Above the horizon is the tranquil and glorious sunset. It uses thousands of arrows of light to roar through the red clouds of the day. Then, the clouds in the sky burn, and they push/agitate each other. At the foot of the setting sun is the sparkling sea. The sea water gradually surges and is dyed red, as if it has been soaked by the bloody sunset. This is the last bloody passion of the sun. Only those who are bathing in the setting sun at this moment can receive this last light.

On the deck of the yacht, two young people, a man and a woman, are leaning on the armrests and looking at the scenery in the distance.

"What a beauty!"

Suzuki Sonoko exclaimed, impressed by the beautiful scenery in front of her.

"Although the scenery is beautiful, it is not as good as your chance."

Takada Shinichi said affectionately to Suzuki Sonoko next to him.


Suzuki Sonoko found that her heartbeat suddenly became so fast, as if she was about to jump out of her chest.

Takada Shinichi looked at Suzuki Sonoko blankly, and slowly leaned his head towards her.

"He...is he going to kiss me?"

Suzuki Sonoko's heart beat loudly, her cheeks turned red, her eyes blurred, and she closed them unconsciously.


Takada Shinichi saw this and kissed the girl's cherry lips, tasting the fragrance.

This was Suzuki Sonoko's first kiss, so she was very clumsy and didn't know how to cooperate, allowing Takada Shinichi to take the initiative.

After a long time, her lips Breaking apart, a crystalline silk thread connected their lips and broke with a crackling sound.

"How shameful!"

Suzuki Sonoko was so embarrassed that she threw herself into Takada Shinichi's arms and buried her head directly in Takada Shinichi's chest. She didn't dare to raise her head to look at Takada Shinichi.

Takada Shinichi's face was full of smiles and he secretly opened the virtual panel and looked at it. Look at his friendship with Suzuki Sonoko

"82+3 is already the level I like, and it’s not too far away from 90 points, so I’d better keep it. This time I went out to play, and I really came to the right place."

After seeing the favorability between him and Suzuki Sonoko, Takada Shinichi smiled even more. The favorability between the two has reached over 80 points, and 90 points is obviously not far away. 90 points is a dividing line, yes, but he has tricks. With the ability of a handsome man, as long as the friendship with Suzuki Sonoko reaches 89 points, which is still between 80 and 90 points, I believe it will not be too difficult.

Takada Shinichi put his arms around Suzuki Sonoko's waist, and Suzuki Sonoko leaned against her. In Takada Shinichi's arms, the two of them didn't speak for a while.

After a long time, Suzuki Sonoko left Takada Shinichi's arms, lowered her head, and after a while she looked up at Takada Shinichi:"Takada, don't you have anything to say? Did you say that to me?"

"Of course!"

Takada Zhen nodded, suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of Suzuki Sonoko, a bouquet of red roses suddenly appeared in his hand, and said sincerely:"Sonoko, please be my girlfriend."

"Oh My God!"

Suzuki Sonoko covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes full of surprise. For a moment, she didn't even think about how Takada Shinichi brought out the red rose. Her heart was filled with emotion.

"Um! I do!"

Suzuki Sonoko responded hurriedly, and quickly took the red rose from Takada Shinichi's hand, for fear that the red rose would disappear.

After Takada Shinichi saw Suzuki Sonoko agree, he stood up, looked at Suzuki Sonoko, and the two kissed again Together.

After a while, the two separated again, took a short rest, and kissed each other again, as if they were melting each other.


When Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko separated again, a middle-aged man came over. Standing one meter away from the two of them, he was the captain of the yacht. This yacht was huge, with three floors in total, worth Only a large consortium like the Suzuki Consortium can easily spend tens of millions of dollars to give Shinichi Takada and Sonoko Suzuki a chance to play.

"Is there a problem?"

Suzuki Sonoko asked aloud, holding Takada Shinichi's arm with both hands, directly showing the close relationship between the two.

The captain seemed not to see it and said:"There is a small island about a thousand meters ahead. Let me ask. Next, would you like to go to the island and have a look?"

