The splendid French restaurant is usually rich and upper-class people who come to dine here. The consumption here is simply beyond the reach of ordinary people.


The two wine glasses with red wine in them clinked lightly, and then the man and woman raised their heads slightly together and drank the red wine in the glasses.

Putting down his wine glass, Takada Shinichi looked at the woman opposite and said,"Miss Fei, why did you suddenly invite me to dine at such a high-end place today?"

"Do I still need a reason to treat you to a meal? Feili asked with a smile, the knife was cutting the beef.

Takada Shinichi shook his head and said with a smile:"That's not true, I'm just a little flattered."

Feili smiled and suddenly said:"But I really want to ask you for help with something when I treat you to dinner tonight. This dinner will be regarded as a reward for your help.""

"I knew you wouldn't suddenly invite me to dinner for no reason."

Takada Shinichi spread his hands, and then said:"Miss Fei, your reward is too insincere. If you really want to treat me to dinner as reward, you have to cook it yourself. It doesn't matter if you come to the restaurant to eat. Sincerity, even if the restaurant is fancy"

"Do you want me to cook by myself? Feili turned her head and thought for a moment, looked at Takada Shinichi and said with a smile:"I'm worried that you won't be able to eat it.""

Takada Shinichi shook his head and said:"How could it be possible? It is an honor for me to be able to eat food cooked by you yourself."

Seeing what Takada Shinichi said, Feili said with a half-smile,"Well, if I still have something to ask you for help next time, I will definitely cook and entertain you myself. I just hope you won't dislike it then. Okay, otherwise, I would be very unhappy."

Although Feili always felt that the food she cooked was not bad, at that time Kogoro Maori said that the food she cooked was inedible. Later, when she entertained friends several times, her friends also said the same thing, which made her have to wonder whether This is really the case, so she warned Takada Shinichi in advance so that Takada Shinichi would not be mentally prepared.

"How could it be? I would just happily eat it."

Takada Shinichi said with a smile. He remembered that Feili's cooking skills were very poor, but he had never tasted it and didn't know if it was true. But no matter how poor Feili's cooking skills were, in order to get closer to the beauty, he I don’t mind holding my nose and eating it.

"Hope so."

Feili smiled, with some inexplicable expectations in her heart.

Takada Shinichi said:"Miss Fei, now tell me what you want my help with.

Feili nodded, put down her knife and fork and said:"I have a friend Jiujiu Qihui. Her husband is the world-famous magician Jiujiu Yuanyasu. Mr. Jiujiu Yuankang was in his house a week ago. He passed away in the basement, and the police finally determined it to be a suicide. But the problem is that tomorrow is the birthday of Jiujiu Yuankang's daughter. He had no intention of committing suicide before, so this should not be a suicide, but a homicide."

Takada Zhen nodded and said:"I know Kujiu Yuanyasu, a world-famous magician. I also read the report of his death, but I didn't expect that he might have been killed. You have personally asked me for help, and I will definitely help. Having said that, have you been to the scene to see it? Feili shook her head and said:"I haven't been there yet, but I made an appointment with Jiujiu Qihui. We will go to her place after dinner. Then we will go to see the scene. If you have any questions, you can ask her.""

Hearing this, Takada Shinichi nodded and said nothing.

After the meal, Takada Shinichi and Fei Mili left the restaurant, came to the parking lot, got into Takada Shinichi's car parked in the parking lot, and headed to Nine Nine Seven Megumi Home. The

Ninety-nine Mansion can be said to be a mansion. The car stopped at the door, and Takada Shinichi and Feili walked into the mansion.

"Miles, here you come."

Not long after Takada Shinichi and Feili walked in, a woman in her thirties walked out of the mansion. I think it was Nine Nine Seven Megumi.

"Qie Hui! Feili said hello, and then introduced Takada Shinichi:"This is Takada Shinichi, a very famous detective. I specially invited him to come and take a look.""

"Hello, Mrs. Ninety-nine."

Takada Shinichi stretched out his hand and shook it with Kujiu Nankei. Kujiu Nankei's appearance is not bad. If he were to evaluate it, it would be at least 80 points or above. But with Fei Mili by his side, he would not be complacent. It's boring to find, and Kujuku Nanae is not that beautiful, and he himself doesn't have much interest.

Kujuku Nanae said politely:"Hello, Mr. Takada, I'm leaving it to you today."

The three of them walked towards the mansion. The hall of the mansion was very large, but also very empty. It was obviously not the first time for Fei Miles to come here. She didn't even look at it and said directly:"Qi Hui, Just take us directly to the place where your husband's body was found."

Kujiu Qihui nodded and led the two of them forward, but at this moment, a young man came out

"Yushi! After seeing this

, Nine Nine Seven Hui turned around and said to Takada Shin:"Mr. Takada, this is my husband's student Yushi Momochi, but he has just become a student of my husband not long ago.""

Takada Zhen nodded and said hello.

Yushi Momochi looked at the two people and asked:"Are they two newcomers?"

Ninety-Nine Seven Hui said:"No, Miles is our company's lawyer. You haven't met him yet because you just came here not long ago. Mr. Takada is the detective that Miles hired for help. He is an excellent detective."


Momochi Yushi asked in confusion:"What are the detectives doing here?"

"Oops, don’t you know yet?"

A woman's voice sounded, and the four of them looked, but it was a woman wearing a green coat. She looked at Takada Shinichi:"Of course the detective was invited to investigate the real cause of Mr. Motoyasu's death. While speaking

, the woman walked up to Takada Shinichi, looked at him and said,"Am I right, Mr. Detective?""

Nuanjihui said:"Mr. Takada, this is also my husband's student. Her name is Miyoshi Asako. There is currently no more powerful magician in Japan than her."


Takada Zhen nodded and said hello.

Yushi Momochi said:"Speaking of which, didn't the teacher commit suicide? Why do we need to invite a detective to investigate?"

"Because Teacher Motoyasu doesn't seem like the kind of person who would commit suicide. Miyoshi

Asako said and looked at Kujiu Qie and said:"Besides, there is something wrong with those playing cards. Am I right?""

"Playing cards?"

Feili looked at Jiujiu Qihui doubtfully.

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