On this day, members of the black organization gathered together for a rare occasion.

Gin, Belmode, vodka, Chianti, Cohen, Reina Mizuno (Kiel), Toru Amuro (Bourbon), and the two identities of Shinichi Takada’s Du Kang and Hell’s Puppet Master.

Except for Rum, all the senior cadres of the black organization in Japan are here.

The reason why everyone gathered together this time was because Belmode contacted everyone in the name of that gentleman and called everyone over.

Shinichi Takada also came over. He also created a mirror clone and transformed into Du Kang, while he himself transformed into the puppet master of hell.

"Long time no see, Kil, how about we go have a drink alone after this is over?"

Takada Shinichi, who transformed into the puppet master of hell, sat next to Reina Mizuno and extended an invitation to her.

"If it still doesn't work, you're still worried that you won't have anyone to drink with."

Mizuki Reina refused without thinking. She knew that the Hell Puppet Master had several women. Besides, even if the Hell Puppet Master had no women, she would not accept the Hell Puppet Master's invitation.

"It's really a shame that I can't have a drink with a beauty like you."

Takada Shinichi shrugged. If he wants Reina Mizuno to fall in love with him, he must avenge her and dismantle the black organization. Otherwise, he can only use his true love ability. But as of now, he is not ready to love Mizumu. It will take a long time for Reina to use her ability, and he can afford to wait.

Reina Minato ignored Takada Shinichi's words and did not respond.

"Belmod, everyone is here, it’s time to tell us what the reason for calling us all here is."

Of all the people here, Chianti, who was the most unhappy with Belmod, said to Belmode

"Yes, I'm also curious. Is there any big move by the organization?"

Toru Amuro also asked aloud, if this is the case, then it must be destroyed.

"So to speak."

Belmod replied, and then said:"Everyone should know what happened in Tokyo three nights ago, right? Vodka listened and said:"You mean the swan landed and then a bolt of lightning shot from the ground blew up the swan, right?""

"That's it."

Belmod nodded and looked at everyone:"I think everyone should know about this, right?"

"Although the media did not report this incident, and the information on the Internet was also restricted, the gossip spread quickly, and I knew about it."

Shui Wulian said. In fact, just yesterday, she received an order from CIA, which was also related to this matter.

"It seems everyone knows it."

Belmod looked around, and after seeing everyone nodding, he said:"Everyone should have guessed about that electric light. It must be an advanced weapon, but it has been hidden by Japanese officials before. , this time in order to prevent the swan from falling into Tokyo, I had to take out this weapon and blow up the swan."


Takada Shinichi couldn't help but twitching his lips when he heard this. He didn't expect that his use of supernatural powers to solve the swan landing incident would be understood in this way. But it’s normal to think about it. In everyone’s opinion, there is no supernatural power in this world. Therefore, the electric light shooting from the ground to the sky can only be an advanced high-tech weapon. There is no other possibility.

"The purpose of calling you all here this time is to ask you to go all out to investigate this weapon. It is best to find out the specific data of this weapon, where it is placed, etc. This is an order given by the boss himself."

Of course the boss of the black organization is interested in such advanced weapons and wants to get them.

"It turned out to be because of this incident."

Toru Amuro's heart sank. Although he didn't know what the weapon was, the weapon belonged to Japan. For the sake of the national interest, he would never let the information about the weapon fall into the hands of any foreign agency. Not only It's a black organization. In this matter, agencies such as the FBI and CIA are his enemies.

"I will try my best, but the weapon must be hidden very well and may not be found."

Shui Wulian said aloud. The order given to her by CIA yesterday was the same, which made her a little helpless. Compared with unknown weapons, she wanted to investigate the black organization more, and she wanted to know who Rum and that gentleman were.

"You must try your best!"

Belmod reminded everyone, and then looked at the Hell Puppet Master transformed by Takada Shinichi, and said:"Hell Puppet Master, your computer technology is extremely advanced. Can you find relevant information by invading the computers of important official figures? ?"

"It's not that simple."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Takada Shinichi shook his head when he heard this:"Invading a computer is as easy as eating a meal for me. The problem is such important weapons information. Japanese officials are not fools, for sure. The information will not be stored in a computer with an Internet connection, so it is impossible to investigate through this route."

Of course it won't work. Takada Shinichi knows very well that Japan does not have so-called high-tech weapons at all.

"You might as well give it a try, just in case."

Although he felt that what the Hell Puppet Master said was reasonable, Belmode still asked the Hell Puppet Master to try it. Anyway, there was no loss in trying it.

"Well, if you say so, I will do it when I get back."

Takada Zhen nodded and agreed, planning to show off when he goes back, and then tell Belmod that nothing was found.

"Really...Damn it!"

Toru Amuro secretly gritted his teeth. The sense of honor in his heart made him very angry after listening to the conversation between the two. These two people completely regarded the officialdom as nothing, which made him, as one of them, angry.

All senior cadres were called today. I came here to inform them about this matter, so after the matter was finished, everyone left without much communication.

Not only the black organizations, but also many foreign agencies issued orders to intelligence personnel in Japan to investigate the electromagnetic incident. All the information about the weapon.

Yes, the electric light shooting into the sky is considered by other countries to be an electromagnetic weapon, probably an electromagnetic gun. The power of a single unit is extremely powerful.

It is precisely because of the fear of the existence of electromagnetic guns that the world Countries did not publicly threaten Japan to hand over this weapon, but chose to let intelligence personnel steal relevant information about the weapon.

In the next period of time, Japan will inevitably be in turmoil.

Although Takada Shinichi did not know the arrangements of various countries in the world, through the black The actions of the World Health Organization can still be guessed, but he can only be speechless about this, thinking too much...

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