Suzuki Sonoko did not answer, but turned to Takada Shin:"Takada, do you want to go up and have a look?"

Takada Shinichi shrugged and said:"I don't care, it's up to you. Hearing this, Suzuki

Sonoko said to the captain:"Takada and I are going to go up and have a look. When we get there, we will dock.""She also has a little thought. After all, there are waiters and other people on the yacht. After landing, it is her and Takada Shinichi's two-person world. The strangers on the island are simply ignored by her.

"OK, miss!"

The captain responded, saluted and left.

Takada Shinichi just took the opportunity to check the favorability between him and Suzuki Sonoko, and found that just as he expected, with a confession, the two's favorability immediately increased, and now it has become 85+ 3. A total of 88 points of favorability

"Takada, how did you get the red rose just now?"

At this time, Suzuki Sonoko thought of Shinichi Takada suddenly taking out the red rose, his eyes full of interest.

Shinichi Takada smiled and said:"Let me tell you a secret, I am a magician, but my magic is not It's just very powerful."Actually, it's not a magic trick. It's just that Shinichi Takada took out the roses placed in the storage space. There are many similar items in his storage space. After all, there are 8 cubic meters of space.

"You are already great!"

Suzuki Sonoko shook her head and said with bright eyes:"Takada, what else can you change? Change me into another one"

"Okay, here's another one for you."

Takada Shinichi did not refuse. He shook his right hand up and down in front of Suzuki Sonoko's eyes. A red rose suddenly appeared in his hand. It was more powerful than any magic trick.

"So awesome!"

Suzuki Sonoko took the red rose in surprise, put it between her nose and smelled it, and then pinched it with her hands. She found that it was a real rose, and it was very fresh, as if it had just been obtained in a flower shop.

"Okay, it's just a little trick."

Takada Shinichi held Suzuki Sonoko's waist and walked:"Let's go, we should get ready to disembark."


Suzuki Sonoko responded. Although she was a little embarrassed to be held by Takada Shinichi in front of others, she was still mostly happy, so she did not resist Takada Shinichi's actions. After the yacht docked, Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko We got off the boat and walked around the island. This island was inhabited, but there were not many residents. It didn’t take long for the two of them to explore the place.

When Shinichi Takada and Sonoko Suzuki came to the island It was already dusk, and it was already night after shopping. The two of them went to the only hotel in the village to have dinner. As for the question of whether to spend the night here, the two of them had not decided yet and planned to discuss it after dinner.

Farmer's House The snacks also have a unique flavor. Although it is not as good as a big hotel, it is not bad.

After the meal, Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko walked hand in hand on the quiet street and walked towards the pier, but they were ready to go back to the yacht.

Suzuki Sonoko said :"Takada, do you think there are very few people in this village? Takada Zhen nodded and said:"

There are really not many people in the village. Maybe most of them have moved to the city. After all, this is just a small island, considered a small rural place.""

"Maybe so."

Suzuki Sonoko nodded and didn't say much.

"Huh? Xiaolan!"Lan, why are you here?""

Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko didn't go far, but they saw Mao Lilan running towards this road, which surprised Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko.

"Takada, Sonoko, why are you here?"

Mao Lilan was also very surprised when she saw Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko. She knew that the two went out to sea to play, but now she met them on this island. How could she not be surprised.

Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko Before Suzuki Sonoko said anything, Mao Lilan said:"We will talk again later, Takada, Sonoko, have you seen the police? Someone was killed. Hearing this, Takada

Shinichi replied:"Yes, it's at the hotel in the village. I was eating just now.""

At that moment, the three of them ran towards the hotel, found the old policeman who was there, and took the old policeman to the village public hall, where the murder occurred.

"It's coming, it's coming, please give way!"

There were quite a few people outside the room at the scene. Shinichi Takada took the lead, pushing aside the crowd and clearing the way for the other three.

"Xiaolan, why are you here so slowly?"

