When Shinichi Takada, Ran Mao, and Sonoko Suzuki returned to the village office, they learned that someone had been killed again. The victim was the village chief Kuroiwa Tatsuji, who was killed in the broadcast room.

When Takada Shinichi, Maori Ran, and Suzuki Sonoko came to the village office, Megure Thirteen was questioning Kuroiwa Reiko and others.

"Conan, come and have something to eat."

Mao Lilan walked to Conan who was standing aside and shook the bag in his hand.

Conan whispered:"Thank you, sister Xiaolan, I will eat it later."

Mao Lilan looked at the situation here, nodded, and said nothing more.

After learning that Kuroiwa Tatsuji was killed, Takada Shinichi couldn't help but glance at Kuroiwa Reiko, and found that she didn't look sad at all, as if nothing was wrong. Obviously The relationship between her and her father was not very good.

Without Shinichi Takada's intervention, Conan successfully decoded the code represented by the music score. The music score left by Hideo Kawashima at the death scene meant 'Do you understand? You're next,' and the code left at the death scene of Kuroiwa Tatsuji means 'the resentment of sin is eliminated here.'

If you follow the meaning of the code, it means that this murder case is over, but the specifics are If this is not the case, it is hard to say. And for Mumu Shisan, this is not good news. He has not found any clues about the prisoner yet. If the prisoner stops here, he will not be able to solve the case at all.

No With Shinichi Takada's interference, everything seemed to be predestined. As he kept asking, he came up with Keiji Aso, who died twelve years ago. At this time, the old policeman came in and confirmed Keiji Aso's death. , as well as a safe left behind at that time and the music score placed in the safe.

There was probably a code left on the music score. Mumu Shisan immediately asked the old policeman to get the music score. Conan took the opportunity to run out and left with the old policeman.

"Why is Conan missing?"

After Conan left for a while, Mao Lilan realized that her attention had been attracted by Megure Thirteen's questions before.

Takada Shinichi heard the words and said with a smile:"Xiaolan, you are confused enough, he He left a long time ago. He went out with the old policeman, probably to get the music score."

"That kid is really troublesome."

Suzuki Sonoko curled her lips and was very unhappy with Conan.

Mao Lilan complained:"It's true that Conan is running around."

More than half an hour has passed, and the old policeman and Conan haven't come back yet.

"I said, police officer, can you find out the murderer? I don’t have time to waste with you here. I’m leaving first!"

Kuroiwa Lingzi said impatiently and walked outside. Seeing this,

Mumu Shisan said:"Miss Kuroyan Lingzi..."

"Mr. Police Officer, I have something else to do and I have to leave first."

Before Megure Thirteen finished speaking, Masato Shimizu said something aloud and walked outside. Ken Nishimoto didn't say anything, he walked directly outside, and his meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Murasawa Monday and Hirata and Akira did not stay. They ignored Megure Thirteen's call to wait and left the village office. Seeing this, Kogoro Mori turned to Takada Shin:"Takada, go to the village police station. , let’s see what’s going on, why haven’t you come here yet?"

"Okay, Master Mori!"

Takada Zhen nodded and responded.

"Takada, I'll go with you."

Suzuki Sonoko said and walked to Takada Shinichi's side.

"I'll go too."

Mao Lilan ran to the side, put down the bag with food, trotted to catch up with Shinichi Takada and Sonoko Suzuki, and the three of them left the village office together.

When they arrived at the police station, they saw Shinichi Takada and the others sitting on a chair. Conan looked helpless, and the old policeman was looking through the drawers. Upon seeing this, Shinichi Takada said:"Conan, haven't you found the key yet? Conan replied:"

The old man said he forgot where he put the key, so he kept looking for it. Brother Takada and sister Xiaolan, why are you here?""

Mao Lilan said:"Because everyone was impatient to wait and went back, so dad asked us to come over and see what was going on."

"What? Have they all gone back?"

Conan couldn't help being surprised when he heard this. He didn't think the case was over. After all, Moonlight still had a third movement, and two people had died so far, leaving only the music scores of two movements. The key has not been found yet. Takada Shinichi and others could only wait for the old policeman to find the key.

