In the VIP advanced ward of the hospital, Sayuri Matsumoto was sitting on the bed, thinking sadly about what happened today.


The door to the ward was suddenly opened. Sayuri Matsumoto turned around and saw Shinichi Takada walking in holding a carnation.

"Takada-san, why are you here?"

Sayuri Matsumoto was a little surprised to see Shinichi Takada. It was night now, and he had just visited her not long ago.

Shinichi Takada walked over, sat beside the hospital bed with a chair, put the flowers on the table, and said Said:"I'm here to apologize to you, Mr. Matsumoto. I know you didn't want me to tell the truth about the case, but I finally told you. You must be very angry, right?" Hearing this

, Sayuri Matsumoto shook her head slightly and said,"No, it's none of your business. You just told the truth. You don't have to feel guilty.""

"When you say this, Mr. Matsumoto, I feel relieved."

Takada Shinichi breathed a sigh of relief.

Matsumoto Sayuri smiled slightly and looked at Takada Shinichi:"Takada-san, you used to skip classes a lot. I thought you would become a bad student. I didn't expect you to become so powerful now. It's really surprising"


Takada Shinichi smiled modestly, suddenly stretched out his hand to hold one of Sayuri Matsumoto's hands and said:"Ms. Matsumoto, I like you, can you be my girlfriend?"

"Takada-san, what are you talking about?"

Sayuri Matsumoto was stunned, and gently wanted to take out her hand.

"Mr. Matsumoto, I like you!"

Takada Shinichi said, sitting on the hospital bed, holding Matsumoto Sayuri's head in his hands, leaning against her

"Takada-san, don’t be like this, you know I have someone I like."

Matsumoto Sayuri refused aloud, pressing her hands on Takada Shinichi's chest, as if she wanted to push him away, but she used very little force and her resistance was not strong.



When Sayuri Matsumoto woke up, she opened her eyes and found that it was already dawn. She was a little confused. She immediately thought of what happened last night, her face changed, and she looked down at herself.

"The clothes are still there."

Sayuri Matsumoto looked down at herself and found that her clothes were still on her body, and there was no pain under her body. Obviously, she didn't find what she remembered last night.

"Could it be that...Did I have a dream? The target is Shinichi Takada?"

Sayuri Matsumoto immediately thought of a possibility, that is, what happened last night was not a fact, but a dream of hers, but in the dream, she had a relationship with Shinichi Takada instead of her beloved Toshihiko Takasugi.

"How could it be Takada Shinichi's? Could it be that I like him? Impossible!"

Sayuri Matsumoto was confused for a while. She didn't know how this happened, but when she thought about what happened last night, she blushed and her heart beat. Everything about last night was deeply engraved in her mind, as if it really happened.

"This matter must never be spoken out, not to anyone."

Sayuri Hide Matsumoto blushed and made up her mind secretly. She must not tell anyone about this matter, she can only keep it in her heart.

Dong Dong Dong!!!

"Teacher, are you awake yet?"

At this moment, Mao Lilan's voice sounded outside the door.

Sayuri Matsumoto heard the words:"It's Xiaolan, come in.""

The door was pushed open, and two women and one man walked in. It was Shinichi Takada, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko.

"Why is this guy Takata here too?"

Seeing Shinichi Takada, Sayuri Matsumoto's cheeks suddenly turned red. Although she knew that nothing had happened between them, the dream last night was so real and embarrassing that she felt guilty. The three of them walked to the bedside,

Mao Lilan He said aloud:"Teacher, how are you feeling today?"

"It's nothing serious, I believe he will be discharged from the hospital soon."

Matsumoto Sayuri replied, but she didn't dare to look at Takada Shinichi.

"Mr. Matsumoto, I wish you a speedy discharge from the hospital."

Takada Shinichi smiled slightly, and took out a handful of carnations from his hands behind his back, which he placed on the table.


Sayuri Matsumoto's face couldn't help but change, and her heart skipped a beat, but she thought of the scene in her dream.

Shinichi Takada smiled secretly when he saw this. He naturally knew about Sayuri Matsumoto's dream, because it was caused by him, and he spent It was obtained with 2000 crystal points.

As long as there are enough crystal points, Takada Shinichi can find a way to make Matsumoto Sayuri fall in love with him, let alone just make Matsumoto Sayuri have a dream about Tsubaki.

Matsumoto Sayuri's score in the system is 91 She is a beauty with a score higher than 90. Takada Shinichi naturally wants to get her, but the one she likes in her heart is Takasugi Toshihiko, which is not so easy to get, so he thought of getting it mentally first and waiting for her to get used to it mentally. If he had a relationship with Shinichi Takada, it would be much easier for him to pursue her again.

After Shinichi Takada and the others stayed in the ward for nearly an hour, they said goodbye and left.

Shinichi Takada's departure made Sayuri Matsumoto secretly relieved. , she is always a little embarrassed when facing Takada Shinichi, Chunmeng harms others



Sayuri Matsumoto was woken up. When she opened her eyes, she saw Shinichi Takada. The bright lights told her that it was night.

"You...why are you here?"

Sayuri Matsumoto couldn't help but be shocked when she heard this. She didn't understand what Shinichi Takada was doing when he came to see her at night.

Shinichi Takada didn't say much and answered directly with actions.

The next morning, when Sayuri Matsumoto woke up, he immediately lifted the quilt and Look. She found that it was still the same as yesterday. She just had another dream, and the dream was about Shinichi Takada.

"I...why do I keep having this kind of dream? Do I really like Takada? Not appropriate!"

Sayuri Matsumoto's heart was beating fast, her cheeks were red and hot.

All was naturally caused by Shinichi Takada, but he knew that Takasugi Toshihiko's existence was an obstacle between him and Sayuri Matsumoto, so he said it on the first night He went to the Metropolitan Police Department to kill Toshihiko Takasugi and pretended to commit suicide.

Of course, Kiyonaga Matsumoto knew about Toshihiko Takasugi's death. After confirming that Toshihiko Takasugi committed suicide, he decided to hide it from his daughter Sayuri Matsumoto for the time being because he was worried that his daughter would commit suicide. It's a stupid thing, so although more than a day has passed, Sayuri Matsumoto doesn't know that Toshihiko Takasugi is dead.

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