Moori Kogoro said, and then looked at Takada Shinichi:"Takada, why are you here?"

"I came here by chance. I'll talk to Master Maori later."Takada Shinichi walked over and said.

The old policeman walked up to Mouri Kogoro.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko stood aside and watched.

When Mouri Kogoro took the lead in handling the case, Mao Lilan whispered to Suzuki Sonoko:" Yuanzi, I just saw you holding hands. Could it be that you..."

Suzuki Sonoko's face was slightly red, but she whispered happily:"Takada confessed his love to me, but you didn't see how romantic it was at that time."

"Tell me quickly."

Mao Lilan said with great interest. She was not a gossip, but the girl still wanted to know about this kind of thing.

Suzuki Sonoko looked around and whispered:"Lan, I will talk to you tonight. , it’s not convenient here now."

Mao Lilan looked around. It was really inconvenient to talk here, so he nodded and agreed without asking any more questions.

Takada Shinichi pretended to watch at the scene. He knew this incident very well and had it in his memory, and Aso said... He also read the letter sent to the office. After he checked that Aso was indeed a man, he had no interest in going to this island. Who would have thought that it was such a coincidence that he came here by accident? We got here.

Because it was too late, no investigation or questioning was carried out in the end. In addition, this was the work of the police. If others did not cooperate, the detectives could not do anything. Therefore, Kogoro Mouri asked everyone to go back first. Let’s wait until tomorrow.

After everyone left, Takada Shinichi, Mouri Kogoro and others left the public hall and went back to the hotel where Mouri Kogoro and the others stayed. Accompanying him was Aso Minoru. Aso Minoru, now alias Asai Naomi, judging from her appearance alone, is indeed a beautiful woman with a long figure. However, Takada Shinichi, who checked his information, knew that Naomi is indeed a man. The reason why he pretends to be a woman is so Like, but it's because he looks like a woman, that is, he looks like a transvestite. He only needs to pad the breasts with something, which is simple and not easy to be noticed.

Walking on the road, Mouri Kogoro asked aloud :"Speaking of which, Takada, why are you here?"

Takada Shinichi replied:"Didn't Sonoko and I go out to sea for fun? We happened to pass by this island and came up to have a look. After dinner, we were preparing to go back to the yacht when we happened to meet Xiaolan who was looking for the police."

"You guys are having fun, it must be great to go out to sea and play."

Moori Kogoro expressed his jealousy sourly. He worked hard to come to the island early in the morning to handle the case, but Takada Shinichi went out to sea with a beautiful woman. In comparison, the difference is too much, which makes people envious and jealous..

Takada Shinichi chuckled and didn't answer.

When she came to the street, she didn't go far. Because the hotel and Aso Minoru Clinic were not on the same road, she separated from the group at the intersection. She watched Aso Minoru leave. An idea flashed in Conan's mind. Thinking of the letter he received, he immediately understood that this murder case was not over yet, but just the beginning.

Shinichi Takada watched Conan's story and did not stop him, because he knew very well that Aso was real. Although he is a murderer, in the final analysis he is still kind at heart and ends his life by committing suicide. Even if Takada Shinichi saves such a person, he will still choose to commit suicide in the end. This is why Takada Shinichi did not take the initiative to contact Aso. The reason.

After confirming that this murder case was just the beginning, Mouri Kogoro ran towards the public hall. Conan wanted to go, but was stopped by Takada Shinichi. He did not want to spend the night there.

Because of Takada Shinichi's interference, the group did not follow. Instead, they went to the hotel where Mao Lilan and the others stayed and ate at the hotel.

After the meal, Mao Lilan packed a meal and the group walked to the public hall together. After talking, they still couldn't escape.

Coming to the public hall After giving food to Mouri Kogoro, Takada Shinichi offered to let Mouri Kogoro watch in the first half of the night and take over in the second half of the night. Moori Kogoro agreed.

Because he would come to watch the night in the second half of the night, Takada Shinichi was the first to say hello, left the public hall, and returned to the hotel.

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