In the hotel room, Belmode was sitting in front of the computer in a bathrobe, with her feet crossed.

Belmod's hands were typing on the keyboard very fast. She obviously had high attainments in computers.


Suddenly, a scent appeared in Belmod's nose. The familiar smell made Belmod know who was coming.

"Hime Shinichi!"

Belmod immediately stood up, turned around and looked around and said:"I know you are coming, come out!"

Takada Shinichi did not appear, and Belmod said angrily:"Do you only know this trick? If you have the guts, don't take any medicine and appear in front of me upright, you coward."

"You should know whether I have planted it or not."

Takada Shinichi's teasing voice sounded, and Belmode suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see that Takada Shinichi was not there.

"I have Yukiko in my hands. If you don't want anything to happen to her, you'd better show up, otherwise I can't guarantee her life safety."

Belmode said in a deep voice.As he spoke, he ran towards the bathroom. When he entered the bathroom, he saw that there was no one inside.

The fragrance smelled more and more, and Belmod's breathing became more and more rapid. She knew that she couldn't bear it much longer.

Belmod said angrily:"Don't be proud, sooner or later I will find a chance to kill you, I promise."

Not long after Belmode said she wanted to kill Takada Shinichi, she fought with Takada Shinichi. It's just that the outcome of the battle was not what she expected. The winner was naturally Takada Shinichi.

Not long after, the woman's contented sighs and moans filled the room.

For three days, in the next three days, Takada Shinichi didn't go anywhere. He and Belmode stayed in this room. Except when they were hungry, eating and a little tired, the two of them did their best. Primitive exercise was done for three whole days.

After three days passed, Takada Shinichi left the hotel, while Bellmode stayed in the hotel room. It was because she was too tired after three days and she couldn't leave immediately and needed a good rest. Just fine.

These three days of exercise gave Belmod unprecedented satisfaction. At the same time, he was also afraid of this kind of thing, as well as resentful of Takada Shinichi, who wanted to kill Takada Shinichi. There is no way, her current favorability towards Takada Shinichi is only 42 points in total, but it is not a good impression, and her desire to kill Takada Shinichi has never changed. However, what happened in the past three days made her a little afraid of Takada Shinichi. She was afraid that Takada Shinichi would do this to her again, so she didn't dare to mess around in a short period of time.

During these three days, Takada Shinichi asked the mirror image to accompany Yukiko. In fact, the mirror image took Kiko to a private hospital and stayed there, while Yukiko took care of the mirror image.

Conan knew that his mother was fine the next day. While he was relieved, he was very dissatisfied when he learned that his mother was going to stay and take care of Hime Shinichi. However, Yukiko hung up the phone directly and did not tell him where she was. No matter how dissatisfied you are, it's useless, you can only give up.

In the past three days, Takada Shinichi used the clone card to let the clone return to the office on the first day. Then he said that he had to leave for the next two days, giving himself an excuse for not being able to show up at the office for the time being, so as not to let the clone return to the office. thought he was missing.

After leaving Belmode, Shinichi Takada naturally returned to the office.

When Takada Shinichi returned to the office, he learned something from the excited Mao Lilan. With her unremitting efforts, Maori Kogoro and Feili will have dinner together tomorrow night, because tomorrow is their wedding. anniversary.

After learning about this, Takada Shinichi was just a little surprised, but when Mao Lilan invited him to have dinner together tonight, he was not surprised, but confused. On such a day, only Mouri Kogoro and Feili should be the most suitable people. There is no reason for Mao Lilan to ask him to go with them.

When Takada Shinichi asked, Mao Lilan told him that it was Feili who asked Mao Lilan, Conan and him to go together, otherwise she would not go. Mao Lilan finally made her mother willing to go with her father. It was a meal, and on a day like this, I naturally wouldn’t insist on it, so I agreed. Therefore, it was Feili who asked him to go with him, not Mao Lilan who asked him to go with him.

Takada Shinichi was very happy when he learned the reason. Fei Mili asked him to go with him on such a day, which showed that he was in his heart and there was no reason for him to be unhappy.

In the afternoon, Shinichi Takada, who was staying in the office, unexpectedly received a call from Yumi Miyamoto.

"celebrate? What to celebrate?"

Miyamoto Yumi called and asked to have dinner together tonight to celebrate properly. He didn't mind having dinner with Miyamoto Yumi, but he didn't know what he was celebrating. He had to ask, otherwise he wouldn't be able to go there when the time came. You know, that's not good

"you do not know?"

Miyamoto Yumi said in surprise:"Miwako has returned to the Metropolitan Police Department. Isn't it your help?"

"Are you talking about this? I think I was the one who helped, but Sato should have gone to the traffic class instead of reinstating his original position, right?"

Takada Shinichi patted his head. He asked Suzuki Ayako to help with this matter, and Suzuki Ayako also agreed to help. But he didn't expect that it happened to be today. In the past three days with Belmode, he had no idea. Thinking about it,

Miyamoto Yumi said:"It's traffic class, but this is a good start, so naturally we have to celebrate. In the evening, in addition to Miwako and me, there will be one of my colleagues from the transportation department. You can come by yourself, but don’t bring friends."She doesn't mind that Shinichi Takada brings his friends, but the problem is that she is worried that Shinichi Takada will bring Suzuki Sonoko. Then her plan to bring Miwako Sato and Shinichi Takada together will be ruined.

"OK, I will definitely go tonight."

Takada Shinichi replied, he would naturally not refuse if he could have dinner with a beautiful woman.

"Remember the address and don't be late tonight."

Miyamoto Yumi said the address and read it twice.

Takada Shinichi wrote down the address, then said goodbye and hung up the phone.

"My colleague from the traffic department is probably Miaozi, right?"

Takada Shinichi laughed softly. Miike Naeko was too timid. She dated him several times under his coercion. Now her favorability score for his identity as Du Kang is 82 points, and she already likes him. Girls who have never been in love are easy to deal with. He knows very well that in the first half of the year and a year like this, Miike Naeko's favorable impression of him can reach 90 points, reaching a level where he can be eaten.

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