Toyama Kazuki followed Takada Shinichi. Wherever Takada Shinichi looked, she also looked.

"Officer Otaki!"

Takada Shinichi called Otaki Goro

"Mr. Takada, did you find anything?"Otaki Goro walked towards Takada Shinichi and Toyama and Ye.

Before Otaki Goro arrived, Toyama and Ye looked at the window where Takada Shinichi was looking, and said in confusion:"Takada, what's the matter? Found it? Why didn't I find it?"

"That's because you're not a detective, so you didn't think much about it even if you saw it."

Takada Shinichi smiled and explained to Toyama Kazuha, and then said to Otaki Goro who was approaching:"Officer Otaki, look, there is a shoe print on the window."

Otaki Goro shined a flashlight, nodded and said,"Sure enough, there is a shoe print. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be shoe prints on a window of this height."

Takada Shinichi pointed with his finger and said:"Officer Otaki, look, except for the beams, there are not even spider webs here. Isn't it a little strange?"

"This is indeed the case."

Otaki Goro couldn't help but nodded. After asking the police officer next to him to hold a flashlight, he jumped and grabbed the beam, then stepped on the window and climbed up the beam. At this time, Takada Shinichi said to Toyama and Ye:" Heye, you are not a detective, so you won’t think too much when you see the shoe prints. I am a detective, so after reading it, you will think about why someone steps here, what is the purpose of stepping here, etc."

"Amazing! Yuan

Shan and Ye couldn't help but clicked their tongues when they heard the words. She had also seen shoe prints just now, but she really didn't think much about it. She didn't expect that it contained so many meanings.

"It is okay."

Takada Shinichi smiled and was about to say something when the sound of moving wooden boards suddenly sounded. He looked up and saw that a wooden board had been removed in one place and there was still space on it.

Otaki Goro took the wooden board thrown by the police He shined his flashlight into the attic and said immediately:"It's Numabuchi Kiichiro, we've found Numabuchi Kiichiro."

Takada Shinichi heard this and said to Toyama and Ye:"Kazuye, let's go out and don't cause trouble to Officer Otaki and the others."

"OK, all right."

Toyama and Ye nodded in agreement, and followed Takada Shinichi and walked outside.

After Takada Shinichi, Toyama and Ye came outside, they happened to see Mao Lilan walking towards this side with Conan. Conan was drooping. Takada Shinichi laughed secretly when he saw this

, and asked aloud:"Xiaolan, what did you say to Conan? Hearing this , Mao

Lilan turned to look at Conan and said,"I've trained him. If he dares to leave without saying a word like this again, I will never take him out to play again.""

"Xiaolan, don't be too strict. Children are at the age where they love to play."

Yuanshan and Ye were talking to Conan.

Mao Lilan glared at Conan and said,"This kid won't be obedient if you are strict with him. He just said he was fine before, but suddenly ran away without saying a word. What if something happens? What to do if something goes wrong. Takada

Zhen nodded in agreement and said,"Xiaolan did the right thing. She should be stricter with him, otherwise he won't be obedient.""

Conan couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this, but now that Mao Lilan was being harsh to him, he didn't dare to refute. While the four of them were talking, Otaki Goro came out with Numabuchi Kiichiro.

Suddenly In the meantime, Numabuchi Kiichiro was walking and suddenly fell to the ground and fell into the garbage.

"Numabuchi Kiichiro, get up quickly!"

Otaki Goro shouted loudly. He has seen too many prisoners with such negative attitudes and unwillingness to cooperate. If Numabuchi Kiichiro doesn't get up, he will never be polite. The police officer next to him stretched out his hand to pull Numabuchi away. Kiichiro Fuchichi pulled him up, but Kiichiro Numabuchi suddenly shouted and waved his hand. The knife in his hand made the policemen subconsciously retreat. Kiichiro Numabuchi stood up and immediately ran towards the door. At the door,

Toyama and Ye Just standing there, Numabuchi Kiichiro smiled slyly and rushed towards Toyama and Ye with a knife. Toyama and Ye were frightened and couldn't move.

"And leaves!"And Miss Ye!""

Seeing that the knife was about to stab Toyama Kazuha, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed Numabuchi Kiichiro's wrist. He held it up and squeezed it. There was a clicking sound and the knife fell to the ground.


Takada Makoto. Punches hit Kiichiro Numabuchi one by one. When he let go of his hand, Kiichiro Numabuchi was beaten and kept retreating.

"Heye, I'm sorry for frightening you."

"Thank you..Thank you, Takada!"

After Toyama and Ye came back to their senses, they hugged Shinichi Takada, then let go and stood aside, feeling ashamed of their impulse just now. She was really scared at first, but for some reason she thought of what Shinichi Takada said before If he knew how to protect her, she would not be afraid immediately. As expected, Shinichi Takada rescued her, which made her feel at ease.

"Heye, are you okay?"

Mao Lilan came to Toyama and Ye. She didn't take it to heart when Toyama and Ye hugged Takata Shinichi just now. She didn't think much about it.

Toyama and Ye shook their heads at Mao Lilan, with a slight smile on their faces. Smile to show you are fine

"Numabuchi Kiichiro, you guy!"

Otaki Goro angrily lifted Numabuchi Kiichiro up with both hands, but after seeing Numabuchi Kiichiro's painful look, his anger subsided a little, and he threw Numabuchi Kiichiro to the men next to him.

"Numabuchi Kiichiro...correct!

An idea flashed in Conan's mind, and he immediately said loudly:"Call Heiji brother quickly!""

Everyone looked at Conan, and Conan said loudly:"There is no time to explain. Call Heiji brother quickly and tell him that the prisoner is next to him. He understands what he means."

Takada Shinichi heard this and said to Otaki Goro:"Officer Otaki, although I still don't understand what's going on, Conan doesn't know how to talk nonsense, so I'd better call Hattori."

"Heiji-san doesn't have a mobile phone with him, but since he is going to Representative Sotaro Goji's place, I can contact my colleagues there."

Otaki Goro said and walked outside, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Toyama and Ye asked Conan with worried faces:"Conan, did something happen to Heiji?

Conan nodded and said:"Brother Heiji's reasoning is wrong. The culprit is not Numabuchi Kiichiro, but someone who wants to pin the crime on Numabuchi Kiichiro. The culprit is next to Brother Heiji. Brother Heiji should not be involved." There will be danger, but the prisoner will continue to commit crimes."

Toyama and Ye couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. As long as Hattori Heiji is fine._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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