Didan Primary School.

There is a new teacher in the class where the Junior Detective Team is located. She is a middle-aged woman wearing a pair of glasses.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the new teacher!"

Kobayashi Chengzi introduced the new teacher to everyone and wrote the new teacher's name on the blackboard with chalk.

"Wakasa Rumi!"

"She is Teacher Wakasa, and she will be your deputy homeroom teacher starting from today."

After that, Kobayashi Sumiko walked to the side and gave up the podium to Wakasa Rumi, asking her to introduce herself. Wakasa Rumi, who was wearing green clothes, walked to the middle of the podium and looked a little embarrassed, but she still introduced herself aloud.

"Hello everyone, I am Rumi Wakasa, I am ten years older than your teacher Kobayashi."

"Please..please take care of me!"

Wakasa Rumei bowed to say hello, but heard a 'bang' and hit her head on the podium table.


Everyone was startled when they saw this. The new teacher must be too confused.

"Ha ha ha ha~~"

After coming back to their senses, the little guys couldn't help laughing happily.

"Are you okay, Wakasa-sensei?"

Seeing this, Kobayashi Chengko went over to support Rumi Wakasa, who was dizzy, for fear that she would accidentally fall to the ground.


Conan couldn't help but twitched his lips, feeling speechless at the confusion of this new teacher.

During the lunch break, the young detective team had dinner together. The new teacher Rumi Wakasa found them while they were eating and asked them if they knew where there was lime.

Because the students in the fifth period physical education class had to play dodgeball on the playground, Wakasa Rumi wanted to use lime to draw all the necessary lines in advance during the lunch break, but all the lime originally used to draw the lines was used up. , and no spare lime was found in the warehouse, so I asked the Junior Detective Team

"Then go to the old warehouse and look for it again.

Conan immediately said:"Maybe there will be some lime there. It's not necessarily true.""

"It must be that shabby warehouse that is rumored to be haunted by ghosts."Ojima Genta said.

Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko also said:"I heard that a long time ago, a teacher was locked in that warehouse and starved to death."

The new teacher Rumi Wakasa knew where the old warehouse was, but she was afraid to go because of rumors about ghosts. She asked the Junior Detective Team to accompany her. The little guys from the Junior Detective Team couldn't help but feel speechless after hearing this, but they were happy to do so. Helpful, they agreed to go to the old warehouse together after the meal.

After the meal, the Young Detective Team accompanied the new teacher Rumi Wakasa to the old warehouse.

The old warehouse looked shabby, and the door was not even locked.

Conan inadvertently said the wrong thing , he said that it had been unlocked ten years ago. After being reminded by Haihara Ai, he immediately explained that he heard it from Mao Lilan.

This explanation was somewhat unconvincing, and Haihara Ai immediately changed the subject and said Go inside to find Lime.

Conan also knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he immediately went forward and prepared to open the door.

"You two can't touch that!"

When Conan put his hands on the door handles on both sides, a long-standing memory suddenly appeared in his mind, and he was caught off guard.

"How is this going?"

The memory that suddenly flashed in his mind made Conan a little confused. He looked at his hands subconsciously, but for a while he couldn't remember where he heard that sentence.

"What's wrong with you, Conan, can't you open it?"

Seeing Conan in a daze5, Kojima Mota couldn't help but asked.

"Sorry, I'll open it right away."

Conan came to his senses and opened the door without explaining.

It was very dark inside the old warehouse and the light switch no longer worked.

Just when Rumi Wakasa was about to get the flashlight, the Young Detective Team took out the watch light. It was said that Dr. Agasa made it for them, and there was also a detective team badge that could be used as a walkie-talkie.

"Hey, that doctor is really awesome!"

Wakasa Rumei couldn't help but praise aloud after hearing this.

"Let our young detective team start looking for Lime!"

Everyone searched in the old warehouse, but no lime was found. Yoshida Ayumi found a curriculum, but the paper was torn to pieces, and there were many blanks on it. It was obviously from many years ago. At this time ,

Conan, who was searching in the old warehouse, found the door to the basement. But what concerned him was that the rust on the door looked like it had just fallen off. It must have been opened recently..

However, there is almost nothing here in the old warehouse, so why would anyone come here? And if someone comes, why does the other person come here?

"Hey, Conan, what are you looking at?""It's the basement door."

While Conan was confused, others came over and saw the basement door.

"Will there be any in there?...""locked up...""Already starved to death...""The skeleton of the teacher!"

The little guys were joking, but Rumi Wakasa was shocked and screamed.

The little guys immediately said they were joking.

Conan went to open the basement door.


When the door to the basement was opened, Moto Kojima and the others were startled by what they saw and screamed in surprise.

They saw a skeleton appearing in front of everyone below the basement. , someone really died here.

Conan immediately asked Moto Kojima to hold the iron door of the basement, and asked Rumi Wakasa to call the police. He walked into the basement along the stone steps and came to the bones.

"This person seemed to have been dead for a long time. Judging from the bones and the surrounding conditions, he had been dead for at least ten years."

Looking at the skeleton, Conan made a rough judgment. About ten years, he couldn't help but think that this time should be when he was in elementary school at Didan Elementary School. On the right hand of the skeleton, Conan found a belt. It looked like a belt tied around the head at a sports event. But when he saw the words on the belt, Conan realized that he seemed to have seen those words before, and couldn't help but fall into memories.

"I remembered!"

After a moment, Conan recalled it.

Ten years ago, Conan was still Kudo Shinichi, and he happened to be attending elementary school here at Didan Elementary School.

One day Mao Lilan told him that he found a magic belt in the old warehouse, and then the two went In the old warehouse, they saw a tape with words written on it, but they couldn't recognize the words on the tape at the time.

Just when Conan and the others were about to untie the tape, a man stopped them. They said that the belt was used to seal the terrible monsters in the warehouse, it was a belt used to seal the devil, and finally Conan and the others left.

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