In a room on the second floor of the villa.

Conan was lying on the bed wearing only underwear, with more than a dozen gold needles inserted into his upper body. Shinichi Takada was sitting on the edge of the bed, and Mao Lilan was standing on the side.

At this moment, Conan was sweating and his face was slightly hot, but he felt embarrassed. Mao Lilan was watching from the side. He was only wearing a pair of underwear, so he was naturally embarrassed. After all, his soul was that of a high school student, and he also liked Mao Lilan.

Mao Lilan, on the other hand, is very normal. After all, in her opinion, Conan is just a child. As an adult, it is strange to feel shy after seeing a child's body.


The door to the room suddenly opened. Takada Shinichi and Mao Lilan turned their heads to look, only to see Uchida Asami and Suzuki Sonoko walking in together.

Asami Uchida asked aloud:"How is Conan?"

Shinichi Takada looked at Suzuki Sonoko, and then replied:"It's nothing serious. After another five or six minutes of this, he will be fine.""

"Just be fine."

Uchida Asami nodded, turned to Mao Lilan and said:"Xiaolan, let me take you down to meet other people."


Mao Lilan looked at Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko, nodded and agreed, and followed Uchida Asami to leave.

Before leaving, Uchida Asami winked at Takada Shinichi and motioned to Suzuki Sonoko, meaning to comfort him..

The door of the room was closed, Suzuki Sonoko walked to Takada Shinichi, pouted and said:"Shinichi, when did you become Asami-san's boyfriend?"Just now, when she met a few people downstairs, a few people downstairs introduced that Takada Shinichi was Uchida Asami's boyfriend. Uchida Asami did not deny it, which made her feel very calm.

Takada Shinichi stood up after hearing this. , put his hands on Suzuki Sonoko's shoulders, looked at her and said:"Sonoko, since you know everything, I won't lie to you anymore. In fact, since Asami's birthday last time, I went to find her and pursued her again. It wasn't until last month that she agreed to date me."

"What about me and Mr. Matsumoto?"

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly became anxious after hearing this, and said that Takada Shinichi chose to give up on them.

Takada Shinichi said:"Asami knows that I have you as my girlfriend, but she is still willing to date me, which shows that she is willing to accept your existence. Sonoko, Asami is my first love. I like her very, very much. Can you accept her?"

After hearing this, Suzuki Sonoko nodded for a moment, and then asked:"Shinichi, do you like me more, or do you like your senior sister more?"As she spoke, Takata Shinichi's eyes tightened. She had accepted the fact that Asami Takada was a sister, but she wanted to know what she felt about Takata Shinichi.

"Fool, although my heart is divided, each portion is the same size."

Takada Shinichi gently hugged Suzuki Sonoko. The best answer to this question is this. He would be stupid to answer that he likes Suzuki Sonoko more. If Lily, Uchida Asami and others know this, it will be of little benefit to him. No, this is the best answer. No one can be offended.

"Count you in!"

Although she was a little dissatisfied with Takada Shinichi's answer, Suzuki Sonoko was not disappointed. After lightly hammering Takada Shinichi's chest, she chose to give up. After a while, Suzuki Sonoko whispered:"Shinichi, I will talk to my senior sister. We'll get along well, don't worry"

"Thank you, Yuanzi, I know you are the best."

Takada Shinichi thanked him with a smile on his face. As long as Suzuki Sonoko doesn't cause him any trouble, he won't worry about being unable to capture Uchida Asami through normal means. As for Matsumoto Sayuri, he is not worried at all. Matsumoto Sayuri knows It’s nothing, not to mention that Asami Uchida was also a student of Sayuri Matsumoto. Even if she knew about it, she would be embarrassed to meet Asami Uchida. After all, she and Shinichi Takada were teachers and students.

"As long as you know!"

Suzuki Sonoko hummed. Her favorability for Takada Shinichi is now 95 points. Not to mention Takada Shinichi and Uchida Asami are together, but Takada Shinichi wants to be with her mother and sister. Even if she feels a little uncomfortable, in the end I will still choose to accept it


A cough sounded, but it came from Conan who was lying on the bed. After he realized that he was fine, he reminded the two people beside the bed.

Shinichi Takada let go of Sonoko Suzuki, looked towards the bed and said,"It seems like Conan, you It's okay. Wait, I will pull out the golden needle."

Suzuki Sonoko did not choose to leave, but stood and watched.

Soon, Takada Shinichi put away the golden needle.

Sitting up, Conan thanked him loudly:"Thank you, Brother Takada!"

"you are welcome."

Takada Shinichi smiled, put the cloth bag wrapped with gold needles into the package he brought, and then said to Suzuki Sonoko:"Sonoko, let's go down."

"Kid, go down by yourself later."

After Suzuki Sonoko said to Conan, she came to Takada Shinichi and put her arms around Takada Shinichi.

"This guy Takada is really capable!"

Looking at the two people leaving, Conan muttered to himself. What he was muttering was not about Shinichi Takada's medical skills. He had already seen his medical skills before. What he was muttering about was Shinichi Takada's ability to pick up girls, which not only made Miss Asami... He fell in love with him who already had a girlfriend, and he also got Suzuki Sonoko, so it wouldn't be difficult for Asami to choose to accept her.

Shinichi Takada and Suzuki Sonoko came downstairs and found everyone sitting at the table in the living room. Seeing the two people coming down, everyone looked at Asami Uchida. After all, when introduced when they came, Shinichi Takada was Asami Uchida's boyfriend.

Asami Uchida felt slightly bitter in her heart, but her face did not change at all, and she smiled.

This In addition to Shinichi Takada and others, there were a total of six people who came here for the party, including two women and four men. The two women were Tanaka Kikue, who was in his mid-twenties, and Kuroda, who was slightly younger and wore glasses. Naoko; the four men are Hamano Toshiya, who is in his mid-twenties, a middle-aged man Aragoshi Norori, Sukama Kiyoshiro who was invited to work by Aragoshi, and the fat Takesuki Doi.

Because it is the Internet At the party, in addition to those who have already arrived, there are two people who have not come this time. They are the room chief and the shadow mage whose online name is Escape King. There are still two people who have not arrived._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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