While waiting for the old policeman to find the key, Mao Lilan took Conan away, but took Conan to dinner. Conan was unwilling to do so, but Mao Lilan insisted. He went to eat. He couldn't resist and could only follow Mao Lilan away.

"Once I found it, I knew the key was placed here!"

After another ten minutes, the old policeman finally found the key.

"Yuanzi, I'll go to the public hall first, and you and the old gentleman will follow."

After asking the old policeman for the key and finding out where the warehouse was, Shinichi Takada said to Sonoko Suzuki and ran away. The reason why he left alone was because he was going to do something to see what his luck would be like. What if? If he was lucky, he wanted to give it a try and see what changes would happen if he did it.

Suzuki Sonoko did not object, and Takada Shinichi ran away and soon came to the public hall.

Arriving at the public hall, Takada Shinichi found Nishimoto Ken in the public hall, couldn't help but smile and walked over


When Suzuki Sonoko and the old policeman came to the public hall, they saw Ken Nishimoto hanged in the warehouse, and the door to the piano room was open. The two walked over and found Shinichi Takada holding Hirata and Akira. , pressing Hirata and Ming on the floor. Not far away from the two of them, Murasawa was lying on the floor on Monday.

"Takada, what's going on? Over there at the warehouse..."

Before Suzuki Sonoko could finish her words, Takada Shinichi said:"Sonoko, go and call Officer Megure and the others. Old sir, please go and watch the warehouse. Don't let anyone enter the warehouse until Officer Megure and the others arrive.."

Suzuki Sonoko and the old policeman responded and turned around to leave the piano room.

"let me go! Let me go!"

Hirata Kazaki struggled fiercely. He knew that if he waited for the police to come, he would never get anything good.

Takada Shinichi ignored Hirata Kazaki's struggle, but sneered and looked at the man with some pity. , this man will become a scapegoat, and he will be destined to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Time passes, Megure Thirteen and the others have not arrived yet, but Aso Minoru comes first.

Aso Minoru sees Nishimoto After Ken's death, he was very surprised, surprised that Nishimoto Ken committed suicide before he took action, but this was good, it could make his crime lighter.

Because Murasawa was injured on the back of the head on Monday, Aso felt that Bandaging Murasawa's wounds on Monday.

About ten minutes later, Megure Shisan and others arrived. At the same time, Kuroiwa Reiko and Shimizu Masato, who were related to the case, came. These two people were called by Megure Shisan.

Megure Shisan After Thirteen asked his police officers to hold Hirata and Akira, he asked Shinichi Takada:"Brother Takada, what's going on?

Takada Shinichi replied:"Officer Megure, this is what happened." After I waited for the old gentleman to find the key, I came to the public hall first. But when I opened the warehouse, I saw Mr. Nishimoto hanging himself. At that time, I was going to go in and take a look, but suddenly I heard a sound coming from the piano room. I heard a noise and rushed in. At that time, Hirata Kazaki was about to escape, but I caught him. When I came, Mr. Murasawa Monday had been beaten unconscious."

"If I guessed correctly, Hirata Kazaki came to the piano room to do something, but was accidentally seen by Mr. Murasawa Monday, so he attacked Mr. Murasawa Monday. After hearing this , Mumu

Shisan looked at Hirata and Ming and said,"Mr. Hirata, can you tell me why you are still here so late?""

"I...I...I just wanted to pay my respects to Mr. Shimokawashima. Hirata

Kazaki was sweating on his forehead, and he reluctantly found an excuse.

Megure Shisan continued to ask:"Then why did you attack Mr. Murasawa Monday?" Hirata

Kazuaki said:"That's because the room was dark at the time. I thought it was the murderer, so I attacked him in a hurry.""

"Your answer cannot clear you of suspicion."

Megure Thirteen didn't believe Hirata Kazaki's words at all.

"Officer, I understand!"

Mouri Kogoro suddenly clapped his hands and said:"I know the truth of everything. That is Hirata Kazaki, you are the murderer. You killed Kawashima Hideo, Kuroiwa Tatsuji and Nishimoto Ken."

"What? No! I didn't kill anyone at all!"

Hirata Kazaki's eyes widened and his face was full of horror. Never before has he hated those stupid detectives so much at this moment.

