"What are you going to do?"

Hasaka Tomoko asked aloud, because she saw Takada Shinichi take out a cloth bag from his pocket, and after opening it, there were gold needles one after another. She was puzzled by Takada Shinichi's behavior.

Suzuki Sonoko explained with pride :"Shinichi is rescuing Asami-san. His medical skills are very good, the best in the world."Even though the major hospitals confirmed that he was paralyzed, Takada Shinichi was still able to heal himself. In Suzuki Sonoko's opinion, Takada Shinichi's medical skills are the best in the world, not to mention that he is a beauty in the eyes of lovers. Regarding

Suzuki Sonoko's words, Manabu Sawai, Yoshinobu Morimoto, Tomoko Hayasaka, Chinatsu Miyazaki, and Shibahisa Noguchi didn't quite believe it, but they didn't refute it. Asami

Uchida was just because of sleeping pills It was just a matter of falling asleep. After Shinichi Takada gave a few injections, Asami Uchida woke up.

"Uh...what's going on?"

When Asami Uchida woke up, she saw a villa covered in flames. This surprised her and she couldn't figure out what happened.

"Asami, that's great, you're fine!"That's right!""Takada is really awesome!"

Uchida Asami couldn't figure out the situation and asked aloud:"What happened?"

Hearing this, Hayasaka Tomoko explained:"Asami, you fell asleep in the living room before twelve o'clock, so we went to karaoke to sing together. But not long ago, we found that there was a fire in the villa, so we hurried away." come over. The fire was very strong, and Takada rushed in and rescued you. Not only that, he also used his medical skills to wake you up."

"Takada, thank you!"

After hearing this, Asami Uchida immediately thanked Takada Shinichi. Her heart skipped a beat and her cheeks were slightly red. Fortunately, under the reflection of the flames, she didn't expect to be discovered. The joy and admiration in her heart made her look at Takada Shinichi full of tenderness..

Takada Shinichi shook his head slightly and said:"No need to thank you, this is what I should do."Just before rescuing Asami Uchida, he used the ability of true love on Asami Uchida. It works best at this time. The reason why he didn't use it yesterday was because the duration of this ability is one day. If he had used it yesterday , by now, the duration of the ability has passed, so he chose to use it today.

Conan asked aloud at this time:"Have everyone called the fire truck?"

Miyazaki Chinatsu said:"We fought while we were in the car. The fire truck should arrive soon."

Uchida Asami noticed the injury on Shinichi Takada's arm at this time, and said heartbrokenly:"Takada, is the injury on your arm serious?"

Takada Shinichi shook his head and said:"It's nothing general. I just got hit accidentally. Just bandage it for the time being." Hearing this ,

Asami Uchida quickly took out her handkerchief and bandaged Takada Shinichi. Mao Lilan had also taken out the handkerchief just now. When she saw this, she put the handkerchief back and watched silently.

Suzuki Sonoko pouted, she was worried It finally happened, the hero saves the beauty. Uchida Asami is afraid that she has fallen in love with Takada Shinichi, and she will have another competitor. Her bottom line is that Uchida Asami becomes her good sister, but if Uchida Asami lets Takada Shinichi choose one of the two If so, she will never compromise.


After Asami Uchida was bandaged, Takada Shinichi thanked her.

Asami Uchida shook her head and said,"If you hadn't saved me, you wouldn't have been injured, so I am the one to thank."

Takada Shinichi said nothing after hearing this, but asked:"Asami, did you ever wake up when the villa was on fire?"

Uchida Asami was stunned when she heard this, then shook her head and said:"No, why do you ask that?"

Takada Shinichi helped Uchida Asami get up, then looked at everyone and said,"When I went in before, I found that Asami was not sleeping on the sofa, but sleeping on the floor. In other words, if she didn't wake up and fall asleep on the floor, then someone put her there deliberately."

"how come? Mao

Lilan's eyes widened in disbelief.

Tomoko Hayasaka also said in disbelief:"You mean, one of us put Asami on the floor later?""

Takada Zhen nodded and said:"That person also deliberately lit the flames, causing the villa to catch fire."

Everyone looked at each other, and Miyazaki Chinatsu said:"But, we have been staying at the karaoke bar since twelve o'clock. Even if someone left in the middle, they didn't leave for long."

Takada Shinichi said:"It doesn't take long to drive from Karaoke to the villa, but we parked the car downstairs. If the car disappears, it will be easily discovered, so this possibility is not possible. big."

Conan nodded secretly after hearing this. It was indeed the case.

Asami Uchida suddenly said:"Takada, you may be thinking too much. Maybe I didn't notice it when I turned over and fell to the floor. It's not necessarily that I didn't notice it. It was not someone who put it on purpose, but something that was not done properly that led to the accidental fire. Don't think too much, it's just an accident this time."

Miyazaki Chinatsu said in agreement:"Asami is right, this is not impossible."

Morimoto Yoshinobu nodded and said:"I don't think it's possible either. I think it's impossible for everyone to want to kill Asami. Asami is such a nice person, and no one has any grudge against her."

Takada Shinichi shook his head and said:"No, all this is not an accident, but man-made.

After hearing this, Noguchi Shiba said:"What evidence do you have that it was not an accident, but man-made?""

Takada Shinchi said:"One thing I haven't said yet is that when I went in, I found that there was no flame around Mami on the floor at all. The source of the fire seemed to have been removed deliberately, so Mami was fine. , obviously although someone set the villa on fire, they had no intention of killing Asami."

As he spoke, Takada Shinichi's face darkened and he said angrily:"But I have to say that that person is too naive. Maybe he didn't mean to kill Asami, but didn't he think about the possibility of the car getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road or having a tire burst, etc. Well, if there is a delay, we will not be able to save Mami in time. Mami will definitely be burned to death in the villa. This is absolutely unforgivable!"


Looking at Takada Shinichi's angry look, Uchida Asami suddenly felt that her heart was full of sweetness. She didn't know why she felt this way, and the inexplicable admiration in her heart made her a little flustered.

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