Everyone chatted while eating.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the three of them and said:"So you are members of the aerobic diving club of the same university."

Matsuzaki Masahiko smiled and said:"We also want to come here for some diving in the morning."

Takada Shinichi said aloud :"You two are getting married next week, so today can be considered your last single dive." Kawazu Kunio had said this during the previous chat, otherwise Takada Shinichi would not have known about it.

Matsuzaki Masahiko said:"Actually, we will come to dive tomorrow, and it's not the last time."

Matsuzaki Haru smiled and joked:"But, it's really not easy for my brother, who can't dive, to join the aerobic diving club."

"He can't swim?"

Moori Kogoro was a little surprised.

Kawazu Kuni said:"You can dive even if you don't know how to swim. You just need to bring an oxygen tank."

Toda Kiwako chuckled and said:"Because Masahiko has been a landlubber since he was a child."

"Don't talk about this."

Matsuzaki Masahiko said with some embarrassment.


Mao Lilan perked up and said in surprise:"Has he been like this since he was a child?" So, Mr. Matsuzaki and Ms. Kiwako, you two have been childhood sweethearts growing up together?"


Matsuzaki Masahiko and Toda Kikazuko couldn't help but be stunned. They didn't understand why Mao Lilan suddenly acted like this.

"You are also a couple who were childhood sweethearts and got married. You are the exact replica of my parents. Right? Right? Right?"

Mao Lilan said with a face of surprise, turning her head and looking at both sides of her parents. In order to get her parents back together, she worked hard.

Maori Kogoro supported his head with his right hand, turned his head to one side and said,"What a childhood sweetheart? I don’t know how many couples like us there are that are difficult for others to understand."

Feili didn't want to say anything at first, but when Mouri Kogoro said this, she immediately became angry. She supported the table with her hands, crossed her chin and said:"It is extremely stupid to have illusions about someone you know so well. matter"

"I don't think you two will need it."

Moori Kogoro took out his wallet and said,"But if you have any doubts about your wife's behavior, please feel free to come to the Maori Detective Agency to see me."

"If you want to ask for alimony from your husband during the divorce, you can contact my concubine law firm."

"Please give me more advice!"

Moori Kogoro and Feili stood up at the same time and handed their business cards to Matsuzaki Masahiko and Toda Kikako. The two people could be said to be competing with each other.

"so cold!"

When Conan saw this, he felt like he was in an iceberg. He was so cold.

"How could it become like this?"

Mao Lilan had a headache. She also wanted the two of them to think of the good memories of the past and get back together. But looking at the current situation, let alone getting back together, I don't know if they will want to meet again next time.

Matsuzaki Masahiko and Todo Tian Gui and Zi looked at the business card handed to them, and after looking at each other, they didn't know whether to accept it or not.


Takada Shinichi coughed, stood up, took the business cards from Moori Kogoro and Fei Mili, and said:"Master Maori, Miss Fei, Mr. Matsuzaki and Miss Kiwako are getting married next week. Don't pour cold water on them."

Feili sat down after hearing this, and secretly screamed in her heart. Could her performance just now make Takada think that she still has fantasies about Mouri Kogoro? That would be terrible. Thinking that Takada Shinichi might misunderstand, she felt a pang in her heart. Confusion.

Mouri Kogoro also sat down. He also knew that he should not talk about his marriage and create obstacles for two men and women who were about to get married.

Seeing this, Kawazu Kunio changed the topic and said:"By the way, Masahiko, you have grown up together Where have my older friends gone?"

"Are you talking about Ayang? Matsuzaki Masahiko replied:"

After diving, he said he wanted to go snorkeling in the nearby sea, so he left.""

Mouri Kogoro asked aloud:"What is snorkeling?"

Matsuzaki Haru said:"It is a kind of diving without using oxygen tanks. Mao

Lilan heard this and looked at Takada:"Takada, were you snorkeling before?""She saw that Shinichi Takada didn't bring any tools when swimming before.

Shinichi Takada smiled and said:"My skills are pretty good, so I don't need an oxygen tank.

Mao Lilan said:"I can't do it. I must use an oxygen tank." Toda

Kiwako looked at the beach, turned to Matsuzaki Haru and said:"Koharu, can you please help me get a new towel from our room?""As he said that, he winked at Matsuzaki Haru.

Matsuzaki Masahiko looked at Toda Kiwako who was getting up and said:"Kikawako, you don't want to go swimming now, do you? Toda

Kiwako took out his goggles and said,"Well, I suddenly want to swim in the sea for a while." Matsuzaki

Haru hesitated and said:"But you are already a little drunk now, doesn't it matter?" There's no need to rush today, we can swim again tomorrow"

"It's okay, I'm not that drunk, I'm just doing a little snorkeling."

Kikawako Toda said and ran outside and onto the beach.

"Then Xiaochun, please!"

Looking at Toda Kikawako's running back, Matsuzaki Haru narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around and said with a smile:"I have no choice but to get her a towel.

Matsuzaki Masahiko said:"Kikawako won't be back soon. Xiaoharu, you can go get it after eating.""

"No, I'd better go get it and eat it later, in case Kiwako just dives for a short time."

Matsuzaki Haru waved his hand and walked away while talking.

Although Matsuzaki Haru left, the group continued to eat.

After about ten minutes, Matsuzaki Haru came back with a towel, but because Toda Kiwako had not yet landed relationship, so Matsuzaki Haruya continued to eat.

Not long after everyone finished eating, they asked the waiter to clean up, and asked the waiter to pour a drink and put it aside.

Because Toda Kikako hadn't come back yet, Takada Shinichi and the others It's not a good idea to leave now. No matter what, we have to wait until Toda Kikawako comes ashore and say hello to her before leaving.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Hejin Kunsheng said hello to everyone, and then walked away._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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