The door to the ward was opened, and Mumu Shisan walked in.

Seeing this, Shiratori Rensaburo asked:"Police department, why are you here?"

Megure Shisan said:"I heard that Dr. Agasa was also attacked, so I came to take a look."

Mouri Kogoro pointed at Megure Shisan. San's wound said:"But your wound hasn't healed yet."

"The wound has been stitched up, it's fine."

Mumu Shisan showed the sutured wound, and then asked:"How is it? Have you found out what exactly happened?"

"Police department, that's what it is."

Shiratori Rensaburo immediately told Feili's reasoning, as well as the possibility that the person the gangster wanted to attack was related to Mouri Kogoro.

After hearing this, Megure Shisan said:"I see, if that is the case, I think I know who the gangster is. That gangster should be Murakami's father-in-law."

"The gangster is Murakami?""It's him?"

Mouri Kogoro and Feili both spoke out. It was obvious that both of them were familiar with the Murakami father mentioned by Memu Shisan.

Mao Lilan saw this and asked:"Mom, do you also know this person?

Feili nodded and said,"Murakami was originally a banker specializing in card gambling. Ten years ago, he was arrested by your father for killing someone.""

As he spoke, Feili said to himself:"In that case, I remember that Murakami's father-in-law was sentenced to ten years in prison at that time, and he should be released from prison by now."

Megure Thirteen said:"My father-in-law Murakami was released from prison last week after serving his sentence.

Mao Lilan asked aloud:"What is a banker who specializes in card gambling?""

Takada Shinichi said:"He is the person in the casino who deals cards to guests who go to play cards."

"This is Murakami’s father-in-law ten years ago."

Megure Thirteen took out a photo while he was talking. Everyone looked at it. It was a photo in a casino.

Mouri Kogoro looked at it and said:"It's him. If it's him, he does have a reason. Hate me, after all, I was the one who arrested him and sent him to prison.

Mao Lilan said in disbelief:"Isn't it normal for the police to arrest criminals?""

Shiratori Rensanlang said:"I also heard about this case at the beginning...."

"Ahem!! Feili coughed twice, interrupted what Rensaburo Shiratori was about to say, and said,"Don't talk about that case anymore.""


Shiratori Rensaburo was stunned for a moment and nodded.

"Did anything happen in the meantime?"

Conan was secretly surprised when he saw this, but he didn't ask.

Mouri Kogoro said puzzledly:"I am the person Murakami hates. If that's the case, why doesn't he come to me directly?"

Mumu Shisan said:"This is because he wants to torture you as much as possible, and then slowly push you into a dead end."

"Another point."

Takada Shinichi said:"Master Maori's name is Maori Kogoro, and there is a five character in it. If you count it in order, it is still a little early for Master Maori's turn.

Conan asked aloud:"Uncle, do you know anyone with a cross in his name?" This person is likely to be the gangster's next target"

"Ten, ten..."

Mouri Kogoro put his chin on his head and started thinking.

Feili saw this and said:"Someone must have forgotten that nightclub lady. If I remember correctly, that woman's name has a cross in it.""

"By the way, it’s Miss Towako."

Moori Kogoro clapped his hands.

Megure Thirteen said happily:"Very good, now that we know the next target that may be attacked, we can make a layout and catch the gangster."

When Mu Shisan and Shiratori Rensaburo were about to leave, Mouri Kogoro called Takada Shinichi to go with them.

"Master Maori, I won’t go. I still won’t go to that kind of place."

Takada Shinichi refused out loud. He promised Mao Lilan not to go just a few days ago, but today he ran away again. Although it was for official business, it was better not to go if he could.

"Okay, then you can send Xiaolan and Conan back."

Moori Kogoro didn't force himself, he just said that and walked out of the ward.

"I'll take my leave now. Feili said, and after signaling to a few people, she walked out of the ward.

"Mom, please wait for me."

Mao Lilan called out, said goodbye to Dr. Ali, and then chased out. Upon seeing this, Takada Shinichi said to Conan:"Conan, do you want to go back together?

Yukiko said:"Conan will stay with me tonight. I will send him back to the office tomorrow.""

"Okay, I'll take my leave now."

Takada Zhen nodded, said goodbye and left, catching up with Feili and Mao Lilan.

Walking in the corridor of the hospital, Feili said:"Takada, I want to go back to the office, Xiaolan, please send me back. Got it"


Takada Zhen nodded.

Mao Lilan said:"Mom, I have something to ask you.

Feili asked,"What's the matter?"

Mao Lilan asked aloud:"What on earth did Officer Shiratiao want to say before? Why did you stop him?""

"You want to ask this. Fei

Lili stopped when he heard the words, looked at Mao Lilan and said:"Okay, since you want to know, then I will tell you, so that you don't think too much, let's find a coffee shop to talk.""

The three of them left the hospital together and sat down at a coffee shop not far from the hospital.

After the waiter brought the coffee, Feilili said:"The matter started ten years ago. Your father was still a policeman, and Officer Megure was just a junior police officer at that time. Your father and Officer Megure captured the prisoner Murakami, and interrogated him overnight."

"So I took Xiaolan to the Metropolitan Police Department to deliver dinner to your father. I didn’t expect that at that time, Murakami’s father-in-law used an excuse to go to the bathroom and attacked the policeman guarding him, grabbed his gun, and met us who were going to the Metropolitan Police Department. I was captured and held hostage"

"At that time, Murakami asked for a car to escape. Your father drew his gun and pointed it at Murakami. During the confrontation, your father shot me, hitting my left leg. Finally, Murakami was captured."

"how come?!"

Mao Lilan's eyes were full of disbelief. She couldn't believe that her father would shoot her mother. If her mother hadn't said it herself, she wouldn't have believed it at all. And this cruel fact made her unwilling believe.

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