shisan said:"So, the football stadium was bombed? Fei Lili said:"

To be precise, it was placed on the thunder and light display board. The code behind it means the thunder and light display board. Takada has already gone to see the thunder and light display board. I am also walking there now. If If a bomb is found, I will contact you again."

"I see! I know I was thinking behind it! Fei

Miles hung up the phone, and Hattori Heiji said loudly:"The rain coming from above represents the radical rain; there are people below, which refers to son; the left hand refers to the side of hand; it directly means, It refers to the word"shi"; the tree on the left refers to the word"木". If you use these four radicals to form a word, it will form the five words"Thunder Light Notice Board". Conan on the side smiled slightly. He had also thought of it, but it was hard to reveal his identity.

"very good!"

Megure Thirteen clapped his hands and said loudly:"Go to the Dongdu Football Stadium immediately. Brother Shiratori and Sato-kun, you must make good contact and make sure everyone in the football stadium is evacuated before four o'clock."

At that moment, a group of people left the Mori Office, got into the police car parked below, and headed to the Dongdu Football Stadium.

The police car had not driven far when the ringtone of Megu Shisan's mobile phone rang.

"Brother Takada, have you discovered anything?"

"The bomb was indeed tied to the lightning display board. On the pillar at the back, I vaguely saw a few bombs. I couldn't see exactly how many bombs there were. Officer Memu, you'd better do a good job of evacuating the crowd, otherwise once The death toll from the explosion will be incalculable."Takada Shinichi's voice rang on the phone

"I see!"

Mumu Shisan said in a deep voice:"I'm rushing to the football field now, and I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Mumu Shisan immediately asked the driver to speed up, even if it was over the speed limit.

Seeing Mumu Shisan's police car speeding up, the policemen in the other police cars didn't understand what they meant. Also speed up, speeding forward.

At the Toto Football Stadium, on the second floor below the lightning notice board, Takada Shinichi and Feili are standing here.

Feili is looking behind the notice board with a telescope at the moment. Bombs were found behind the display board and on the pillars. These bombs were relatively remote and would not have been seen unless someone specifically looked for them.

Putting down the telescope, Feili looked at the crowd under the lightning display board and said,"I really don't dare." Imagine how many people would die if the bomb exploded like this."

Takada Shinichi looked at his watch and said:"It is now 3:08, and there are still 52 minutes until four o'clock. It will take Officer Megure and the others about ten minutes to arrive, and it will take ten minutes to organize the police to evacuate the crowd.. Fortunately, there were still thirty minutes left, which was enough time for the crowd to evacuate.

Feili sighed softly:"I just hope there won't be a stampede by then.""She knows very well that if people learn that there is a bomb in the football stadium, they will definitely be very panicked. If they are not careful, a stampede will occur, and many people will definitely die.

"Let's get out, there's no point in staying."

Takada Shinichi turned and left, and said to Feili beside him:"I want to thank you this time. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known that the bomb was in this football stadium. Feili smiled and shook his head:"You can't say that. If it weren't for your reasoning, no one would have known that the bomb would be on the lightning display board.""

Takada Shinichi said a little embarrassedly:"We'd better not praise each other, I always feel a little embarrassed."

"You are right, the two of us really compliment each other. Feili smiled lightly and nodded, but there was an inexplicable emotion in her heart. She felt that the two of them cooperated so well, just like a pair of best partners.

Takada Shinichi and Feili left the Dongdu Football Stadium and came to When we arrived outside the Dongdu Football Stadium, we were waiting for the arrival of Meng Mu13 and others._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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