"Ahem!! Conan suddenly coughed and said to Takada:"Brother Takada, I seem to have a cold again. Can you take a look at it for me?""

Mao Lilan was quite worried after hearing this and said:"Conan, are you okay? Takada Shinchi said:"

I'll take Conan up to have a look. You just stay here.""

At that moment, without waiting for others to say anything, Takada Shinichi waved to Conan and walked towards the stairs. He knew clearly that Conan had no problem at all. The reason why he said he seemed to have a cold again must be that he had something to say. He said it in private.

The two of them walked upstairs, and Conan said:"Takada, I know what tactics the prisoner used.

Hearing this, Takada Shinichi turned to look at him and said,"What method did the prisoner use?""

Conan didn't hide anything, and said as he walked:"First prepare the rope, scissors and crossbow, drill a small hole behind the two crossbow arrows, and then pass the rope through the small hole to form a small circle. , then pass the rope that has been measured in advance through the circle, and then tie the other two ropes in the middle. Then, tie the two ends of the rope that passes through the two circles to the handrail of the balcony. Everything is ready, and then you only need to shoot one of the arrows."

Hearing this, Takada Zhen nodded and said:"I understand, just shoot two arrows on both sides, and then the rope will expand to form a sailboat on the yacht, then put the body on top, and then shoot away the arrows. Arrow, the wind will blow the rope away, am I right?

Conan nodded and said,"Yes, that's it." This is what the prisoner should have used, instead of Kaito Kidd dropping the body from the air."

Takada Zhen nodded and said:"If this is really the method, then it is indeed not Kaitou Kidd. And if you want to know whether this method was used, just go to the trees on both sides of Mr. Hamano’s body and look. Even if the murderer recovered the arrow, there would still be holes in the tree."

Conan said:"What you said is absolutely correct, and it's not necessarily true that the prisoner may not have taken back the arrow."

Nodding, Takada Shin said:"I think you don't have a cold. I believe in my medical skills. To avoid making excuses, come with me and put on my woolen sweater."

Conan did not refuse and followed Shinichi Takada to his room. After putting on his woolen sweaters, the two of them left.

Shinichi Takada and Conan came downstairs.

Seeing the two people coming down, Mao Lilan walked over immediately, He asked Shinichi Takada:"Takada, is Conan okay?"

Takada Shinchi said:"Don't worry, he's fine. It's just that the weather is cold now. I asked him to add a woolen sweater."

"As long as it's not a cold."

Mao Lilan was immediately relieved after hearing this.

Back to the table, Takada Shinichi told Conan's reasoning.

After everyone listened, Tanaka Kikue said with some doubts:"I said Mr. Takada, your conjecture can really succeed. ? Takada

Shin said:"Everyone, go out with me and look for the trees on both sides of Mr. Hamano's body. I think there must be holes left by arrows in the trees." If it really doesn't work, we can just do an experiment ourselves.

Huang Yi nodded in agreement and said,"Let's go out and have a look together.""

Then the next group of people left here and walked outside. After they came outside, they walked towards the nearby woods.

There were nine people in the group including Conan. Although it was a bit difficult to find a hole in a tree, But there are many people and strength, and within a moment, Uchida Asami found the hole.

Shining a flashlight, Takada Shin said:"Everyone saw it, this is one of the holes, it is obviously the trace left by a bow and arrow. In addition to the techniques I just mentioned, I don’t think anyone would shoot arrows in this direction under normal circumstances, right?

Huang Yi said:"No, usually no one shoots arrows at all.""

Takada Shinchi said:"Let's go to the other side and have a look. I think there must be another hole there."

Everyone left the woods here and walked towards the other side. It didn't take long to find a hole in another tree.

Takada Shinchi said:"As expected, in this case, the method used by the prisoner is what I mentioned. It's a trick, that is to say, the culprit is not Kaitou Kidd."

Naoko Kuroda asked aloud:"Who will be the prisoner?"

Takada Shinichi looked at everyone and said:"If I guessed correctly, the Shadow Mage does not exist. It is just another trumpet of someone, in order to kill the Escape King and Mr. Hamano, so the prisoner should be there. among us. Of course, this is just speculation. I have no evidence to prove who the culprit is.

Hearing this, Tanaka Kikue said:"Mr. Takada, you didn't say anything at all.""

Takada Shinichi smiled helplessly and said:"Okay everyone, I think we should go back and wait for the arrival of the police. This case should be handed over to the police. But one thing I want to remind you is that when you rest at night, it is best to close the doors and windows tightly. No matter who knocks on the door, it is best not to open the doors and windows to avoid accidents. Hearing this, Naoko

Kuroda looked at the people around him and said,"You mean, the prisoners will attack us again?""

"No, this is just in case."

Takada Shinichi shook his head and said:"Actually, the suspicion of Kaitou Kidd has not been completely cleared yet, but the possibility has been relatively reduced, and the prisoner should no longer kill people. I just hope everyone can be careful."

Now everyone went back to the villa. They didn't eat anything. After tidying up briefly, they went back to their rooms.

Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko, and Uchida Asami shared a room, and Takada Shinichi and Conan shared a room. Right next door, after saying good night to each other, they each entered the room.

Conan asked aloud:"Takada, who do you think will be the prisoner?"

Takada Shinichi said:"Judging from the time, only Mr. Huang has the opportunity to take action. Although he said that he forgot to bring the key, this may be just an excuse on his part. Conan nodded in agreement and asked aloud:"Takada, don't you think there is something wrong with Mr. Hamano's magic?""

"I also thought about it, but Ms. Tanaka had Mr. Sukama to testify for her."

Takada Shinichi shook his head, saying that he took out his pajamas and changed them.

Conan sighed secretly after hearing this. He knew that Takada Shinichi was right. Although as far as magic is concerned, Tanaka Kikue is suspected, but he has a beard. Kamaki Hiro's proof showed that she really couldn't be the murderer.

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