"Ah, this..."

Faced with Mu Mu Shisan's inquiry, the man in sunglasses immediately spoke up.

But at this moment, Toru Amuro was the first to speak up:"According to my guess, he should also be a detective. But his client should be the groom's attendant. As for the investigation he was entrusted to him, it was whether the bride had been with anyone recently. things about people meeting"

"Although the bride's secret meeting place was successfully found, the man on the other side was wearing a hat and a windbreaker, and his face could not be seen at all. However, the man's voice he heard at that time was very similar to that of me who was a waiter here, so he deliberately asked me to go to his table to order food, and once again confirmed whether his voice was the same as mine, and finally used The hand gestures between them as a code tell Mr. Banba to confirm that they are the same person."

"And before that, the purpose of calling Mr. Banba on his cell phone to ask him to go to the toilet was to tell him that the man might be in the restaurant and he could confirm it right away. Am I right?"

"Uh..yeah, that's right. As a detective , the man in sunglasses was a little shocked, but he still nodded slightly:"However, I never expected that you were also a detective. No wonder you would get rid of me when I was following you.""

Facing the disguised compliment from the man in sunglasses, Toru Amuro shrugged and smiled.

"But Mr. Banchang."

Takagi Wataru said in confusion:"You know that Miss Hatsune secretly met with the mysterious man, why did you marry her?"

Mouri Kogoro also said:"Usually I should ask her herself."

"Because the detective I hired said that she never saw that man again after that incident."

Banba Raita explained:"Moreover, if she knew that I hired a detective to investigate her, she would definitely be disgusted. After all, our relationship is not close enough to tell each other that we are adopted children."

"It turns out that this is the same fate Mr. Banba was talking about."Conan secretly thought after hearing this.

Mouri Kogoro said angrily:"If you had entrusted me with it at that time, I would have seen through such a frivolous man at a glance."The frivolous man naturally refers to Toru Amuro.

"What do you think about this case? Feili touched Takada Shinichi lightly with her arm and asked softly.

Takada Shinichi said without thinking,"What do you think?" Of course I stood and watched."

"Let me tell you something serious. Feili rolled her eyes at him angrily.

Mao Lilan, who was standing on the other side of Takada Shinichi, also said:"Shinichi, what Mom is asking is your opinion on this case.""

"I know, I was just joking."

Takada Shinichi smiled, held his chin and said:"I think it was suicide. I didn't pay special attention to Mr. Banba before, but I think Mr. Banba didn't have a long time, and he was in the restaurant before the explosion. inside. Therefore, I think it is impossible to say that he went to the parking lot and had an argument with Miss Hatsune before the explosion, and then used some means to arrange the explosion."

"Is that so? Feili listened and said softly:"

My opinion is the opposite of yours. He had the motive to kill Miss Hatsune. Don't forget what he said when Miss Hatsune left before. And the skin flakes on the fake nails are the most important evidence."."

Takada Shinichi smiled and did not refute.

At this time, Megure Thirteen and the others talked about the reason for the strong fire, because car seats are usually made of non-flammable materials, but the fire was very strong tonight. , the reason is that there were a large number of spray-painted bottles, paper, cardboard and other things in the car, which contributed to the fire.

Megure Thirteen asked Banba Yorita why there were those things in the car, and Banba Yorita replied that they Originally, they planned to wait for the party to end. The two of them made some shapes with cardboard in the car, spray-painted the car to make some decorations, and then drove to the wedding venue of the two people in the decorated car, so as to give everyone a surprise.

In order to make Megure Shisan believe what he said, Tobaba Yorita even handed him his mobile phone and asked him to read a text message sent to him by Kamon Hatsune, which mentioned this incident.

Megure Shisan took the mobile phone. Finally, what he saw was a text message sent by Kamon Hatsune half an hour before she came back, so she said:"She said she would be back in 30 minutes. There is such a text message, right?"

Banba Laita responded:"Yes, it seems like she sent the text message over there at the nail salon."

"That is to say."

Megure Thirteen suddenly said:"You knew in advance that there was a lot of combustibles in Miss Hatsune's car, and you also clearly knew the time when she returned to this restaurant. Am I right to say that?"


Banba Raita couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this. These doubtful words couldn't be more obvious.

"What do you mean by this?"

"In other words, you can use the opportunity to sneak out of the restaurant, wait for her in the parking lot, knock her unconscious, put her in the car and set it on fire, then use the fire to burn the car and kill Miss Hatsune."

Megure Thirteen recounted his speculation:"Also, the fake nails she had just done tonight fell next to the car, and there was a small amount of skin flakes attached to the fake nails as evidence."

"Wait...wait a moment...."

Mr. Banba was panicked and wanted to explain immediately.

However, Memu Shisan did not stop, but continued:"From this situation, it is inferred that those skin flakes should have been left when she was attacked and resisted, and the possibility of catching the murderer is very high. Those skin flakes The DNA on the shavings is almost identical to the DNA on the hair left on your comb."

"But it's not exactly the same, is it?"

Banba Yori Tai was panicked. He didn't want to become a murderer for no reason. He immediately asked Mouri Kogoro for help, hoping that Maori Kogoro could say something for him.

Mouri Kogoro asked Tomba Yori Tai not to panic. He was comforting him. When Raita was a partner, Takagi Wataru asked Raita to cooperate with the police in making a formal DNA test. Raita couldn't refuse, so he agreed to cooperate.

"Did you see that? Feili smiled lightly and looked at Takada Shinichi, which meant that her guess was right and Takada Shinichi was wrong.

"Don't worry, keep reading."

Takada Shinichi smiled. Although he would not help, he thought that with Conan and Amuro Toru here, they should be able to find out the truth. _

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading - Collection, Recommendation

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