"Of course it’s true! Feili said with an unchanging expression:"He is my daughter's friend. He is currently that man's student. He is learning from that man how to become an excellent detective.""

"So that’s what it looks like. Yukiko pretended to be surprised, looked at Feili and said:"Looking at your appearance, I can tell that you have specially dressed up and put on special lipstick. Besides showing it to him, who else can you show it to?" Feili felt a little guilty, but didn't show it. She rolled her eyes and said,"If you say that, I can't wear lipstick, right?" Once I put on lipstick and meet someone, it means I am interested in that person, right? What is your logic?

Yukiko blinked and said,"Okay, just think you are right." Feili snorted softly:"It's what I said. It's your own random imagination. Don't say it's so reluctant.""

"whee!! Yukiko chuckled, but did not refute.

Takada Shinichi and the taxi driver quickly settled the matter and put away their tools.

"Master, I'll be fine as long as I'm here."

Yukiko said to the taxi driver, then took the suitcase from the trunk and paid the fare.

After the taxi driver left, Yukiko said to Concubine Miles:" Miles, do you mind giving me a ride?"

"The car is not mine. Feili said, and then said to Takada:"Takada, this is my high school classmate Yukiko, please send her back.""

Takada Shinichi smiled and said to Yukiko:"Speaking of which, I have met Miss Yukiko once. It has been a long time since we last met."

"Yes, it's been a long time."

Yukiko thought of that man at this moment. The reason why she met Takada Shinichi was because of that man. She didn't know what happened to that man now.

Takada Shinichi took Yukiko's suitcase and put it Put it in the back compartment of the car.

Fei Mili and Yukiko sat in the back together. After getting in, Shinichi Takada started the car and drove away, this time to Yukiko's home. The two women were chatting quietly in the back, Takada Shinichi neither eavesdropped nor interrupted, and drove the car seriously. About ten minutes later, the car stopped in front of Yukiko's house, but here, the three of them unexpectedly saw the two of them. Mao Lilan and The two of them, Conan, were standing in front of Yukiko's house.

"Oops, isn't this Xiaolan and Conan?"

Yukiko greeted in surprise, came to the two of them, leaned over and pinched Conan's cheek, with a smile on her face.

"Aunt Yukiko, mom, Takada!"

Mao Lilan looked at the three of them in surprise, wondering why the three of them were together.

"How come my mother is with Xiaolan’s mother and Takada?"

Conan was confused, but at this time he was secretly relieved. At least his identity would not be exposed by Xiaolan. If they had come a little later, his identity might have been exposed.

Takada Shinichi looked at the two Humanity said:"Xiaolan, Conan, why are you two here?"

"Takada, this is what happened!"

Mao Lilan originally didn't want to tell Takada Shinichi about this matter, because she didn't want Takada Shinichi to be sad or anything else, but now that she has encountered it, she is no longer prepared to hide it.

"Not long ago, I discovered that Conan looked exactly the same as Shinichi when he took off his glasses. And considering how smart Conan used to be and how he reasoned like Shinichi, I thought he was Shinichi."

"Lan, I told you not to think about your childhood sweetheart. Feili adjusted her glasses and ignored Yukiko's presence beside her. She said,"As I said, the relationship between childhood sweethearts is the most unreliable. It may even become a burden to you." Kudo Shinichi hasn't appeared for a long time. He said he was going to handle some case. No matter what case he was handling, he shouldn't have failed to show up. What's a few occasional phone calls? You think Conan is Kudo Shinichi, but that's just because you miss him too much. Kudo Shinichi is a high school student and Conan is a child. How could they be the same person?"

"Miles, I don't allow you to say that to my Xinyi. He can't get away because he's working on a very important case. It's not that he doesn't care about Xiaolan."

With that said, Yukiko said to Maori Ran:"But Xiaolan, Conan is indeed not Shinichi. The reason why he looks so similar to Shinichi when he was a child is because his mother is a relative of mine. It seems normal. one thing"


Mao Lilan felt that her intuition was right, but the fact was before her eyes. She couldn't help feeling sad, and tears flowed from her eyes.


Takada Shinichi sighed secretly when he saw this. The future is long. It will take a long time to win over Mao Lilan.


Conan couldn't help feeling uncomfortable when he saw it. When he saw Mao Lilan crying, he felt so painful in his heart. His head immediately became hot and he said in a deep voice:"Xiaolan, I..."He was about to tell the truth, but he saw Mao Lilan looking behind him in surprise, which made him puzzled.


Mao Lilan murmured to herself, looking at Kudo Shinichi who was slowly walking towards this side, and burst into laughter.

"Shinichi?! Yukiko exclaimed. She looked at Conan and then at Kudo Shinichi who was coming. She was shocked for a while at first, but she soon figured out that this Kudo Shinichi was probably fake. , her son is right next to her. She has a very good ability to disguise herself, so she can naturally think that this Kudo Shinichi is disguised by someone.

"This guy...Who is it?!"

Conan looked at Kudo Shinichi in shock. He knew this guy was fake the first time he saw him, but he didn't understand why he appeared here, and he was worried about him turning into Conan. How much do you know, what is your purpose, etc.

"Conan actually wants to tell Xiaolan the truth. Nothing I say can make him do it."

Takada Shinichi sneered secretly in his heart. The Kudo Shinichi who appeared was naturally his mirror clone. He had already let the mirror clone hide in the dark. He originally planned to appear as the ruler of wealth and then say hello to Yukiko. He didn't want Conan but was ready to tell the truth, so he could only change his mind and make the mirror clone look like Kudo Shinichi, then step out and give up Conan's idea.

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