Mao Lilan asked:"So, what did Teacher Kodama say?"

"Teacher Kodama admitted that the two of them had been lovers before, but they had broken up long ago."Misaki Yanai replied.

"Well, that's really suspicious. Suzuki

Sonoko couldn't help but said after hearing this:"These two people actually appeared in the same school. That's why Xiao Nagisa, who has been worried about this for a long time, decided to commit suicide.""

"I don't think my sister would kill herself without saying anything. Misaki

Yanai shook her head and said:"If the other party betrays her, she will even throw back the wedding ring without hesitation. My sister is a free and easy person.""

"I don't think this has anything to do with Misaki's sister's death."

Hearing this, Takada Shinichi shook his head and said:"The relationship between the two teachers was only known after the police investigation, and before that, Misaki's sister had died."

"Takada-san, you are right. Misaki

Yanai nodded greatly, and then took off a gold bracelet from her wrist:"And my sister also gave this to me. You see, Xiao Nagisa's name is engraved on it. She hopes that I can go Help her request a resize from the store she purchased from"

"when did it happen?"

Takada Shinichi asked immediately after hearing this.

Misaki Yanai replied:"It was the morning of the day she committed suicide."

After hearing this, Takada Shinichi, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko immediately knew that at that time, Konagisa must not have known about the matter between Shibagaki-sensei and Kodama. In other words, it was impossible for Konagisa to do so because of this incident. suicide

"Therefore, I simply do not believe that my sister will commit suicide."

Misaki Yanai shed tears and was very sad.

"Misaki, don't be sad, I want to ask you a question. Upon seeing this, Takada

Shinichi said:"Is the general entrance and exit door from the atrium to the teaching building usually locked?""

"Uh-huh, no."

Misaki Yanai shook her head and wiped her tears.

"Then I think your sister probably didn't commit suicide."

Takada Shinichi heard this and said:"It can't be such a coincidence. On the day your sister was about to commit suicide, it can even be said that at the time when your sister committed suicide, the door was closed by coincidence. Obviously, this was a premeditated murder, and the murderer closed the door."


Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko and Yanai Misaki were shocked when they heard what Takada Shinichi said.

"But Shinichi.

Mao Lilan couldn't help but said:"Misaki saw her kill with her own eyes. No one killed Xiao Nagisa.""

"I did see it with my own eyes."

Misaki Yanai nodded.

"Sometimes what you see with your own eyes is different, but it may be a trap set by the murderer."

Takada Shinichi shook his head, and then said:"I will contact Miwako and ask Miwako to bring over the information related to this case. I will see if I can find anything."

"Thank you, please. Misaki

Yanai thanked her gratefully. Just through her retelling, Takada Shinichi found out what was wrong. She expected Takada Shinichi to unravel the truth about her sister's suicide.

Takada Shinichi got up and walked to the back room. Call Sato Miwako.

Watching Takada Shinichi walk into the back room, Yanai Misaki thanked Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko with a grateful face:"Thank you, Xiaolan and Sonoko."

Suzuki Sonoko patted Yanai Misaki on the shoulder:"Misaki, why are you so polite to us? As long as we can help you, that's fine."

"Sonoko is right."

Mao Lilan nodded in agreement, and then said:"Misaki, don't worry, no matter what the secret behind your sister Xiaozhu's death is, Shinichi will find it out."

"Um! Misaki

Yanai nodded heavily, and then said in confusion:"By the way, Xiaolan, Sonoko, you said that Takada-san is very lecherous and not a good person, but I don't think so. Do you have any misunderstanding?""

"No, not really."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko retorted in unison. This is what they are afraid of.

Yanai Misaki is a good friend of Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko before high school. They have always been in contact. They also know that Yanai Misaki is beautiful, and they know better. What kind of person is my man, so before introducing Misaki Yanai, I couldn't help but worry that Shinichi Takada would fall in love with Misaki Yanai. In the end, Misaki Yanai couldn't resist Shinichi Takada's charm, and finally gave them another sister.

Friends Return Friends, but Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko didn't want to have another sister, so after discussing it, they decided to discredit Takada Shinichi first, so that Yanai Misaki would not have a crush on Takada Shinichi, and they wouldn't have to worry.

But looking at the current situation, Yanai Misaki is obviously grateful to Takada Shinichi. Although this has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, they are still a little worried.

Suzuki Sonoko said:"Misaki, you don't know, he is actually riding two boats."

"Hey? Yanai

Misaki exclaimed, not realizing that Takata Shinichi would be such a person. She now hates this kind of man who has two things to do.

Mao Lilan nodded in agreement:"This is true, we all know this."

"Oh my gosh, I can't tell."

Misaki Yanai shook her head and couldn't believe it.

"What are you talking about?"

Takada Shinichi walked out at this time, but he ended the call with Sato Miwako, and he also heard the conversation between the three women, but he pretended not to hear and deliberately asked aloud.

Suzuki Sonoko hurriedly waved her hands and said:"Nothing, we are talking about Shinichi, you will definitely find out the truth."


Mao Lilan didn't dare to let Takada Shinichi know that they were talking bad about him behind his back.

"Xiaolan and Sonoko said that Takada-san, you are very powerful and told me not to worry."

Misaki Yanai said, of course she would not expose Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko.

"That's right."

Takada Zhen nodded and said nothing. He was not worried about the impact of Mao Lilan and the others' smear campaign on him. Anyway, he was not planning to fall in love with Misaki Yanai. When the time comes, a true love can be solved directly.

In fact, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko and the others were right. Takada Shinichi was indeed very lecherous. He had already fallen in love with Misaki Yanai and decided to take her down afterwards. It must be admitted that Misaki Yanai is indeed a beautiful girl. If she let this go, she would be punished by God. Struck by lightning._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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