After Nanatsuki Koshizui appeared, Conan and Masumi Sera became more certain that this case was definitely not that simple. It couldn't be as simple as Banfujihiko killing Tatsuya Amagi and then committing suicide.

The murderer must be someone else, and the killing method used by this person was not surprisingly designed and provided by Koshimizu Nanatsuki.

Conan and Masumi Sera also walked towards the counter and sat down at the counter.

"Come on, please use it!"

Koshizu Nanatsuki served Sera Masumi coffee, and Conan a drink.


Conan and Sera Masumi politely thanked them.

Koshizui Nanatsuki smiled at them, looked at Conan with deep meaning, and then left.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki knew that Conan's true identity was Kudo Shinichi. The murder techniques she designed many times in the past were all solved by Conan. Some of them were because the design techniques themselves were not clever enough, and some were because the executors did not do a good job. But no matter what, you lose, and it is useless to make any excuses.

However, Yuoshui Qi Tsuki was not convinced. She felt that she could definitely devise a method that Conan could not solve, and she continued to study hard for this purpose.

"Yesterday Mr. Banto came to our store probably after noon. He came with Mr. Senno Yosuke, who teaches Japanese history at Abedo University."

Toyoko Kanemitsu talked about what happened at noon yesterday. Banfujihiko's family is a mansion with a long history. There are many things in his warehouse, so he asked Chino Yosuke, who teaches history, to help identify it. Unfortunately, Chino Yosuke is busy in the warehouse. After a few days, they found that there was nothing valuable in the warehouse.

After that, Banfuji and Chino Yosuke talked about being asked to go to Amagi Tatsuya to protest. At that time, Banfuji said that he had not gone to Amagi Tatsuya yet. Because he was not good at handling this kind of thing, he said that he would find another opportunity to protest.

Therefore, Toyoko Kanemitsu believed that it was impossible for a person like Banfuji Hikoichi to go to Amagi Tatsuya to protest last night, let alone kill Amagi Tatsuya. That’s it


After everyone listened, they agreed with Jinman Fengzi's judgment.

Mouri Kogoro said:"And, did Mr. Banto really commit suicide? I doubt it."

Mumu Shisan also said:"I am very concerned about the door lock. The door was not locked when we arrived. If it is suicide, the door will usually be locked, so as to avoid being disturbed by others."

"But...""Always felt..."

Takagi Wataru and Chiba Kazunobu, who judged Banfuji Hikoichi to have committed suicide, did not know how to justify themselves.

At this moment, Mumu Shisan answered the phone, but hung up after not saying a few words.

"The forensic examiner just contacted me and said that the poison was indeed the bottle of pesticide on the table, and that the pesticide was mixed in the wine bottle."

After hearing what Megure Thirteen said, Mouri Kogoro immediately said:"If it is suicide, just pour the poison into a cup. If you pour it into a wine bottle, the poison will be over-diluted. This is obviously a homicide disguised as suicide."

"But if this is the case, the murderer is too careless.

Shiliang Zhenchun frowned slightly:"Not only was the technique rough and easy for others to see, but he even forgot to lock the door. Takagi

Wataru couldn't help but said:"But if Mr. Banto did not commit suicide, then who was the murderer of Mr. Amagi?""

"So I said, Mr. Banto was not the murderer of Mr. Amagi. Mr. Amagi was stabbed to death with an awl, right?"

Jinman Fengzi said aloud, and after speaking, he looked at Kamao Xiaoxue, another waitress in the coffee shop.

"That’s definitely not Mr. Banto!"

Kamo Koyuki was standing on the side and immediately said after hearing this:"Mr. Banto, he has acute phobia. He is very afraid of sharp objects and will tremble just when he sees them."

"So he definitely won't be able to use the awl. It seems that all this was done by the real murderer."

Mouri Kogoro immediately said, 'The real murderer x' naturally refers to the unknown real murderer.

"I am afraid that the real murderer killed Mr. Tatsuya Amagi, and then wanted to blame Mr. Hikochi Banfuji for the crime, so he killed Mr. Banfuji and made it look like he committed suicide."

Megure Thirteen made a reasoning summary, and Takagi Wataru and Chiba Kazunobu thought it made sense.

"The director asked me to give this to you!"

The door of the coffee shop opened, and a forensic examiner took an evidence bag containing a metal lighter and handed it to Megure Thirteen, and said:"This thing fell under the sofa at the scene, and their nanny Ye Shanshan happened to be there. When Ms. Zi came, I checked with her. Ms. Hayama said that this did not belong to the deceased because the deceased never smoked, and there was no such thing under the sofa before she went back yesterday evening."

"If the nanny's words were true, then this was what visitors had left after evening."

Mumu Shisan looked at the lighter in the evidence bag. This was probably left by the murderer and is an important evidence.

"You all remember that lighter, right?"

At this moment, Toyoko Kanemitsu, who saw the lighter, asked Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Kamao Koyuki. Kamao

Koyuki said:"That belongs to Mr. Chino."

Koshizui Nanatsuki also said:"When they came here yesterday, Mr. Chino took it out, and I also saw him using it at that time."

"This is a bit strange! We had obviously met each other in the morning, but why did he come to visit me at night?"

Mouri Kogoro said with some suspicion. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that this Chino Yosuke was very suspicious.

"What about the nanny?"

Mumu Shisan asked the forensic examiner.

The forensic examiner replied:"Just in case, we asked her to wait at the scene temporarily."

After hearing this, Mumu Shisan immediately said goodbye to Jinman Fengzi and prepared to go back to Banten's house.

Everyone followed and walked out of the coffee shop.

"At present, it seems that Yosuke Chino is very suspicious, but is this case really that simple?"

Before walking out of the coffee shop, Conan looked back at Koshizui Nanatsuki in the store, but saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki looking at him and smiling mysteriously at him. This made him even more sure that this case was definitely not the same as it is now. The reasoning is so simple.

Koshizui Nanatsuki is a student of Hell's Puppet Master, and with the many previous confrontations, Conan doesn't believe that Koshizui Nanatsuki's method can be solved so easily.

But no matter how difficult it is, Conan We will not let Koshimizu Nanatsuki succeed, and the murderer will definitely be brought to justice.

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