"Well...Where am I?"

Opening her eyes, the first thing Miyano Shiho saw was the ceiling. Then she found herself lying on a bed with the lights in the room turned on. When she turned around and looked around, she immediately saw someone standing in the room. the man

"You..who are you? How did I get here?"

Miyano Shiho asked aloud, struggling to sit up.

Takada Shinichi said:"Hello, my name is Takada Shinichi. Are you here now?..."

"Ah ah!!"

Miyano Shiho suddenly screamed and pulled the sheet down, but she realized that she was not wearing any clothes. When she looked inside the sheet, she found that she was naked.

Shinichi Takada laughed secretly in his heart when he saw this. , but he said with concern on his face:"What's wrong?"

"Me..my clothes?"

Miyano Shiho couldn't look at Takada Shinichi calmly.

Takada Shinichi pretended to be surprised and said:"You are talking about clothes. When I brought you back, your clothes were soaked by the rain, so I took off your clothes for you. Lost"

"Sex demon! abnormal!"

Miyano Shiho gripped the sheets tightly, wrapped himself up, and even stepped back, leaning against the bed.

"Sex demon? abnormal?"

Takada Shinichi said in confusion:"Why do you say that to me? I just helped you take off your clothes. You are still so young and there is no way I can do anything to you. There is no need for you to call me a pervert or a pervert, right?"

"You are a pervert and a pervert!"

Miyano Shiho's face softened slightly after hearing this, but he still looked ashamed and angry, and his face was red. It's true that she is a child in her current body, but she is actually an adult, okay? Thinking of her body being seen by a strange man , how can she not be ashamed

"Okay, let’s just say I’m a pervert and a pervert."

Takada Shinichi secretly laughed in his heart, but on his face he raised his hands in surrender and asked aloud:"Um, what's your name? What's your home phone number? So I can call your family and ask them to pick you up."

"elder sister!"

Hearing this, Miyano Shiho immediately burst into tears, tears streaming down his face, and howled in realization.

"Are you OK?"

Takada Shinichi walked to the bed and sat down. Seeing Miyano Shiho crying, thinking about her previous indifference as an adult, he felt funny. The contrast was too strong.

Miyano Shiho ignored Takada Shinichi and said, I cried to myself

"I said, if Mingmei comes back and sees her like this, she will blame me to death."

Takada Shinichi was speechless for a while. He could only pray that Miyano Shiho would cry quickly, so that he could finish crying before Miyano Akemi came back.

After a short while, Takada Shinichi saw that the cry had become quieter, and he spoke out. Said:"If you really have nowhere to go, you can stay here with me."

Miyano Shiho didn't answer. He buried his head in his knees and said after a while:"I remember that I was walking towards Kudo Shin's family. Why are I here with you?"

Takada Zhen said:"I happened to pass by there and saw you, a little girl stumbling in the rain, so I brought you back."

Miyano Shiho wiped his tears with his hands and asked aloud:"Do you know Kudo Shinichi?

Takata Shinichi said:"I know this person, but I have never met him.""

Miyano Shiho, who wiped away his tears, raised his head and looked at Takada Shinichi:"What about Edogawa Conan? Do you know him?"

"Do you know Conan?"

Takada Shinichi said in surprise:"I know Conan. Conan is currently staying in Master Mori's office, which is upstairs."As he said that, he pointed at it with his index finger.

"Mori Detective Agency?"

Miyano Shiho muttered, looked at Takada Shinichi for a while, and suddenly said:"I remembered, you are a student of Mouri Kogoro and a member of the Moori Detective Agency."While investigating Kudo Shinichi's master, she investigated the Mori Detective Agency. She still knew how many people there were in the agency, but she had no impression of Takada Shinichi. It was only now that she remembered that Takada Shinichi was also a member of the agency.

Takada Zhen nodded, and then asked:"Yes, but how do you know these things?"

Miyano Shiho said:"You must not know the identity of Edogawa Conan, right? In fact, he is Kudo Shinichi, the high school detective Kudo Shinichi"

"Kudo Shinichi?"

Takada Shinichi' exclaimed’,‘He said in disbelief:"No way? Conan could be Kudo Shinichi?"

"I don't have to lie to you!"

Miyano Shiho said:"APTX4869! He became a child after taking a drug called this name. This drug was invented by an organization. I am the inventor of the drug."


Takada Shinichi looked at Miyano Shiho suspiciously.

Miyano Shiho said calmly:"I became a child after taking this medicine. Originally, I was an adult."

"I see!"

Takada Shinichi suddenly realized:"If what you said is true, then it's no wonder that you called me a pervert and a pervert. You just turned into a child in your body, but your soul is still an adult. No wonder...."

"No more talking!"

Miyano Shiho angrily stopped what Takada Shinichi was going to say next. Thinking of her body being exposed by the man in front of her, she felt ashamed and annoyed. She didn't want to mention this matter again. It would be best if she could put it aside. Forget about it

"OK, I won’t say any more!"

Takada Shinichi raised his hand and asked:"Why are you telling me this? Shouldn't you keep such a secret thing in your heart?"

Miyano Shiho looked aside and said:"I betrayed the organization and escaped from the organization. That organization has a power you can't imagine. Although I can temporarily escape the organization for a short time because I have become smaller. But as time goes by, the organization will definitely be able to find me, and I need to get out of here. And before leaving, I want to tell you what happened, lest the organization comes to you one day and you still don't know what happened."

Speaking of this, Miyano Shiho paused and said:"I'm sorry, because you saved me, you may be implicated by me and eventually be found by the organization."

"It seems that she is really afraid of the black organization."

Takada Shinichi shook his head secretly after hearing this. Miyano Shiho is really afraid of the black organization. Although Miyano Akemi is also afraid of the organization, she is not as afraid as Miyano Shiho. Maybe Miyano Shiho knows the unknown power of the black organization.. This is the so-called more you know, the more awe you have. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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