"Shinichi, how's it going?"

Seeing Shinichi Takada coming in with a plate, Sayuri Matsumoto asked. At this moment, they were not staying in the original room because the door of that room was damaged, so Mao Lilan and Sayuri Matsumoto took Suzuki to the door. Sonoko helped him to another room to rest.

Takada Shinichi put the plate on the table and said:"I didn't find anyone, but don't worry, I'm here, nothing will happen.""

"Sister Xiaolan. Conan said hello, then walked to the table and put the plate on the table.

Mao Lilan nodded and said to Takada:"Takada, when will Sonoko wake up?" Aren’t your medical skills very good? Why don’t you wake up Yuanzi?"

"It was a little inconvenient before because others were around, but now I will wake up Sonoko."

Takada Shinichi said as he walked to the bedside, a golden needle appeared in his hand, and he inserted the golden needle into the acupuncture point on Suzuki Sonoko's body.


After a moment, Suzuki Sonoko coughed several times and woke up.

"This is...Shinichi, Xiaoran, Matsumoto-sensei, great, I can still see you"

"Don't move!"

Takada Shinichi held down Suzuki Sonoko who was about to move, pulled out the golden needle and said:"You were just knocked out by the anesthetic. There is nothing wrong with it, so don't worry too much. Suzuki

Sonoko breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then asked nervously:"Is Mr. Yonehara okay?"

Mao Lilan said:"Don't worry Sonoko, Teacher Mihara is fine. The teacher was just knocked out by anesthesia, but Teacher Mihara woke up earlier than you Sonoko.""

"Teacher Yonehara is fine, so I'm relieved."

Suzuki Sonoko was completely relieved and asked:"Have you caught the person who attacked us?"

"not yet."

Takada Shin said:"The person who attacked you and Yonehara-sensei is probably the Sugiyama-sensei who hasn't appeared yet, but it's also possible that it's not him. If it's not him, it's someone in this villa."

As he said that, Takada Shinichi changed the topic and said:"Okay, let's eat first. The curry won't taste good when it's cold."

"I'm almost hungry."

Suzuki Sonoko got out of bed as she spoke, walked towards the table, sat down in front of a piece of curry, scooped out a spoonful of curry and ate it, exclaiming how delicious it was. In the blink of an eye, she completely forgot about the attack.

Takada Shinichi smiled when he saw this. He knew that Suzuki Sonoko's character was like this. Unhappy things were forgotten in a flash. This was not bad. At least he would live happily every day.


While the five of them were eating curry, Nakamura Miri's frightened scream suddenly came from below. Upon hearing this, Takada Shinichi stood up immediately and ordered:"Sonoko, Sayuri and Conan, you stay here. Don't go anywhere here, remember to act together."

Takada Shinichi said and turned around and ran outside. He saw Conan running in front of him. It was obvious that Conan didn't take his instructions seriously. This made him speechless, but he didn't take it seriously either.


Mao Lilan called out, and Conan had already run away.

Suzuki Sonoko curled her lips and said:"Don't worry about that kid. He just likes to join in the fun. If he likes to go, let him go. Anyway, with Shinichi here, nothing will happen to him.

Sayuri Matsumoto said:"How about we go and see it together?"

Mao Lilan stood up and said,"I'm a little worried. Let's go take a look.""

"Okay, just go and have a look."

Suzuki Sonoko nodded and did not refuse, and the three of them walked outside together. However, the three of them did not run, they just walked at a normal speed.

Takada Shinichi ran in front of Conan, and when he came to the hall , when he saw Sentoshi walking towards the gate, he ran towards the gate and saw Koko Yonehara and others at the gate.

The gate was open, and there was a body lying at the gate. It was a man. , judging from the expressions of Yonehara Koko and others, this person should be the teacher Sugiyama who has not yet appeared.

Moriarty was next to the body. After he checked the body, he said:"Judging from the degree of rigor mortis of the body, Look, it's been over nine hours since death. Judging from the marks on his neck, he must have been strangled to death."

"how come?"

Nakamura Miri was still a little unbelievable. He didn't understand that something like this could happen to Weiwei on a good ski trip.

Takada Shinichi walked to the body, squatted down and looked at it:"It seems that the murderer who killed this man was the same as the one who attacked the garden. , the murderer of Teacher Yonehara is the same person."

Sakai Ryuichi asked:"Why do you say that? Moriarty raised the hand of the corpse and said,"Look, there is also a word left with lipstick here, which is the word '子'.""

Conan also came over and heard the words and said aloud:"Mr. Yonehara's hand is written with 'Mi', and Sister Sonoko's hand is written with 'Na'. If they are combined, she is Minako."


When they heard this name, Yonehara Koko and the others were immediately shocked, as if this name had some magic power.

"Ahhhh!!! Shimoda

Kohei covered his head with his hands and screamed in horror.

Nakamura Miuri was right next to Shimoda Kohei. Seeing this, he stretched out his hand and said,"What's wrong with you, Shimoda-sensei?""

"Don't touch me, it has nothing to do with me."

Shimoda Kohei shook off Nakamura Miuri's hand, turned around and ran towards the room.

"Teacher Shimoda, what's going on?"

Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko, and Matsumoto Sayuri came out, and it was Mao Lilan who asked.

"Teacher Shimoda was just frightened."

Yonehara Koko replied, then looked at Suzuki Sonoko and said reassuringly:"Sonoko, are you awake? That's great. It's okay.

Suzuki Sonoko smiled and said,"I feel relieved to know that the teacher is fine." Sayuri

Matsumoto looked at the corpse and said,"Shinichi, what's going on?""

Takada Shinchi said:"This is the Sugiyama teacher who has never appeared. He was killed."

"I'm going to get the camera. Moriarty said and walked towards the room.

Takada Shinichi said to the three girls,"You have nothing to do here. You can go eat.""

The three women nodded, and Mao Lilan called Conan away. Conan did not insist on staying this time.

After a while, Moriarty appeared with a camera and took pictures of the corpse. After taking the pictures, Takada Shinichi and He moved the body aside and put it away._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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