"Teacher Yonehara, why does this happen?"

Miri Nakamura looked at Mihara Koko in disbelief. She had never doubted that Mihara Koko would be the murderer because she was such a good person when she was in school. She never thought that Mihara Koko would kill someone.

"It's a lie, I don't believe it."

Mao Lilan shook her head and didn't want to believe this fact. She didn't believe that the teacher she admired could be a murderer.

"That's not right Shinichi! Suzuki

Sonoko suddenly said:"When I was attacked, I clearly saw Teacher Yonehara lying on the ground, so the person who attacked me was someone else, so the murderer could not be Teacher Yonehara." After hearing this, Mao

Lilan said in great agreement:"Takada, although Teacher Yonehara's long hair is a wig, there must be some reason. She cannot be the murderer.""

Miri Nakamura also said:"Teacher Yonehara was also attacked. Sonoko saw it with her own eyes at that time. It can't be wrong."

"There is a reason why I wear a wig."

Yonehara Koko said and looked at Moriarty and said:"Colon and I met online. He prefers women with long hair, so I specially wore a wig. I knew it was wrong to do this, and I wanted to tell him the truth several times, but I didn't dare. Moriarty heard this and said:"

Xiaozi, you are serious, can I still dislike you just because your hairstyle has changed?" If you had spoken out earlier, this matter wouldn't have happened today."

Miri Nakamura suddenly said:"I remember two months ago, Teacher Yonehara suddenly took a long leave of more than half a month, and then her long hair suddenly grew very long. I was still surprised at that time, so it was because of this?"

Yonehara Koko nodded and said:"At that time, I thought that if Coren and I could get together, I would definitely introduce him to you. If I suddenly changed from short hair to long hair at that time, you would definitely find something wrong. , so I did that on purpose."

Suzuki Sonoko said to Takada:"Takada, you also heard that there is a reason why Yonehara-sensei wears a wig."

Takada Shinichi looked at the crowd and said,"At that time, Sonoko probably didn't see the face of Mr. Yonehara who was lying on the ground, right? I think all she saw was the wig, and then she was attacked by Yonehara-sensei who was hiding behind the door before she had a chance to identify it. This is very possible.

Mao Lilan asked aloud:"What about the footprints?"

Takata Shinichi said:"This is easy to do. You just need to make a footprint beforehand."

Yonehara Koko said:"When Mr. Sugiyama appeared, he was sitting in the hall. Mr. Nakamura and others can testify to this, so what about this?""

"At first glance, this is indeed impossible, but..."

Takada Shinichi looked at the crowd and said: If you have kite string and rubber bands, this can be done easily. Just use a kite string tied with a rubber band and tie it to the two pillars in front of the gate. Then make a small circle at the other end of the kite string and tie it up. After it is done, tie the rubber band around the neck of Mr. Sugiyama who is already stiff from death, let him lean in front of the gate, and then fix the snow at his feet."

"Of course, before Mr. Sugiyama pressed the doorbell, he had to adjust the length of the thread so that the body would appear in a forbidden state. It won't take long for the rubber band to break due to loss of elasticity in this temperature, and the body will fall down and ring the doorbell. The kite string used as evidence will be blown away from the scene due to the wind and disappear."

"To use this method, the body needs to be in rigor mortis, which means that Mr. Sugiyama needs to be killed several hours in advance. Therefore, the only possibility is that the murderer called Mr. Sugiyama here in advance and then killed him. I don’t know if you have noticed it, but when I came here, I noticed some icicles under the eaves. If no one came here in advance and turned on the heating, there would be no icicles formed under the eaves."

"Great reasoning. Moriarty clapped his hands gently and said:"I have to admit that your reasoning is very good, and it is also very organized and interlocking." When I came here, I also noticed the existence of icicles. It was indeed caused by someone arriving early and turning on the heating."

"Mr. Moriarty?!"

Hearing this, everyone also said that Moriarty agreed with Takada Shinichi's reasoning and felt that Mihara Koko was the murderer. They couldn't help but look at him. After all, he is Mihara Koko's boyfriend. Moriarty looked at Mihara Koko and said:"But I believe that Huangzi is not this kind of person, and she will not be a murderer. I have nothing to prove for Koko, but I know one thing very well. If Koko is the murderer, the wig used as the murder weapon will definitely have blood consistent with that of Mr. Shimoda Kohei. Judging from the traces of strangulation on Teacher Kohei Ota's neck, it is absolutely impossible that there would be no blood on the wig used as the murder weapon. Am I right?"

Takada Zhen nodded and said:"This is exactly what I want to say. I only have this evidence to prove that Mr. Mihara is the murderer. If there is really no blood left on it, no matter how good my reasoning is, it is not conclusive. evidence of. Moriarty handed the wig to Takada Shinichi:"In that case, please keep this wig, Mr. Takada, until the police arrive tomorrow morning, and then hand it over to the police.""

"Then I won't be polite."

Takada Shinichi took the wig and frowned slightly.

"Why? Why does Moriarty look so confident?"

Conan on the side was very surprised. In his opinion, Takada Shinichi's reasoning was not problematic at all. There should be conclusive evidence of blood on the wig, but Moriarty didn't seem to be worried at all. Yonehara Koko Likewise, his expression remains unchanged, as if the wig is not conclusive evidence. This is really strange.

"Could it be that the wig has been changed? No, there was no wig or anything like that found in the room on the second floor. If Xiaolan and the others had found it, they would definitely have told it, so the wig had not been replaced."

Conan's heart was in turmoil, and he thought of the possibility of the wig being replaced, but he immediately rejected it, because if the wig was really replaced, there would be no place to hide it. Before it was exposed, the wig should be put on the head. The best choice.

But if the wig is the original one, then Moriarty and Yonehara Koko are too calm in Conan's eyes, and they shouldn't be like this._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu novel A

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