Arisawa Yuko first drove to the concubine's law firm. Takada Shinichi drove away the car parked there, and then followed Arisawa Yuko's car to Yuko Arisawa's house.

At almost half past nine, two cars arrived at Yuko Arisawa's house.

"I'm back!"

Arizawa Yuko called into the house, and then invited Takada Shinichi and the others to come in.

"These are my husband's shoes."

Yuko Arisawa said, but there was a pair of men's shoes placed in the entrance hall.

Hearing this, Feili looked at her watch and said:"It's almost half past nine. It seems that your husband strictly keeps time."

"Then I will call him out. Please wait in this living room for a moment."

As Yuko Arisawa spoke, she took Shinichi Takada and the three of them to the door of the living room. She opened the door without going in, turned around and left. Seeing this,

Shinichi Takada and the others walked into the living room, and saw many Arisawa items placed in the living room. Feili and Mao Lilan looked at Yuko's medals and trophies with great interest.

"I said."

Takada Shinichi walked to Feili's side."Didn't you find something wrong?"

"Are you referring to Ms. Arizawa Yuko's lack of a parking ticket?"

Feili withdrew her gaze from the trophy and turned to look at Shinichi Takada next to her. However, it was under Shinichi Takada's reminder that something was wrong before.

"It seems you found it too."

Takada Zhen nodded and said:"When she invited us to the hotel before, she said that she parked her car right next to the hotel and the parking fee would be cheaper, but then she couldn't find the parking ticket. Don't you think this is a bit too much? What a coincidence?"

"Yeah, I feel a little weird too. Feili nodded in agreement.

Mao Lilan, who was admiring the trophies and medals, couldn't help but said:"Mom, Shinichi, don't you doubt Ms. Arisawa because of this?" Maybe it's just a coincidence."

Takada Shinichi reminded:"I don't know if you have noticed. When we got in the car in the parking lot, Ms. Arisawa Yuko taught Ms. Concubine how to adjust the seat. At that time, she not only adjusted the seat, but also specially adjusted the seat. rear mirror"

"When I think about it, there seems to be such a thing."

Feili held her chin and pondered. After thinking about it, it was indeed such a thing, but she didn't notice it at the time. She immediately said:"It stands to reason that she should just remind me out loud. She shouldn't adjust the seat and rear mirror. That's right, unless the car was not driven by her before, so she needs to readjust the seat and rear mirror.

Mao Lilan asked:"That's not the car driven by Ms. Arisawa. Whose car could it be?""

"I don’t know this yet. Feili shook his head and looked at Takada Shinichi:"But now I can only say that something is wrong. If nothing happened, it would be a coincidence. We thought too much." But once..."

"Once something happens, Ms. Arisawa Yuko will be a serious suspect. Am I right?"

Takada Shinichi took over with a smile.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came, and Takada Shinichi and the others stopped talking about this topic.

"What about your husband?"

Seeing that only Yuko Arisawa came over, Feili asked.

"I don’t know where I went. I searched for the toilet, bathroom and other places but couldn’t find it. I don’t know if I went out to buy cigarettes after I came back. I called his cell phone to check."

As Yuko Arisawa replied, she took out her mobile phone and dialed the number.


"This is a cell phone ringtone."

The call was put through, and the four people in the living room clearly heard the ringing tone of their cell phones.

"Don't hang up the phone. Let's follow the sound."

Takada Shinichi made a suggestion, and the four of them walked out of the living room, followed the ringtone of the mobile phone to the storage room, and opened the door of the storage room.

They saw a man lying in the storage room with extremely obvious strangulation marks on his neck and his eyes closed tightly. , I knew something was wrong at the first glance.

"husband! husband!"

Arizawa Yuko dropped her cell phone to the ground and panicked.

Takada Shinichi, Feili and Mao Lilan couldn't help but look at each other. The previous conversations between the three of them all told them that this matter was not simple, and it was likely to be related to Arisawa. Yuko Sawa was related.

Shinichi Takada leaned over and checked. After confirming that Yuko Sawa's husband was dead, he took out his mobile phone to call the police and waited for the police to arrive.

Nearly half an hour later, the police arrived, led by Megure Jusan and Takagi Wataru. Two people.

After preliminary identification, it can be determined that the deceased was strangled to death. The time of death was around nine o'clock. Shinichi Takada and others told the story about the deceased being followed and going to wake up for a friend tonight, but Yuko Arizawa said that he did not Know who that friend is.

When Megure Thirteen and others thought that the deceased might have been killed by a stalker, Shinichi Takada pointed out that the ring on the deceased's hand was missing.

"I've noticed this before. Feili said:"

What you wear on your ring finger should be a wedding ring. Does your husband usually wear it on his hand?""Then he asked Arisawa Yuko later.


Arisawa Yuko nodded. Megure Thirteen guessed:"So the murderer might have killed for money?""

"I don't think that's the case, you see."

Takada Shinichi pulled up the sleeve of the deceased and revealed the gold watch hidden by the sleeve:"If the murderer killed for money, it is impossible not to take the watch, so I think it is possible that the murderer killed for money. Sex can be ruled out"

"Well, that makes sense."

Megure Thirteen couldn't help but nodded after hearing this, and immediately expressed the need to conduct an investigation in this home, and asked Takada Shinichi and others to go to the living room to wait for a while, and they would be consulted next.

When going to the living room, Takada Shinichi discovered that Feili deliberately Walking at the back, he asked Takagi to check the communication records of Yuko Arizawa and her husband's mobile phone. When he saw this, he didn't know that Feili was suspected of being in love with Yuko Arisawa, so he immediately decided to let Feili play her best. He could find out the truth in a few moments, so that he didn't have to do anything.

When they arrived in the living room, Takada Shinichi and Mao Lilan sat down on the sofa and started chatting in a low voice.

After several minutes, Fei Miles hadn't come to the living room yet. Here, this surprised Takada Shinichi, but he did not let the mirror clone check it because there was no need. Anyway, he would know it after asking Feili himself.

A few minutes later, the police consulted Yuko Arisawa on the sidelines. , Feilili walked in at this time and came to sit down next to Takada Shinichi and Mao Lilan.

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