One weekend, Shinichi Takada, Ran Maori, Sonoko Suzuki, Kogoro Maori, and Conan went on an adventure to a deserted island with the team to spend the holidays together.

Because it was Mouri Kogoro who was in contact with the group, during the return trip, Moori Kogoro actually forgot the return time of the ship, so that the group was stranded on a desert island.

Fortunately, the goddess of luck did not abandon them. A luxury ship passed the desert island and they were allowed to board the ship.

"What a beautiful sunset!"

Leaning on the handrail, Mao Lilan looked at the sunset in the distance and sighed.

"Yes, it's so beautiful!"

Suzuki Sonoko nodded in agreement, then turned to look at Mouri Kogoro who was lying on the deck chair and said:"Thank you to Lan your father for this, otherwise we would never have the chance to see this beautiful sunset."

"Yuanzi, I’m sorry!"

Mao Lilan knew that her friend was joking, but she didn't take it to heart. Instead, she asked:"Yuanzi, where is Takada?

Suzuki Sonoko replied:"He went to the bathroom.""

At this time, Mao Lilan saw the figure of a girl not far away, and called Suzuki Sonoko to come with her.

"Miss, are you okay?"

Mao Lilan asked aloud. She clearly saw the girl crying.

"It's okay, I just thought of my parents who died in a car accident.

The girl wiped her tears and said,"My name is Xiajiang Jueben. What about you?""

"My name is Mao Lilan, this is my good friend Suzuki Sonoko, and this is Conan."

Mao Lilan introduced himself, then introduced Suzuki Sonoko and Conan next to him, and said:"Are you the owner of this ship? We haven't thanked you enough for giving us a ride."

"The ship belongs to my grandfather."

While talking, Xia Jiang saw a man coming over, so he walked over, pulled the man to Mao Lilan and the others, and said to the three of them:"This is Xiao Wu. In fact, today is our big day."

"Big...great joy..."

Mao Lilan said in surprise, doesn't being happy mean marriage? In other words, these two people just got married today?

Xiajiang Yuben said shyly:"Yes, just this morning, we held a wedding on Yuben Island."

"珏本..珏本家...I thought of it! Suzuki

Sonoko suddenly said:"So you are from the Enben Group. I remembered that I also met the owner of your consortium at the banquet.""

"You should be talking about grandpa."

Xia Jiang looked at Suzuki Sonoko in surprise. Although she didn't like to pay attention to the group's affairs, she also knew that not everyone could attend the banquet attended by her grandfather. Anyone who could attend such a banquet was either rich or noble. Yes, in this case, Suzuki Sonoko’s identity is definitely extraordinary.

"Ha ha ha ha...Then I will take your good advice!"

A burst of laughter rang out, and several people looked around, only to see Takada Shinichi and a white-haired old man walking out. The one who laughed before was the white-haired old man.

Seeing this, Xiao Benxiajiang said:"That's grandpa, grandpa. I've been very angry since the wedding reception started. It's nice to be able to laugh now."

"Takada! Seeing this,

Suzuki Sonoko trotted over and came to Takada Shinichi's side.

Seeing this, Subomoto Gozo said:"This is Miss Suzuki. We have met several times at banquets.""

"Hello, Mr. Yuanben!"

Suzuki Sonoko said politely, the Enmoto Group is considered a good consortium in Japan, but compared with the Suzuki Consortium, which is also a first-class consortium in the world, it is far behind.

Takada Shinichi pointed at the gross profit Lan and others said over there:"Mr. Juben, we will go there first."

"I also ask you to attend the dinner party."

Yu Benhaozang nodded and issued an invitation.

"Yes, I won’t bother you then."

Takada Zhen nodded, left with Suzuki Sonoko, and walked towards Mao Lilan and others.

"Ding! Host, please be aware that the Crystal Palace has discovered the target Xia Jiang, and asks the host to bring him into the Crystal Palace!"

Listening to the system prompts, Takada Shinichi looked at the girl in blue clothes not far from Mao Lilan. This girl should be Yumoto Natsue. She is indeed beautiful. There is no problem in scoring 90 points. Seeing the two of them Come over, Mao Lilan introduced both parties.

When facing Shinichi Takada and Sonoko Suzuki, Gozo was very easy to talk to, but when facing his son, he was very irritable. Shinichi Takada and Sonoko Suzuki Just after leaving, Komoto Gozo reprimanded his son Komoto Kituro.

After a while, all the members of the Komoto family appeared on the deck. Only then did Takada Shinichi and others know all the members of the Komoto family. The patriarch of the Komoto family naturally It's Gomoto Gozo. Gomoto Beirou and Shoji Gomoto are the sons of Gomoto Gozo. Gomoto Beiro's wife is Mariko Gomoto, and their son is Ichiro Gomoto. Natsue Nomoto and Akie Nomoto are sisters. The late father Shoichi Tsutomoto was the son of Tsutomu Haozang. Among them, Subomoto Akie's husband was named Subomoto Ryūo, and Subomoto Natsue's husband was named Subomoto Takeshi. Both Subomoto Ryūo and Hatamoto Takeru were married into the Subomoto family. Time is slow. Slowly passed, the sunset set, the moon gradually rose, and a group of people entered the cabin.

Taking advantage of this moment, Takada Shinichi opened the system and read the reviews and strategy suggestions about Natsue Emoto

"Crystal Palace target: Xia Jiang Enmoto (91 points) - a gentle and kind girl who is indifferent to fame and wealth. (Favorability: 45+10)"

"Natsue Enmoto: A member of the Enben Consortium and the favorite heir of the Enben Haozang. He is indifferent to fame and wealth and is not moved by money. He just wants to live a good life with the man he loves. He is good at cooking, data analysis, and statistics."

"Because Natsue Enmoto is married to the man she loves, she is full of expectations for the future and does not covet the family's property. The host wants to bring Natsue Enmoto into the Crystal Palace and suggests that the host change the good impression of Natsue Enmoto on her lover Takehiko Nomoto. , made Natsue Subamoto hate Takehiko Aishiro, and then took advantage of the situation to gain favor with Natsue Subamoto."

"This suggestion from the system...But it's so-so and takes too long."

After reading the system's suggestions, Takada Shinichi secretly shook his head. He had already roughly considered the idea of ​​winning over Natsue Tsutomoto, and then he would make improvements based on the actual situation.

Because the dinner party had not yet started, Takada Shinichi and others Sitting near the dining table and chatting, it was mainly the three of them, Maori Ran, Suzuki Sonoko and Subamoto Natsue, with Takada Shinichi, Mouri Kogoro and Conan listening. After chatting for a long time, I saw that the housekeeper Suzuki Kenji had already gone to call Subamoto. After hiding it, all the people from the Yan family came to the restaurant. Mao Lilan couldn't help but said:"That...What about Mr. Xiao Wu, why didn’t you see him?"

Xia Jiang looked toward the entrance and said,"He was called by grandpa, and he didn't know what they were talking about."

While he was talking, Jue Benwu came in and walked towards the group of people. Upon seeing this,

Jue Benxiajiang stood up and walked over, looked at him and said,"Xiao Wu, why have you and grandpa been chatting for so long? And why do you look so ugly?"

Luo Benwu forced a smile and said:"I'm fine, I just stayed in the room."

Xia Jiang said nothing when he saw this. He knew that his husband didn't mean what he said, but thinking that he might have been scolded by his grandfather, he said no more.

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