It was past eleven o'clock, and it was time to have lunch. Because Mao Lilan left with him, there was no time to prepare lunch in the morning, so there was no cooking. The group simply ordered takeout sushi.

If it were normal times, Mouri Kogoro would definitely drink, but now he was not in the mood at all, and even if he wanted to have a drink, Megure Thirteen would not allow it.

After the meal, the Hell Puppet Master made no further moves, and the group was still thinking about where the Hell Puppet Master's next target would be.

Because the Metropolitan Police Department was also busy, Megure Thirteen took away Shiratori Rensaburo and left Sato Miwako behind.

Time passed slowly, and it was past two o'clock in the blink of an eye. There was not much time left before the evening concert started. However, so far, no bombs have been planted in concerts, and the possibility of bombs being planted in concerts is getting lower and lower.

Beep beep beep!!!

"my phone."

Takada Shinichi took out his mobile phone, gestured to everyone, walked outside, closed the door and answered the phone.

"Miss Concubine?"

"Where are you now? Feili's voice sounded.

Takada Shinichi walked downstairs:"I'm here in the office now."

Feili asked:"Has the hell puppet master not sent anything else?""

Takada Shinichi replied:"Yes, so far, there has been no movement from the Hell Puppet Master. Fei

Miles was silent for a moment and organized her words:"We didn't get to watch our football match last time, so I thought about buying two tickets for you to watch the match. Thank you for saving Xiaolan, but when I bought the tickets At that time, I discovered one thing, that is, ten J-League games started at the same time this afternoon. Moreover, the J-League specially broadcasts ten games together, allowing people to watch ten games at the same time."

"She was actually discovered!"

Takada Shinichi was secretly surprised when he heard this, and said with a pretense of surprise:"I understand what you mean. If ten games start at the same time, the number of people watching will definitely be more than 80,000, or even more than 100,000."

Fei Lili said:"Yes, I think these football fields are the purpose of the hell puppet master. The concert is just to divert the attention of the police so that he can plant bombs in the football fields."

"Miss Fei, your reasoning should be correct. I will tell Officer Memu and the others about this reasoning now. I will contact you if there is any latest news."

Takada Shinichi said and hung up the phone, turned around and went upstairs to the office on the second floor, where he told Feili's discovery and reasoning.

After hearing this, Sato Miwako said:"Damn it, I was fooled by him!"

"Damn, this is misleading due to word trap, Hell Puppet Master didn't even say it was limited to one place, I didn't think of this sooner."

Conan and Hattori Heiji were secretly annoyed. If Feili hadn't discovered the problem, they would have been kept in the dark and couldn't figure it out.

"I will contact the police department now and ask the police department to send police officers to the football stadium to inspect."

Sato Miwako said, taking out the phone and making a call.

Mao Lilan walked to Takada Shinichi and whispered:"Takada, my mother came up with this, right?

Takada Zhen nodded and whispered:"Miss Fei, she called me and told me, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of it.""

Mao Lilan nodded when she heard the words, with pride in her heart. So many people had not thought of it, but her mother thought of it. She naturally felt extremely proud.

Miwako Sato contacted Megure Shisan, and Megure Shisan After San learned about it, he immediately sent people to ten football stadiums to see if bombs were really planted.

Although Takada Shinichi was unable to contact the puppet master of the mirror hell, Megure Thirteen's phone was monitored , so as soon as Megure Thirteen called, the Mirror Hell Puppet Master naturally knew that the police knew where the bomb was placed.

After learning about this situation, the Hell Puppet Master did not immediately contact Megure Thirteen, but Only when the police showed up outside the football field did they contact Memu Thirteen.

"Puppet master from hell?"

Regarding the call from Hell's Puppet Master, Mumu Thirteen had a bad feeling, but he still answered the phone.

"Officer Megure, congratulations on finding the place where I planted the bomb. You really surprised me. Okay, now let your people leave the football field, and do it quietly. If I find the crowd leaving the field, I will detonate the bomb immediately. Now there are thousands of people in every football stadium. If you dare to disobey, I will detonate a bomb. Make your choice."

"Also, at three o'clock sharp, I will send the code to the Mori Detective Agency and let the famous detectives decipher the code and find me."

The Hell Puppet Master said and hung up the phone, with no intention of chatting with Megure Thirteen.

Megure Thirteen pondered for a moment, and immediately asked Shiratori Rensaburo to contact the police who had already gone to the football field to ask those people not to act rashly. , carefully looking for bombs and not causing any commotion.

After making arrangements, Megure Thirteen immediately went to the Mori Detective Agency.

Outside the office, Megure Thirteen got out of the car and walked towards the stairs.


A A pedestrian who was walking faster accidentally bumped into Megure Thirteen. This man was wearing a hat and a mask and apologized.

The other person apologized, so Megure Thirteen naturally didn't say anything, but he still looked more. This man's eyes, I don't know why, this man gave him a familiar feeling

"Police Department!"Mouri Kogoro called at the door of the second floor.


Megure Thirteen shook his head, walked upstairs, and entered the office with Mori Kogoro.

But when Megure Thirteen went upstairs, the man who just bumped into him walked in. Went to Polo Coffee Shop, and in the welcoming smile of Azusa Enomoto, ordered a cup of coffee and two pieces of cake, and found a seat to sit down.

Upstairs, Megure Thirteen sat down and said:"Hell's Puppet Master just called. Yes, he did place bombs in ten football fields, but he did not allow the police to evacuate the crowds because there were already thousands of people in each football field. The police could only listen to him, otherwise once the bombs were detonated ,The consequences could be disastrous."

Everyone nodded after hearing this. Not to mention tens of thousands of people dying at one time, even hundreds or even thousands of people is a huge case, which will cause great panic in society. No matter how unwilling the police are, You also have to make compromises.

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