Another night comes.

After bidding farewell to her colleagues, Masami Hirota returned to her residence and bought the ingredients for dinner tonight at a nearby supermarket before carrying the ingredients to her residence.

Opening the door of the apartment, Hirota Masami turned on the light, changed into slippers in the entrance, and walked towards the kitchen.

Putting the ingredients in the kitchen, Masami Hirota walked towards the room with her bag and opened the door.

"You..who are you?"

A man she had never seen before appeared in Masami Hirota's eyes. The man was sitting beside the bed, holding photos in his hand and looking at them. There were also a bunch of photos beside him. She didn't need to think about it to know who these photos were. The photos she hid

"Ding! Host, please be aware that the Crystal Palace has discovered the target, Miyano Akemi, and asks the host to take her into the Crystal Palace!"

Listening to the system prompts, Takada Shinichi looked at the woman who walked in with a smile, raised the photo on his hand and said:"Hirota Masami, should I call you this name, or should I call you Miyano Akira? good?"

"Who are you?"

Miyano Akemi asked vigilantly. Although she has a low status in the organization, she has also completed several tasks for the organization. She is not comparable to ordinary women. But she is not very powerful. At least her fighting ability is not good. She doesn't carry a gun with her, and now she can almost be said to have no resistance at all.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I'm here to help you."

Takada Shinichi put down the photo in his hand and stood up. At this moment, he is not using his own appearance, nor is it the appearance of any of his identities. This appearance is just what he conjured up at will. Is there such a thing in this world? It’s hard for anyone to say

"Help me? What do you mean?"

Miyano Akemi asked in confusion. She was still wary of Takada Shinichi.

Takada Shinichi said:"Your sister's name is Miyano Shiho, am I right?"

Miyano Akemi was not shocked, but said calmly:"Since you know me, it is normal to know that Shiho exists."

"This is true."

Takada Zhen nodded, and then said:"Let's get some useful information. You and your sister are both members of the same organization. It's just that your sister is a senior cadre of that organization because of her talents in certain aspects, and you are just an ordinary low-level cadre. That’s all. And you want to take your sister out of that organization, am I right?"

"who are you?"

Miyano Akemi said in surprise that the other party could know so much, which was beyond her expectation.

"You don’t need to know who I am now. When it’s time for you to know, you will know it naturally."

Takada Shinichi did not tell Miyano Akemi who he was. He continued:"You proposed to Gin that you wanted to take your sister out of the organization. Gin told you that in exchange for one billion yen, you could let your sister leave the organization. Yes. It's not like this?"

"Yes, that's it."

Miyano Akemi nodded cooperatively this time. The other party's magical power was beyond her expectation. She even doubted whether the other party was also a member of the organization.

Takada Shin said:"Gin is lying to you, your sister The importance to that organization is beyond your imagination. That organization needs your sister's talents, so if you want to take your sister out of the organization, you have actually become the target of that organization."

Miyano Akemi fell silent after hearing this, and then said after a while:"I know all this."She does know, but she still wants to try. Maybe she can succeed if she tries, but if she doesn't try, she will never succeed. She is willing to give it a try just for the chance of getting her sister out of that organization..

Takada Shinichi was slightly surprised and said with a smile:"I thought you didn't know this. It seems that I took it for granted. Let's get down to business. I have a way for you and your sister to break away from that organization and avoid being hunted by that organization. Are you willing to try it?"

"I will not let Shiho join your organization, it will be no different from now."

Miyano Akemi bit her lip and said. She didn't believe that this stranger would help her for no reason. He must have a purpose. The only thing that their sisters could make each other interested in was their sister's ability. But in this case , what is the difference between letting my sister join another organization where the details are unknown, and the current organization? It is not even as good as the current situation.

Takada Shinichi shook his index finger and said:"I won't help you in vain, but your sister's ability is not what I want."

"So what do you want?"

Miyano Akemi asked aloud. She had to know what the other party wanted before she could decide whether to accept the other party's help.

Takada Shinichi looked at her and said:"I want you!"


Miyano Akemi was stunned when she heard this, then nodded heavily and said:"Okay, I agree. As long as you can lead Shiho out of that organization, then my life will be yours. Even if you ask me to die, I will never refuse. This is what I owe you."

"I think you have misunderstood."

Takada Shinichi spread his hands and said:"What I want is you, you as a person, including your body...and your heart!"


Miyano Akemi exclaimed. She didn't understand why the other party would make such a request. It would definitely not be an easy task to save her sister, but the other party only wanted her. This made her unable to I can believe it. In Shinichi Takada’s view, Miyano Akemi is stronger than anyone else, but in Miyano Akemi’s view, she herself has no value at all. The asymmetry between the two values ​​makes Miyano Akemi unbelievable. The reason.

Takada Shinichi looked at her and said:"I don't ask you to do anything now. When I rescue your sister, you will know my sincerity. When that time comes, you will pay me. You What do you think?"

Miyano Akemi opened her mouth to agree, but suddenly she thought of the person she liked. If she agreed to the person, she would be betraying the person she likes and would be sorry for him in her heart.

Seeing this, Shinichi Takada said:"This matter No rush, you still have time to think about it. It won’t be too late to reply to me after you think about it. Before your mission begins, you must give me a reply, is that okay?"

Miyano Akemi nodded slightly. What happened in this short period of time was too important to her. Her mind is still a little confused now. She might as well think about it after she calms down. After seeing

Miyano Akemi nodding, Takada Shinichi waved and walked outside.

Miyano Akemi did not follow him out, but walked to the bed and sat down, thinking.

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