Toyama and Ye opened the door to the room, turned on the light switch, then closed the door and walked inside

"Heye, long time no see!"

At this time, a familiar voice from Yuanshan Heye sounded. She turned her head and looked in the direction of the sound, but saw a young man walking out of the bathroom. When she saw this young man, her pupils couldn't help but twitch. Shrinking, body trembling slightly, but a little scared

" you a human or a ghost?"

"I go!"

A black line flashed across Takada Shinichi's forehead. He didn't expect Toyama Kazuye to ask this. He complained in his heart, but said calmly on his face:"You can tell whether I am a human or a ghost just by looking at my shadow."

Yuan Shan and Ye Wenyan looked towards the ground and saw the shadow of the other party. Then they breathed a sigh of relief, and then changed their expressions and said:"You... aren't you already dead?"

"Wanting me to die is not that simple."

Takada Shinichi smiled softly and said:"I, the hell puppet master, have no other abilities, but my life is very hard. It's not that easy to kill me."At this moment, what he is actually here is his real body, and his mirror image clone is following Mouri Kogoro.

Toyama Kazuki clenched his fists and said:"I'm not afraid of you, as long as I scream, you You can't run away"

"You are too naive, Heye."

Takada Shinichi stretched out his index finger and shook it and said:"I have placed a bomb in Nagato Dosan's room a long time ago. As long as I press the switch, the bomb will explode immediately. Nagato Douzan who was in the room would definitely not survive, and neither would the other people who happened to be in the room at that time. It just so happened that I installed a bug in the room. Just now, Hattori Heiji, Mouri Kogoro and others were in the room. So, are you sure you want to shout out?"

"Why are you doing this? What exactly does this do to you?"

Toyama and Ye couldn't help but asked. After knowing that the Hell Puppet Master killed hundreds of people, she knew that the Hell Puppet Master was a terrible and cold-blooded person, although she didn't know why he was kidnapped. She didn't make things difficult for herself during that time, but she understood that she couldn't just think that the other person was a good person.

"You don't need to know this."

Takada Shinichi did not answer Toyama Kazuha's question, but took out a watch from his pocket, then walked to Toyama Kazuha, handed it to her and said:"Here, put this on."

"I do not want!"

Toyama and Ye refused aloud, with no intention of taking it.

Takada Shinichi didn't force himself, a small remote control appeared in his other hand, and said with a smile:"You have ten seconds to decide. , if you don’t put on the watch, I will detonate the bomb, it’s up to you."

Toyama and Ye trembled when they heard the words. They bit their lips and glared at Takada Shinichi fiercely. They took the watch fiercely and put it on their wrist. Don't convince Heiji Heibe that he is in that room now, even if that room only has Even though she was kind-hearted, she could not refuse Nagato Douzan, which led to his death.

"This is right!"

Takada Shinichi laughed when he saw this. Just as he was about to say something, there was a knock on the door.

"Heye, Yuanzi and I are here."

Mao Lilan's voice sounded outside the door.

A thought came to Takada Shinichi's mind and he whispered:"Let them in, you know the consequences of refusal."

Yuanshan and Ye were in panic. Only now did she think that Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko would come to her. If she had known that this would happen, she would not have suggested that the three of them come to sleep in her room. She didn't want to I killed two good friends, so I don’t want them to come in, but if I don’t let them in, what will happen if the hell puppet master detonates the bomb?...

"He Ye, are you there? I'm Xiaolan!"Heye, this is Yuanzi. If you don't reply, we will have to open the door and go in by ourselves.""

Listening to the voices of the two people outside the door, Toyama and Ye's faces were full of anxiety. Looking at the remote control that Takada Shinichi waved in front of her eyes, she had no choice but to say:"Xiaolan, Sonoko, open the door and come in by yourselves. Bar."

After Yuan Shan and Ye finished speaking, the door was opened, and Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko stepped in.

"You two, please close the door, thank you."

When Takada Shinichi spoke, he pointed his pistol at Toyama Kazuha.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were shocked when they saw this. Seeing Takada Shinichi's appearance as a hell puppet master at this moment, they almost screamed. Fortunately, they both People knew how powerful they were and didn't dare to scream. They looked at each other and encouraged each other before closing the door.

"Very good, thank you for your cooperation, Miss Xiaolan and Miss Yuanzi."

Takada Shinichi put down the gun and said:"Let me tell you first, I put a bomb in Nagato Douzan's room, so you'd better not do anything to make me misunderstand, otherwise I will detonate the bomb and kill Nagato Douzan. By the way, it killed everyone in that room."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, who had never thought of acting rashly, did not dare to do anything rashly after hearing this.

Shinichi Takada walked towards the two women, two watches appeared in his hands, and came to the two women. Before and after, he handed it to the two women and said:"Okay, now you put these two watches on."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko looked at each other, took the watch together, and put it on their wrists.

Toyama and Ye came over at this moment, came to Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, and said apologetically:"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, I'm sorry, it was me who hurt you.

Hearing this, Mao Lilan comforted:"Heye, what are you talking about? This has nothing to do with you." Although Suzuki

Sonoko was also very scared, she still said:"Lan is right, He Ye, this has nothing to do with you at all. Don't blame yourself.""

Looking at the three girls, Takada Shinichi suddenly smiled and pressed the red button on the remote control in his hand.

Di! Di! Di!

Three beeps sounded at the same time. The three Maorilan girls looked at the watches in their hands, and only Seeing that there is an additional countdown on it, it is a one-day countdown, and now there are more than twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes left.

Takada Shinichi said:"I didn't place any bombs in Nagato Dosan's room at all, but now you guys There are bombs on the three of them, and the bomb is in the watch. This watch cannot be forcibly unlocked, otherwise it will explode immediately. The power of the bomb is completely enough to kill each of you. Of course, if you are willing to cut off your hands, the bomb will not explode and will be detached."

Mao Lilan, Suzuki Yuanzi, Yuanshan and Ye looked at each other and shook their heads together. How could they be willing to cut off their own hands?

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