"The ruler of wealth, he told me, and he also said that you have been to my house twice."

Conan didn't want to mention Ji Zhenyi, because it would make him think of unpleasant things. His mother actually fell in love with someone else.

"Is it him?!"

Hai Yuan Ai felt relieved immediately after hearing this, as long as he is not from the organization.

Conan asked:"Do you know him? Hui

Yuan Ai shook his head slightly and said:"No, I have only heard of him. I don't know much about this person and have never even met him."

Conan nodded and said,"So, you are Gin and Vodka's companion?""

The corners of Hui Yuan Ai's mouth turned up slightly as he said,"There's not so much time for you to ask me questions now, you confused detective."

"What's the meaning?"

Conan asked in a deep voice, feeling something bad in his heart.

Haibara Ai kicked the pebbles at his feet and said,"As I said, my current address is No. 39, 5-chome, Mika Town, Tokyo. No., you should know, that’s the Mori Detective Agency"

"Could it be that...Could it be that..."

Conan's heart sank, and he immediately took out his portable communicator and called the office.


"Damn it, answer the phone quickly!"

Conan was extremely anxious. All he had left in his heart was fear and panic. He didn't dare to imagine what had happened at Maori Office. He didn't dare to imagine the consequences of Maolilan's accident. It was really terrible.

"orchid! Please, answer the phone quickly!"

Looking at Conan's anxious look, Haiyuan Ai said with a smile:"It's useless. No matter how you call, you are still on the phone. As long as you pick up the phone, no one will ever answer. This is because they are no longer in the world"


Conan put down the portable communicator bitterly and said nervously and anxiously:"What on earth did you do to Lan?"


Haiyuan Ai chuckled softly and said:"Mao Lilan doesn't answer the phone, you are really troubled, right? My childhood sweetheart, even because her body has become smaller, I can't let go of her, so in Mao Li Office Continue to be your famous detective, so for Kudo Shinichi, Maorilan is your lifeline, am I right?"

"So you killed Lan?"

Conan looked at Haiyuan Ai with nervous eyes. He hoped to get a negative answer from Haiyuan Ai. He didn't want his guess to come true.

Haiyuan Ai did not answer, but said:"You say so. If you are really worried, go back to the office and take a look yourself."


Conan gritted his teeth and looked at Haiyuan Ai, then ran forward.


Looking at Conan's running back, Haihara Ai chuckled. No wonder that guy Shinichi Takada likes to do this. Doing this can indeed make people happy. I just hope that our famous detective will not be too angry afterwards, so that she But it will be nerve-wracking.

Hui Yuan Ai walked forward slowly. She was also preparing to go back. Her sister must still be waiting for her to go back for dinner.

Conan ran to the downstairs of the office and looked up at the dark second and third floors. With a heavy heart, Conan ran up the stairs. At this time, he didn't care whether there was danger upstairs. He just wanted to know whether Mao Lilan was in danger.

Arriving on the second floor, Conan opened the door. With the light from outside, Conan could vaguely see inside the room. The room was very messy, with many things placed randomly. It looked like someone had moved it, which made him even more worried.

"orchid! uncle! Conan shouted and ran towards the third floor.

There was no one on the third floor, but unlike the second floor, the third floor was very neat and there were no signs of being moved. However, although the rooms were neat, But Conan did not think that Mao Lilan and Mao Li Kogoro were okay because they were probably taken away on the second floor. What made

Conan feel a little relieved was that he did not see the body, nor No blood stains were seen, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

"By the way, go take a look at Takada!"

Conan's heart suddenly moved, and he turned around and ran downstairs. Takada Shinichi was so powerful that there was no reason for him to be taken away so easily. Even if he was taken away, there might be traces of resistance and fighting left in his room. It's not impossible that Shinichi Takada left any clues. At this moment, Conan so hoped that Shinichi Takada would be very, very powerful and defeat everyone in the black organization.

"Takada! Takada!"

The rolling door of the coffee shop on the first floor was not closed. Conan called Takada and ran into the coffee shop. When he came inside, he saw the light in the bedroom, which made him feel excited. Maybe Takada Shinichi was inside. must

"It's Conan, what's the matter?"

A woman's voice sounded, and Miyano Akemi appeared in front of Conan.

"Sister Yami! Conan was delighted when he saw this. At least someone was fine. He immediately asked:"Sister Masami, is Takada here?""

"Conan, don't call Takada by his name directly. It's very rude of you."

Mao Lilan's voice sounded behind Miyano Akemi. She put her hands on her waist and said reproachfully:"Conan, you come back so late again, and you don't know how to call back first. You kid is really stupid."

"orchid...Great, it’s great that you’re okay!"

Conan couldn't help but smile. He just felt that the world was so beautiful and he relaxed.

Mao Lilan said unhappily:"Conan, you are very rude. You are not allowed to call me by my name directly."

Conan smiled helplessly and was about to say something when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind him. The footsteps sounded like those of a child. This made him tremble. He couldn't help but turn around and saw Haiyuan Ai heading towards Come here

"Sister, I'm back"

"Xiao Ai is back. Is school fun?"

Miyano Akemi was very happy to see her sister back. She walked to Haihara Ai and took the schoolbag from Haihara Ai.

Haihara Ai turned to look at Conan and said with a smile:"School is very fun. Especially those people from the Young Detective Team, especially one of them"

"This is...What's going on?"

Seeing Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai walking inside, Conan's eyes widened in shock. He didn't understand what the situation was. He was sure that Haibara Ai should be Shirley. After all, the matter about that organization was not Everyone knows it, but he doesn’t understand why the other person is like this._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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