"Police officer, found some sheet music in the warehouse."A police officer came over with some pieces of music.

Mumu Shisan took the music and followed the code interpretation method Conan said, and quickly decoded the information hidden in the music. The information hidden in the music was Kameyama Isamu, Hideo Kawashima, Tatsuji Kuroiwa, and Ken Nishimoto took advantage of Keiji Aso's overseas performance opportunity to engage in drug trafficking. However, Keiji Aso no longer wanted to help them and was murdered by four people. The four people burned Keiji Aso's home and killed him. After hearing what happened to Keiji Aso’s family,

Megure Thirteen said to a police officer:"Go and see if there are any drugs under the piano. The police officer walked to the piano and fiddled with it for a while, and said loudly:"Officer, we found some heroin.""

Mouri Kogoro said at this time:"Hirata Kazaki, don't you still admit it? Because of the uneven distribution of the spoils with Mr. Kawashima and the others, you killed them under the guise of Keiji Aso. I’m right, right?"

"no! Not at all! Hirata and Ming suddenly became anxious and said hurriedly:"I am selling drugs, yes, but I am not killing anyone. You have to believe me.""

Aso Mashiro seemed hesitant to speak and was very hesitant. He wanted to surrender, but he didn't dare to. Thinking of his behavior of sending a letter to Mouri Kogoro, he sighed secretly and regained his composure.

"It's not that I don't want to surrender, it's that you haven't found out that I am the murderer at all. If this is the case, then God has destined me to live a good life, and I will live a good life in place of my father and the others."

Hirata Kazuaki's excuse was just sophistry in the eyes of Megure Thirteen. No matter what he said, Megure Thirteen eventually took him away.

"wrong! I always feel like something is wrong!"

Conan shouted in his heart. From the look on Hirata Kazuaki's face, he could tell that Hirata Kazuaki was not lying. However, he now had no other suspects, and some of the mysteries had not yet been solved, which made him very helpless. , could only watch Hirata Kazaki being taken away

"Damn it! how so!"

Conan grabbed his hair unwillingly. He was very unwilling to unravel the truth of this case. How could he, who claims to be a detective, let this happen? He would never give up on this case. , he must find out the truth.

In Conan's unwillingness, the case was closed with Hirata Kazaki as the murderer, and everyone left.

Late at night, in a room on the second floor of the village chief's house.

A man and a woman were fighting, but the woman's hands Being bound and mouthed was obviously not voluntary.

"Another 6,300 crystal points were earned!"

After the battle, Takada Shinichi didn't get up immediately. He looked at Kuroiwa Reiko and felt very happy. Kuroiwa Reiko scored 86 points in the system. For the first time, because Kuroiwa Reiko was a virgin, he got 14,000 crystal points. This He gained 6,300 points this time, adding up to more than 20,000 points. This allowed him to finally increase the few crystal points he had left. In addition to the crystal points, because he wronged Hirata Kazaki and shielded the real murderer, he The bad thing he did was rated as D level by the system, and he received 500 sin points.

"If you miss me, you can go to Tokyo to find me."

Takada Shinichi said something in Kuroiwa Reiko's ear. Of course, it was impossible for him to go to this island specifically to find Kuroiwa Reiko, but if Kuroiwa Reiko went to Tokyo, he wouldn't mind looking for Kuroiwa Reiko. After all, he and Kuroiwa Reiko Kuroiwa Reiko had sex twice.

As he spoke, Takada Shinichi untied the cloth strips from Kuroiwa Reiko's mouth and hands.

"Who are you?"

Kuroiwa Lingzi didn't yell, not only because she was the only one nearby, but even if she shouted, no one would hear her unless someone happened to pass by this place.

"If you go to Tokyo and find me, you will know who I am."

Takada Shinichi smiled softly, put on his clothes and prepared to leave.

Kuroiwa Reiko did not stop Takada Shinichi, but allowed Takada Shinichi to put on his clothes and leave, and did not ask how to contact him when he arrived in Tokyo.

Early the next morning, Takada Shinichi The five of them, Suzuki Sonoko, Mouri Kogoro, Mouri Ran, and Conan, left the island, boarded the yacht docked on the shore, and headed back to Tokyo.

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