
Takada Shinichi was awakened by the sound of gunfire.

It was dark outside, but this did not affect Takada Shinichi to let the mirror clone teleport outside to see what happened.

Through the mirror clone, Takada Shinichi saw several people divided into two parties The forces engaged in a shootout, and he knew all of these people.

On one side was the FBI, Shuichi Akai, Judy Stelling, Kamel and others; on the other was the black organization, Bermod, Cohen, Chianti and others.

Cohen He had been injured, but he was rescued by Belmod and Chianti and got into the car, ready to escape.

Although the FBI wanted to keep Belmod and others, unfortunately they did not succeed. In the end, Belmod and others escaped.

When Belmode and others fled, the FBI drove to follow. On the one hand, they wanted to track Belmode and others, and on the other hand, they also wanted to leave before the police arrived.

In the dead of night, gunfire suddenly rang out Not only did Takada Shinichi wake up, but all the guests in the hotel were also awakened, and everyone could hear that there was a gunfight, so they were all frightened.

As for the hotel, they naturally called the police immediately and asked the police to send people come over


Mao Lilan, who was a little worried because of the sound of gunshots, couldn't help but hugged Takada Shinichi's arm tightly and felt relieved.

"It's okay, Xiaolan."

Takada Shinichi gave Maori Ran a comforting smile.

Conan and Maori Kogoro did not come out of the room. After they were awakened by the sound of gunshots, they walked to the window and looked outside. The window of the room where they were located, Although they could see part of the fighting area, they couldn't see clearly due to the darkness of the night.

The sparks generated by shooting from time to time allowed them to barely see one or two scenes, and then after a while, the cars left one after another, and the gun battle ended.

After Shinichi Takada and Ran Maori went to meet Conan and Kogoro Maori, Kogoro Maori was worried about Manami Nakadai, so they went to find Manami Nakadai, that is, Curacao.

Of course Curacao will not be afraid of the gun battle. , but she still pretended to be scared and relaxed under the comfort of Takada Shinichi and others.

However, tonight's gun battle made Curacao feel a little heavy. She had some doubts that one of the forces in the gun battle was a black organization. The organization came to arrest her. As for why there was a conflict with other forces, she couldn't figure it out for a while.

As a Conan who had contacted Akai Shuichi, she knew very well that the gunfight that just happened was probably the FBI and the black organization..Obviously something went wrong when Akai Shuichi and the others were arresting people, so that they failed to arrest the person, or that the person was captured and then rescued, and then the gunfight broke out. In addition to being a little worried about the safety of Akai Shuichi and others, Conan , and hoped that they would be able to gain something this time, preferably catching a cadre of the black organization, or getting some important information.

Because there was a shootout, the police arrived soon, and the police who came There are a lot of police officers. Unfortunately, this is not Tokyo, so don’t even think about teams with stronger firepower such as mobile teams.

Although there are many police officers, they are all ordinary criminal police, let alone encounter criminal gangs with heavy firepower. Even a gang with average firepower but courage to fight might not be able to be dealt with by these police officers.

When the police arrived, Shinichi Takada and others could not sleep because the police still had to consult them.

This question lasted more than an hour. , it didn’t end until nearly five o’clock in the morning.

At this time, everyone could go to sleep.

However, Mouri Kogoro slept for a long time this morning. In the morning, the client Nakadai Hidetora and the others had already arrived, and he He hadn't woken up yet, so it was Maori Ran who went to wake him up later.

Nakadai Hidetora didn't come alone. In addition to bringing his secretary Hozoi Yozo, he also brought Nakadai Manami's fiancé Ehara Kenichiro.

Because Mori Kogoro Because he hadn’t woken up at the time, Takada Shinichi helped to receive him, and first went to inform Curacao, who was disguised as Nakadai Manami.

"Sorry, President Nakadai, I'm late."

After a while, Mouri Kogoro came down without cleaning up and ran over.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Mori!"

Nakadai Hidetora didn't say anything when he saw it, because Takada Shinichi just told them that there was a gun battle here last night, so his teacher Mouri Kogoro was busy until very late and fell asleep not long ago.

"By the way, where is Manami?"

Nakadai Hidetora looked at it and realized that he hadn't seen his daughter Nakadai Manami for so long.

"She was changing clothes in the room, but it should have taken so long to get better, and it was indeed a bit slow."

Takada Shinichi looked at his watch. It has been about ten minutes since he went to inform Curacao. It shouldn't take that long to change clothes.

"I'll go take a look."

Mao Lilan said and ran away.

"Xiaolan might as well go and have a look."

Takada Shinichi thought for a while after seeing this. Curacao probably wouldn't do anything to Mao Lilan, so he didn't go with him.

"Dad, Shinichi, come and see, something happened to Miss Manami."

After a while, Mao Lilan ran back and shouted from a distance

"problem occurs?!"

Hearing this, everyone ran over quickly and went to Nakadai Manami's room.

Nakadai Manami's room was in a mess, and Curacao, who was disguised as Nakadai Manami, had disappeared.

"Curacao...What are you doing?"

Takada Shinichi frowned slightly. This was different from his arrangement for Curacao. He asked Curacao to follow him back to Tokyo. There was no reason for Curacao to suddenly disappear. What was the purpose of Curacao doing this?

Although the room was messy, Shinichi Takada could see that there were no signs of a struggle. With Curacao's ability, even if members of the black organization suddenly came to the door, they would not be able to take Curacao away easily.

Therefore, there is only one possibility, that is, Curacao left on her own, at least because she wanted to leave subjectively.

Mao Lilan shouted:"Dad, Shinichi, the emergency entrance door is open."

Everyone went out from the emergency entrance and came outside the hotel. They found very clear tire tracks, which were obviously left not long after they left.

"What exactly is Curacao up to?"

With doubts, Takada Shinichi asked the mirror clone to search along the tire tracks left behind. These doubts will be clear once they find Curacao.

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