Takada Shinichi was able to cure Gino Glass’s eyes. Mineba Glass and Gino Glass naturally thanked him constantly, and he said you’re welcome..

After thanking him, Mineba Glass asked with concern:"Mr. Takada, when will you start treatment?"

Takada Shinichi said:"I have to go back and think about the treatment plan. If I can think about it before going back to Japan, Okay, then I will come over to give Ms. Glass a treatment. If the plan has not been figured out yet, then we can only wait until you go to Japan before treatment." Gino Glass heard this and said:

"I Don't be in a hurry, Mr. Takada, just take your time and think about it."

Takada Zhen nodded to express his understanding and said:"The first treatment effect is the best. This is a natural reaction of the human body's potential. The effect of subsequent treatments will be relatively worse. , so it takes a long time for treatment."

The reason why Takada Shinichi said this was because he had to give the mother and daughter confidence at the beginning. The purpose of extending the treatment time was to drag them in Japan so that he could keep them in Japan. Two women got it. Once he got these two women, he wouldn't have to worry about them running away even after the treatment was over.

Gino Glass said:"Doctors from all over the world can't do anything about my eyes. I'm very happy that Mr. Takada can treat me. It takes a long time, which is what it should be.""

"It would be great if Ms. Glass understood."

Takada Shinichi smiled and nodded.

Mineba Glass said:"It's not too early now, let's go down to have a meal."

The three of them left the room together and walked to the dining area below.

On the way, Shinichi Takada took a chance to open the system panel and took a look, and found that Mineba Glass's favorability towards him had reached 72 points. He I know that it is because of his help in the afternoon and his ability to cure her mother's eyes that Minerba Glass has such a high opinion of him. Gino Glass also has a good opinion of Takada Shinichi. 67 points. As the number of treatments increases, I believe that the favorability will become higher and higher.

After dinner, under the efforts of Minerba Glass and Gino Glass to stay, Shinichi Takada chose to leave. Taru.

Because he had temporarily settled the relationship with Mineba Glass, Shinichi Takada did not go to Mineba Glass the next day, but accompanied Azusa Enomoto in the pastry shop. Of course, he sat in the shop and watched Reading a magazine and drinking coffee, Azusa Enomoto was learning how to make cakes from Natsumi Kasaka.

Another day passed. On the afternoon of the final of Mineba Glass, Shinichi Takada went to the hotel where Mineba Glass was staying. Hotel.

When Shinichi Takada arrived, it was when Mineba Glass was preparing to leave for the stadium.

"Mr. Takada!"

Minerba Glass was both surprised and surprised by the arrival of Shinichi Takada.

"Is Miss Glass about to leave?

Takada Shinichi pretended to be surprised, and then said:"I came here to treat Graz. It seems that I came at the wrong time. I think the treatment should be postponed to the evening."

Minerba Gras said hurriedly:"Please Don't be like this, let's continue your treatment, Mr. Takada."

Upon hearing this, Shinichi Takada said:"Doesn't it matter if Glass is not here?"

Mineba Glass said:"If my absence has no impact, I still hope that the treatment can continue."

"This has no impact."

Takada Shinichi said

"Then please continue the treatment and do not change the treatment time because of my relationship."

Mineba Glass said. Although she was a little regretful that she could not watch at the scene, she did not want to delay her mother's treatment time because of her relationship.

Takada Zhen nodded and said:"If you insist, Miss Glass, Then there is no problem on my side."

Of course Minerba Glass insisted. After saying a few words to her mother, she left, because if she didn't leave, she might be late. After

Minerba Glass left, Shinichi Takada Then he said to Gino Glass:"Madam, let's do the first treatment. This requires your cooperation.""

"Is there anything you need me to do? I will definitely cooperate!"

Gino Glass nodded and said.

Takada Shinichi said:"I use acupuncture in Chinese medicine, so I need you, madam, to take off your clothes and lie on the bed."It was not necessary originally, but who made him care about Gino Glass? In this way, he can better deal with Gino Glass.


Gino Glass was obviously a little surprised, and asked with confusion:"Do you have to take off all your clothes?"Although she didn't think Takada Shinichi had any bad thoughts, she still felt embarrassed when she was asked to be naked in front of a strange man.

Seeing that Gino Glass didn't refuse immediately, Takada Shinichi couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth and said :"Madam, you are naked to facilitate heat dissipation. This is a necessary step. There is nothing I can do about it."

"ok, I get it!"

Gino Glass bit her lip and agreed. Although it was a bit embarrassing, she was willing to do it in order to restore her light. As an Englishman, if she could wear three o'clock, she would not hesitate. , she was just a little hesitant to be naked. This is the difference between Eastern and Western cultures.

Gino Glass was slowly taking off her own clothes, while Takada Shinichi stood motionless next to him, watching with admiration. With

"Not bad, very exciting!"

When he saw Gino Glass taking off the hood, Takada Shinichi's eyes couldn't help but light up. Although he didn't use his palm to measure, he felt that it should be like 34D through visual inspection.

"This woman is so sultry, she is wearing a thong!"

Looking at Gino Glass, who was only wearing a black thong, Takada Shinichi was slightly surprised, and then the smile on his face became even bigger. The more sultry this woman is, the greater the possibility that he will win. The speed is getting faster, which is only good for him.

Taking off his black thong, Gino Glass lay on the bed at Shinichi Takada's request, exposing everything about himself to Shinichi Takada's eyes. , let Shinichi Takada admire it.

Shinichi Takada glanced at it greedily, not to mention that this woman has a 22-year-old daughter, she really has nothing to say about taking care of her. If it weren't for the purpose of taking down Minerba Glass, Shinichi Takada would really He wanted to eat this woman like this, after all, he had already put it in his mouth.

For the sake of Minerba Glass, Takada Shinichi endured it. He did not do anything to Gino Glass, but treated her very seriously. Anyway, After arriving in Japan, he will have plenty of opportunities to play around._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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