After the group chatted for a while, Suzuki Ayako said she wanted to continue cooking, so she left. Takahashi Ryoichi said he wanted to repair the broken roof outside, so he also left. Chikako Ikeda said she wanted to take a look outside, and Hiroki Kakutani followed him out.

Takada Shinichi said to Suzuki Sonoko:"Sonoko, let me go out and have a look."

Suzuki Sonoko said:"Where are you going? I'll go with you."

After hearing this, Takada Shinichi said:"Just go for a walk in the woods, but you If you want to go along, then let's go together."

"Lan, we are out, remember to seize the opportunity!"

Suzuki Sonoko waved to Mao Lilan and followed Takada Shinichi away.

"The garden is real."

Mao Lilan knew what Suzuki Sonoko meant by seizing the opportunity, which was nothing more than being alone with Ohta Masaru.

After Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko left the villa, they looked at the sky and thought it might rain, so they took They went out with an umbrella and walked towards the forest.

As soon as the two stepped into the forest, raindrops began to fall from the sky.

"Walking in the rain is so romantic!"

Suzuki Sonoko leaned on Takada Shinichi, her face full of happiness.

Takada Shinichi had his own plans. Even though he was walking in the forest with Suzuki Sonoko, he was actually paying attention to everything around him.

"Mr. Ohta..Mr. Ohta..."

After a while, Takada Shinichi heard Maori Ran's voice, and Suzuki Sonoko also heard the voice.

"It's Lan's voice. Let's go over and have a look."Suzuki Sonoko said.

Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko walked towards the direction of the sound, and soon saw Maori Lan, who was facing them from the side. The distance between the two sides was only about ten meters. At this time, Takada Shinichi He handed the umbrella to Suzuki Sonoko. He knew what would happen next, if nothing changed, and he was also waiting for this opportunity, a perfect opportunity to perform.

The two walked forward a few meters more, and at this At that moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared not far behind Mao Lilan.

"Xiaolan, be careful!""orchid!"

Takada Shinichi ran forward quickly and jumped forward.

After hearing the sound, Mao Lilan turned to look towards Takada Shinichi and the two of them, only to see Takada Shinichi rushing towards her, and the two fell forward. Go, she was hugged by Takada Shinichi and fell to the ground.



Suzuki Sonoko's horrified scream rang out. In her eyes, she saw an ax scratching Takada Shinichi's back. Blood splashed in the air, and the blood on the ax blade continued to drip.

This was a bandage weirdo. He was This sudden change also shocked me. After hearing Suzuki Sonoko's frightened scream, I hurriedly ran away.

"Takada! Takada!"

Mao Lilan also came back to her senses at this time and knew what happened. She knelt on the ground, put Takada Shinichi on her legs, and cried with a cry. She did not dare to shake Takada Shinichi's body, for fear of letting Takada Shinichi It was even more uncomfortable. The long and still bleeding blood mark on Takada Shinichi's back made her heart palpitate, and she just felt so painful.


Suzuki Sonoko threw away the umbrella in her hand, burst into tears and ran towards the two of them. She squatted down and gently stroked Takada Shinichi's cheek. At this moment, Takada Shinichi had already passed out and was unconscious.

Takada Shinichi The reason why he fainted was because he knew that the bandage weirdo had left. Because of this, he dared to faint. The reason why he asked for trouble this time was because he wanted to leave a deep impression on Mao Lilan's heart. , a man who is willing to die for her, he believes that he will definitely leave a deep impression on her heart. It is not enough to be injured alone. The best effect can be achieved only by passing into a coma. It is also because Takada Shinichi is a master of medicine that he can do it. He passed out on his own.

Mao Lilan wiped his tears and said:"Yuanzi, let's help Takada up quickly and help him to the villa.""


Suzuki Sonoko responded with tears. She and Mao Lilan were on one side, letting Takada Shinichi put his hands on their shoulders, and the two took Takada Shinichi away.

Because of Suzuki Sonoko's cry, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko took Takada with them. Before Shinichi had gone far, Conan ran over. He had originally followed Maori Ran and Ohta Masaru to the forest, but lost him halfway and was attracted by Suzuki Sonoko's cry.

"How is this going?"

After seeing the three people, Conan couldn't help being shocked. Looking at Takada Shinichi, he didn't even feel jealous anymore.

Seeing Conan, Mao Lilan immediately said:"Conan, go to the villa and call someone!"

Conan didn't dare to neglect, so he responded and hurriedly ran away.

After Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko took Takada Shinichi for more than 20 meters, Conan arrived with Kakutani Hiroki and Ohta Masaru. Kakutani Hiroki and Ohta Katsu took over the work of Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko and ran to the villa with Takada Shinichi.

At this time, Mao Lilan pressed a handkerchief on the wound on Takada Shinichi's back to prevent blood from flowing out.

Fortunately, Takada Shinichi The injured place was not far from the villa. Soon a group of people arrived at the villa, went up to Shinichi Takada's room on the second floor, and put Shinichi Takada on the bed.

Because Suzuki Ayako was cooking, boiling water was readily available, and Mao Lilan prepared it for him. Shinichi Takada took off his shirt and wiped and cleaned the wound for Shinichi Takada

"The wound was so long and deep, Takada must have been in a lot of pain at the time."

Looking at the long scars and deep wounds in front of her, Mao Lilan felt heartache, and tears couldn't help flowing out. She wiped Takada Shinichi while crying. Suzuki

Sonoko didn't know how to do this. At this time, she could only throw herself into her Sister Suzuki Ayako cried in her arms.

After wiping the blood and tying up Shinichi Takada's wound with a bandage, Mao Lilan finally covered Shinichi Takada with a quilt.

After finishing their work, the group left here and let Shinichi Takada rest in the room..

When they got downstairs, Suzuki Ayako asked what was going on and how Takada Shinichi was injured. Suzuki Sonoko had almost cried, but she didn’t cry anymore at this moment, but said with a low expression:"Takada and I were going together. We were walking in the forest when we heard Lan's cry from behind, so we walked over. But before we could get to Lan, we saw a man attacking Lan. Takada was very fast and rushed over to save her. Lan, and then he himself was injured"

"I'm sorry Sonoko, it's all my fault!"

Maori Ran, who was next to Suzuki Sonoko, looked down and apologized aloud, blaming herself very much. If it hadn't been for her, Takada Shinichi would not have been injured.

"Lan, what are you talking about?"

Suzuki Sonoko said viciously:"You are also a victim, okay? It's all the fault of that bastard weirdo with a bandage on his face, it's all his fault!"

Now if the bandage weirdo dares to appear in front of Suzuki Sonoko, she will definitely fight with the bandage weirdo, and she will not think about whether she is the bandage weirdo's opponent.

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