"Who is this codename Shirley? How much do you know about that black organization?"

Yukiko asked aloud. She was very worried about her son's safety, so she naturally wanted to know more about this kind of thing.

Takada Shinichi:"I only know that her code name is Shirley, and she is a senior cadre of that organization. Does she have any other information? I don't know what his identity is. As for the black organization, I don't know much. I only know the code names of some of their senior cadres. I don't know what their identities are outside.

Conan asked:"Who are the senior cadres of that organization?""

Takada Shinichi glanced at him and said:"Gin, vodka, Belmode, Shirley, Du Kang, Cohen, Chianti, Calvados, and the puppet master of hell you know. The senior cadres I am talking about are all senior cadres active in Japan. I am not very clear about the other senior cadres abroad.

Conan asked aloud:"How do you know so much?""

"What to do with so many questions! Yukiko knocked Conan on the head and said to Takada Shin:"This kid doesn't want to go to Los Angeles with me. He wants to stay in Japan. If he has any difficulties, you must help him. I beg you.". Takada

Zhen nodded and said:"Don't worry, for your sake, I will definitely help him.""


Conan curled his lips and said:"Who wants his help? I can deal with that organization myself."

Hearing this, Yukiko looked at Conan very seriously and said:"Shinichi, you'd better be more serious. The members of those organizations are not the thieves or robbers you caught during the case, but dark organizations that dare to fight against the government. You Do you think you alone can deal with them? If you dare to mess around, I won't care about you and will take you directly to Los Angeles."

"I got it!"

Conan said helplessly. He knew that his mother cared about him, so although he was not convinced, he did not refute.

Yukiko turned to Takada Zhen and said:"Keep an eye on him for me. If you find that he is messing around, call him immediately. Contact me and I'll come back and take him to Los Angeles, whether he wants it or not"

"OK, I'll watch him for you."

Takada Shinichi looked at Conan, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Conan snorted in displeasure and turned his head to the side.

Turning back, Conan asked aloud:"Do you know the purpose of that black organization? What is it? The reason why I became like this is because I was given drugs by members of that organization. Do you know what drugs that organization is developing?

Hearing this, Yukiko said,"If you know, just tell me." Even though Shinichi is cute the way he is now, I still wish he could go back to being a high school student."

Takada Shinichi shook his head and said:"How can I know about this? I'm not a member of that organization. If you really want to know, just ask the hell puppet master. Kudo Shinichi, I think your relationship with the Hell Puppet Master is not bad. You can ask him.

Yukiko said:"That's because you misunderstood. The relationship between Shinichi and Hell's Puppet Master is not that good." Conan said solemnly:"The puppet master of hell is a murderer. How can I have a good relationship with him? He wants me to unravel his murder plan, that's all."

After hearing this, Takada Shinichi said:"In this case, there is nothing I can do." Yukiko said:"

If possible, you can help to find out, but you should also be more careful yourself. The members of that organization are very powerful, especially one of them named Du Kang. He even directly invaded the Metropolitan Police Department and destroyed that organization." rescued by two members of"

"Du Kang, we can say we are old acquaintances."

Takada Shinichi smiled when he heard this, said goodbye, turned around and walked outside.

"Wait, do you know Du Kang? Conan chased after him and asked loudly.

Takada Shinichi jumped up and stood on the balcony, with his back to Conan and said:"He used to be a bodyguard, a very powerful bodyguard. I once fought against him when I was stealing treasures. So get to know him. If you want to ask me for information about him, I can only unfortunately tell you that I only know that his marksmanship and fighting skills are very strong, and I don’t know anything else."

"Yukiko, I'm leaving first. I hope you can come back to Japan soon."

Takada Shinichi said as he jumped down, and the hang glider took him to high altitude. The super hang glider produced by the system is different. If it were Kaitou Kidd who jumped down from the second floor without the help of the wind, it would not be possible at all. It can't fly.

Yukiko stared at Takada Shinichi's disappearing figure, and turned away after not seeing him for a long time.

"Mom, he's gone!"

Conan said and turned around and walked into the room without seeing anything.

Yukiko lowered her head after hearing this, turned around and walked into the room, closing the window.

"Shinichi, you should know from your father how powerful the person codenamed Du Kang is. Even if the senior cadres of that organization are not as powerful as Du Kang, they will still have extraordinary abilities, so don't think about catching those people by yourself. Do you know?"

"I know, don't worry."

Conan responded and climbed into bed. He learned how powerful Du Kang was from his father. He also experienced how powerful the Hell Puppet Master who was also a member of the organization was. Therefore, even if the other members did not have these two It's so powerful, and it's not much worse than he thought, so he gave up the idea of ​​acting alone. It's just that he wouldn't do it if he asked Ji Zhenyi, the master of wealth, for help. If he did, how could he still do it? Have the stance to drive this person away from his mother's side

"Anyway, remember, don’t mess around. Even if you don’t think about yourself, you should also think about Xiaolan. If you are arrested by that organization like this, Xiaolan will also be in danger."

Yukiko knew that her son cared about Mao Lilan very much, so he knew that if Mao Lilan was used as a breakthrough point, he would be more able to listen.

Conan nodded to express his understanding. He also knew that he could never be arrested by that organization in his current state. , otherwise something will definitely happen to the Maori Office, after all, he is living there now

"He is leaving tomorrow. When will the next time he sees him happen?"

When Yukiko saw that Conan had listened, she stopped saying anything. Lying on the bed, she thought of Takada Shinichi, and she didn't know when she would see him again.

Conan was thinking about the black organization, and Yukiko Thinking about Takada Shinichi, the two of them didn't fall asleep for a long time, and they didn't know how long it had been before they fell asleep unknowingly.

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