The scar appeared, and Yoshifusa Yabuuchi also revealed that it was an injury caused by a baseball game thirty years ago. Not only did he have a scar, but he also knew the story behind the scar.

After saying that, Yoshifusa Yabuuchi looked at the four members of the Yabuuchi family and said,"You are indeed doubting me! The eldest brother is right, no one in the Yabuuchi family is a good guy. I brought Carlos here, and I also You really did the right thing"


Yabuuchi Hiromi was confused and embarrassed.

Yabuuchi Yoshifusa said solemnly:"Actually, he is not my old friend at all, but the bodyguard I hired from Brazil.""

"Bodyguard? Bodyguard?"

Everyone in the Yaunai family was shocked when they heard this. Looking at Carlos's stern face and burly figure, the bodyguard's theory was so convincing.

"Uncle foster brother, why are you doing this?"

Yubuchi Hiromi asked awkwardly. If Yabuuchi's adopted house is true, then he would hire bodyguards when he returns to his home. Doesn't that mean they want to harm him? It is the Yabuuchi family that is embarrassed.

"Huh, of course I have a reason for doing this."

Yoshifusa Yabuuchi snorted coldly, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, spread it out in front of everyone and said:"This is the good thing you gave me!"

"We have no inheritance for you. If you want to survive, it's best not to come back!"

The words on the paper are obviously threats. In other words, it is a threatening letter. It is no wonder that Yabuuchi Yoshifusa hired bodyguards to protect him.

Yabuchi Yoshifusa looked at everyone and said:"The letter is sent to Brazil, of course. It's just that the envelope didn't say who the sender was. I have no interest in my eldest brother's legacy. I just want to come here to see what the idiots who sent me this threatening letter look like."

"Okay, if you are okay, just get out of here!"

Yasuuchi Yoshifusa issued an order to expel guests, but at this time, Conan pretended to be a cute child and begged Yabuuchi Yoshifusa to teach him to write Chinese characters. Yabuuchi Yoshifusa did not refuse and wrote the four words"Congratulations on the new year" that Conan asked.

When Shinichi Takada saw this, he didn't know that Conan had discovered something. He stretched out his hand to hold Yukiko who was about to go out, and shook his head at her. Yukiko's heart skipped a beat when her hand was held by Shinichi Takada. How could she still think about stopping Conan? He immediately broke away from Takada Shinichi's hand and lowered his head slightly.


Conan saw all this and gritted his teeth and was secretly annoyed.

After Yabuuchi Gifu taught Conan how to write, the group left.

On the way, Conan told why he asked Yabuuchi Gifu to teach Conan how to write. The reason was that he found a greeting card, which was sent by Yabuuchi Yifu. On it were the four words"Congratulations on the New Year" written by him. After comparing the two words, everyone found that the words on both sides were the same, indicating that Yabuuchi Yifu The house is real.

Yoshiyuki Yabuuchi and others are not willing to believe this result. They are looking for excuses and trying to figure out the true identity of Yoshiyuki Yabuuchi who is pretending to be a house. This shows that they covet the inheritance and do not want to divide it among multiple people.

Everyone met in the courtyard When they arrived at Yabuuchi Machiko, Yabuuchi Machiko, Yabuuchi Hiromi and others said they were going to attend a friend's banquet in the evening, and then left. It was already getting late, and the sky had turned dark. Yabuuchi Hiromi went to make dinner, and the others were free to move around. Before making dinner ,

Yabuuchi Hiromi arranged the rooms where Takada Shinichi, Conan, and Yukiko would sleep tonight. Conan and Yukiko were in one room, and Takada Shinichi was alone in one room. She arranged the rooms Finally, he left to make dinner.

Only Yukiko and Conan were left in the room.

Conan said:"Mom, stay away from that Ji Zhenyi from now on. He is not a good person, he is a criminal.

Yukiko pretended to be confused and said,"Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?" Conan didn't dare to speak, so he could only emphasize:"He is a criminal. No matter how just his actions may seem, stealing other people's wealth is a fact. He is committing a crime.""

"I know, you don’t need to say more. Yukiko said perfunctorily. Her son said that to Shinichi Takada, which made her feel a little uncomfortable. Now Shinichi Takada is the man she likes, and the man she likes is said to be a bad person by others, if not for the person who said this is her son. , she had to refute and scold loudly.

Conan was a little helpless when he saw this, but he was thinking about how to remind his father without knowing what to say. He didn't dare to say this kind of thing in detail, and talked about his The guess may be wrong, and even if it is true, he doesn't know which side he should be on, but the decision to tell the truth is absolutely unavoidable. There is a possibility of divorce between the two of them, which is not what he wants. Result. After a short while, the door was opened and Takada Shinichi appeared at the door.

"How did you come?

Yukiko saw this and walked over. Takada Shinichi smiled and said:"Yukiko, didn't you stay here when you were a child? I want to ask you to take me for a walk before dinner is ready.""

Yukiko was about to say something when Conan immediately said:"Auntie, I don't want to go out."

Takada Shinichi looked at Conan and said:"If Conan doesn't want to go out, then just stay here in the room. Nothing will happen here anyway. When dinner is ready, we will come back and take him out."

Yukiko didn't want to reject Takada Shinichi, so she hesitated for a moment and then nodded slightly.

"I want to go too."

Seeing his mother walking towards the door, Conan immediately ran after her, walking between Takada Shinichi and Yukiko. His intention couldn't be more obvious.

Takada Shinichi didn't say anything when he saw this. He wasn't prepared anyway. What should I say to Yukiko? I just want to walk with her and talk.

"Shinichi...does he know?"

Yukiko thought to herself, a little scared, and didn't know how to face it. She is a woman with a husband and son, and she loves her husband very much, but she also likes Shinichi Takada's status as the ruler of wealth, at least by Shinichi Takada This is what people who have used the ability of true love are like this.

Yukiko knows that her son's powers of observation are very powerful. She doesn't know if her son has noticed something. If that's the case, she doesn't know how to face all this. His heart was extremely complicated.

Takada Shinichi was thinking about one thing at the moment, that is, Yukiko was different from Feili. Feili had no feelings for Mouri Kogoro. He had no opponent when he conquered Feili, but when he conquered Yukiko At that time, there was a strong opponent like Kudo Yusaku, so he couldn't attack Yukiko as slowly as he attacked Fei Mile, and he could still take a relatively larger pace.

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