While Shinichi Takada, Ayako Suzuki, Sonoko Suzuki, and Ran Maori were chatting, a Suzuki family guard wearing a suit walked into the hall, came to Tomoko Suzuki, bent down and whispered something

"It’s really useless!"

Suzuki Tomoko raised her eyebrows, scolded angrily, and then walked out of the hall.

The guard naturally followed, and Suzuki Tomoko and the guard walked towards a bathroom outside.

In this bathroom, there were already Many of the guards of the Suzuki family were here, and two of them had already passed out and were being carried by two people.

After looking at the two unconscious guards, Suzuki Tomoko looked at the open bathroom and saw that there were two people in the bathroom. The toilet seat was closed, and there was Suzuki Shiro's mask and clothes on it. It didn't take much to figure out that they were left behind by Kaito Kid.

"It's useless for you to look at personally. What do I want you to do?"

Tomoko Suzuki glanced at Zhou Zhou's guards with cold eyes, thinking in her mind whether to send all these people away.If Kaito Kidd doesn't like them, how can we rely on them to protect the safety of everyone in the Suzuki family?

The reprimanded guards did not dare to answer and kept their heads down.

Suzuki Tomoko snorted coldly when she saw this, and asked aloud:"When did you find out that they were unconscious?"

A person next to him replied:"Back to Madam, it was just three minutes ago."

"I guess your reaction is not too slow. After hearing this

, Tomoko Suzuki's face softened slightly and asked,"Do you know who Kaitou Kidd has become now?""

There was silence for a while, and then someone said:"Sorry madam, we didn't see Kaitou Kid leave. When we came, we only found the two of them unconscious in the bathroom."

"It’s really useless!"

Tomoko Suzuki snorted coldly, and then said to herself:"It seems that this thief still has some skills, but it's better this way, it will be more interesting to catch him this way."As he said that, he turned around and walked towards the hall.

Except for the two unconscious people who were supported by the guards, the rest followed behind.

Tomoko Suzuki did not enter the hall with the guards. This was her daughter's birthday party. , it doesn’t matter if you bring many guards in, it’s meaningless even if you catch Kaitou Kid.

After Suzuki Tomoko came in, Suzuki Ayako and Suzuki Sonoko walked towards her, but Takada Shinichi didn’t go there. He didn't bother to go over and look at Suzuki Tomoko's face.

Suzuki Sonoko asked aloud:"Mom, where did you go just now? Tomoko

Suzuki looked around and said,"A cunning mouse escaped, so I went out to take a look." Suzuki

Ayako understood as soon as she heard it, and whispered:"Mom, is Kaitou Kid running away?""

Tomoko Suzuki didn't hide anything, she nodded and said:"Well, I originally asked the guards to watch Kaitou Kidd, but I didn't expect that they were so useless that they let Kaitou Kidd run away. Kaitou Kidd should still be in the hall now, but it's hard to say who he has turned into."

"Lord Kidd escaped?!"

Suzuki Sonoko said excitedly. She was very excited that Kaitou Kidd was able to escape from the surveillance of the guards.

"I don't have a formal appearance all day long. I'm more like your sister."

Regarding her little daughter's reaction, Suzuki Tomoko was very helpless. She had said it many times but it was still the same. She could only say it now.

"I went to find Shinichi."

Suzuki Sonoko stuck out her tongue and walked towards Takada Shinichi and Mao Lilan.

Suzuki Ayako asked aloud:"Mom, since Kaito Kidd ran away, how are we going to catch him next?"

"Even if he can't catch him, as long as he can't get the Dark Star, it will be his failure."

Tomoko Suzuki didn't think about how to catch Kaitou Kid for a while, but she knew very well that knowing that the Dark Star was on her body, Kaitou Kid would definitely take action. It was the one who caught Kaitou Kid at that time. The best time.

When Suzuki Sonoko came back, Takada Shinichi also learned from her that Kaitou Kid had escaped, and he was not surprised. If Kaitou Kid didn't even have the ability to escape surveillance, then It's better to go to jail as soon as possible to avoid losing your life anytime.

"Whose pearl fell off!"

In the hall, a black pearl fell to the floor and rolled down a few meters before stopping.

The person next to him saw this and was about to lean over to pick it up. At this moment, the black pearl suddenly cracked open with a loud bang. Purple smoke comes

"what happened?""What's going on here?"

The people around were shocked when they saw this. At the same time, black pearls fell to the ground in other places in the hall, cracked with a bang, and purple smoke filled the air.

"The pearl exploded!"

A cry of exclamation sounded at this time. The guests who heard this sound looked at the purple smoke surrounding them. They were all frightened. They immediately picked off the black pearls and threw them to the ground.

"Kaitou Kidd!"

Tomoko Suzuki trembled slightly and was very angry. However, this was not the time to look for Kaitou Kid. She immediately said loudly:"Dear guests, please be quiet. There will definitely be no problem with Pearl."

Suzuki Tomoko's words were of no use at all. Once the panic started, it was so easy to calm down. After someone took the lead and ran out of the hall, the guests ran out of the hall in panic one by one, and people were crowded.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"Everyone, please don't panic!""

The police are also maintaining order, but to no avail.


Tomoko Suzuki was hit by the crowd and fell forward, falling and sitting on the floor.


Suzuki Ayako was shocked when she saw this and went over immediately

"Mrs. Suzuki!"

At this moment, Natsue Tsutomoto suddenly helped Tomoko Suzuki stand up and asked aloud:"Mrs. Suzuki, are you okay? Tomoko

Suzuki shook her head and said with a smile:"It's okay. Thank you, Chairman Yumoto.""

"I'm going to find Xiao Wu."

Xia Jiang nodded slightly, turned around and walked outside.

"Mother! Suzuki

Sonoko ran over at this time and said worriedly:"Are you okay?""

Tomoko Suzuki shook her head, and just as she was about to say something, Sonoko Suzuki suddenly exclaimed:"Mom, the pearls on your body are gone!"

Suzuki Tomoko was shocked when she heard this. She looked down and saw that the dark star that was pinned to her chest before was indeed gone. Seeing this, she was dizzy and barely managed to pass out. This is the heirloom of the Suzuki family. , the meaning is extraordinary.

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